Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

Well, it seems that the beta is not using the ultra setting properly as per reports on the net. Nway, m having a blast on the beta so far.
Thinking of cancelling my pc pre order.

After playing the beta for 30 mins felt terrible.

Looks like an unfinished rushed highly buggy product launched 6-9 months too early to compete with MW3 in sales.

Bad company 2 plays 10 times better.

In game browser of BC2 is so much better than battle log. No pings shown. Slow to load.

The scope is bigger and more beautiful and it looks good but i am very sure that its launch will be supper buggy.

Will wait for 6 months to get a fully patched and hopefully cheaper product.

I am also very angry with FIFA 12 PC Origin drm required to even start the game because of which i cannot play offline at all .

I used to like ea origin but i think its requirement to even start a game like fifa 12 or bf3 is making a lot of people angry including me.
BFBC2 when came in starting also had problem but they fixed it later BTW even that time i didn't played BFBC2 beta just simply brought it
I am quite liking the game...I like everything about it, including battle log, but I don't like the server browser there....and I dont like 'Prone-ed' snipers, but apart from that the game is too much fun...

...and the issues with key mapping etc, that will be fixed in the full version I believe.
I downloaded the Beta through Origin yesterday but when I fired it up it threw an error saying unable to connect/authenticate. Will try today when I get back home, I'm so excited!! :)
^^ Sometimes it gives that but just retry and it should work fine...

Was going thru battlelog, quite nice...facebook for battlefield ???
Worst beta ever. I had to go through the whole Origin drama first, create an account, authenticate the demo download, the connect to Battlelog to find the server via Firefox (seriously EA?), download a bunch of plug-ins and finally after numerous tries the game launches, only to stay in Windowed mode. Great!

Since I'm in a quick match, there was no option to pause the game to set the video and other options, without being killed in the heat of the battle. Setting the video options to High turned into a lag fest, set it all to medium. But it wasn't ready to go into full-screen mode without coughing up with 'a connection to the server was lost' error. Uninstalled it without a second thought.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Worst beta ever. I had to go through the whole Origin drama first, create an account, authenticate the demo download, the connect to Battlelog to find the server via Firefox (seriously EA?), download a bunch of plug-ins and finally after numerous tries the game launches, only to stay in Windowed mode. Great!

That's their anti-piracy method. Will work good for them. As for the window mode, did you try Alt+Enter?

Since I'm in a quick match, there was no option to pause the game to set the video and other options, without being killed in the heat of the battle. Setting the video options to High turned into a lag fest, set it all to medium. But it wasn't ready to go into full-screen mode without coughing up with 'a connection to the server was lost' error. Uninstalled it without a second thought.

Yeah pausing in the middle sucks, i know. But uninstalling not the best idea! It's really good.

Read the bold!
^^ yeah..Its got some issues, thats why I think EA let the beta out to get feed back...

IMO most of these issues will be fixed by the 25 Oct most likely... I dont know why people are complaining so much its a FREE beta...and BETA it is for a reason...Its a very vast game compared to BC2 I believe, give it another month, a lot can be done in that time.

The pausing to change controls and graphic settings is only there cause right now the beta is only authenticated this way. If the SP part was included, like it would be in the final build this issue will not be there.

I hope they give us an in-game server browser, I like battlelog no complaints there at all, but I think its un-necessary for it to be the launch center for MP.
wow lets see il play the open bet if its bad then iam gonna cancel the preorder

btw i made it through flipkart will they cancel the transaction that was made through a credit card?
Ethan_Hunt said:
Worst beta ever. I had to go through the whole Origin drama first, create an account, authenticate the demo download, the connect to Battlelog to find the server via Firefox (seriously EA?), download a bunch of plug-ins and finally after numerous tries the game launches, only to stay in Windowed mode. Great!

Now thats not fair. Its multiplayer we are talking about here and in multiplayer there is always (in most cases) the need to create a a/c with the client. It prevents hexors and keeps players organized and connect with pals.
And press Alt+Enter to fix the windowed mode.

Ethan_Hunt said:
Since I'm in a quick match, there was no option to pause the game to set the video and other options, without being killed in the heat of the battle.

Errm..Ethan bhai, you can't expect others to keep waiting while you fix your gfx settings in a live match now, can ya?

Ethan_Hunt said:
Setting the video options to High turned into a lag fest, set it all to medium. But it wasn't ready to go into full-screen mode without coughing up with 'a connection to the server was lost' error. Uninstalled it without a second thought.
Your gpu is ati4xxxx series ain't it ?
No offense man, but I think you are being way annoyed out of no reason. Just run the game again and let it unleash your Adrenaline on them n00bs. :D (especially reyez..... :p)* Its a really enjoyable game.
@reyez : Man i hate you, you've knifed me like 10 times in bc2 and i couldn't even get you once! grrrr. :mad:
Guys add peeps to your Battlelogs list...

My Origin username is : "Bhopali" can also add friends from my friends list...nearly all of 'em are previous BF players and from here...great way to join squads and stuff...