Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

chiragsthakur said:
6850 oced to 850mhz at ultra with 2x aa... 35 to 43 FPS in caspian border with review driver.... reso 1600x900

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I dont think its GTX460 problem... May be due to glitches and server lag.. Even due to bad ping, frames rates go down.. so wait till single player campaign releases, then you can blame your gtx460, but it was my dream card once, so i dont think it is a problem..should work fine

yes, the final game will be definitely polished and hopefully the driver too.


added more screenies here Steam Community :: PhotonAttack :: Screenshots



  • 2011-10-09_00042.jpg
    95.5 KB · Views: 152
Just a beta BF3 kept me away from FIFA12 :( ... I was thrilled to see the graphics in Caspian border map. One thing deserved a huge appreciation of the developers and thats when trees shake due to shock waves after bombing.. Its like what happens in real life....That graphics made me feel as if I am actually in a battlefield... :)
BF3Blog reports that Electronic Arts and Valve Software are in late-stage talks to get Battlefield 3 on the Steam digital distribution platform. The two are supposedly very close to reaching an agreement over sales of the game's DLC content -- the very factor that has kept Battlefield 3 off Steam thus far. But if all goes well and the details are ironed out, the highly-anticipated shooter should be available on Valve's platform in time for its October 25 launch.

Finally I can un-install origin I believe.....
BF3 Hands-On: Artificial Intelligence Analysis

After playing the first four levels of Battlefield 3's single-player campaign it looks like I should temper my expectations and dismount the hype train. There's no denying how fantastic the Frostbite 2.0-powered visuals appear, but that's only one facet of this shooter: I'm interested in how the game's Artificial Intelligence performs under the heat of battle. Will the enemies have the IQ to flank my position, or will they charge headlong into my bullets? What happens if I play devil's advocate and ignore the objectives, how will my squad mates perform? These were the important A.I. behavioral questions I wanted to answer during a recent look at Battlefield 3's campaign.

Friendly Fire

My squad is very good at going to their predetermined locations, but not much else. The set pieces are scripted, with my squad's behavior consisting of kicking down doors or diving for cover. Unlike co-op there's no revive mechanic in case someone on my team becomes incapacitated. The upside is that I don't have to worry about them taking too many bullets (their fates are tied solely to how the game plays out). They like to hang back in their cover positions and wait for me to complete the marked objectives, occasionally picking off an incoming enemy who exhibits little more than an ability to charge and pop into cover.

"Enemy troops have me surrounded and pour forth from a spawn tunnel like mindless target drones..."These observations are taking place in the "Operation Swordbreaker" level, which kicks off in a vacant parking lot. Enemy troops have me surrounded and pour forth from a spawn tunnel like mindless target drones, an infinite supply of bullet sponges that won't stop until I take out two marked targets in an adjacent building. No matter how long I stood to the side of the spawn tunnel, picking off waves of enemies, my squad wouldn't make a conscious effort to take out the two marked enemies in the building until I personally satisfied the mission objectives.

Later in the level I'm pinned down on a rooftop as incoming sniper rounds pass overhead. I follow the squad leader's commands and crawl into cover. Again, the responsibility falls to me in order to take out the sniper (with a rocket launcher no less) because I'm "the best shot." I don't mind these scripted events -- they're designed to make me feel like the best soldier in the world -- and the results of a rocket blasting a chunk out of a building is radical.

Enemy Intelligence

The enemy A.I. seems to be less robotic than my mates with their behavior changing based on the situation... but it's not perfect. In one spot during the "Uprising" level, two of them appeared to be on a coffee break, completely ignoring a firefight that was taking place just a few yards away. Only after I tossed a grenade at their feet did they snap out of their relaxed state and get involved in the battle.

It appears that many of the enemy soldiers haven't graduated from Combat 101, rarely taking a conscious effort to flank my position, electing to stay in cover and pelt at me from a distance. This same behavior was true for both open areas and tight corridor environments. Later in the same level it becomes clear they're either incredibly brave or remarkably stupid, running directly into the righteous fire of my Humvee .50 cal without a care in the world. Granted, this behavior almost suits this turret section, but it'd be nice if they'd at least attempt to stay alive.

I'm aware this is the early part of the game that's typically reserved to teach players how the game works. My hope is that there will be more involved scenarios in the later parts of the campaign where I work hand-in-hand with my squad mates, instead of them waiting for me to perform every objective. Still, I'm concerned about the awareness (or lack thereof) for some of these enemy encounters.

Not quite Einstein

With the retail release just a few weeks away, these behaviors are fairly indicative of what the final A.I. routines will be capable of, at least during the early missions from the game's single-player campaign. From what I've seen it appears the campaign will stick to the formula of scripted scenes and relying on infinite enemy spawn locations, along with my ability to take care of mission objectives (ala Call of Duty). Like previous Battlefield games it appears the multiplayer component will be the real highlight rather than the much hyped campaign, but I'll reserve final judgment until the game hits retail.


The Single player campaign seems average at best. This is what happens when you try too hard to be Call of Duty. :(
At 999/- and now at 1499/-, what BF3 offers is spot on..At less money than MW3, the multi player experience literally pawns COD... No complaints whatsoever... Wont compare to a 2K+ cod SP....
Not fighting, just telling what i think.

Viralbug, Origin isn't bad at all. If you think it is bad, you should know that Origin is a BETA too, and if you think it is bad, then you certainly have no idea how bad steam used to be when it came out.
Oh Well!! If its out on Steam, I will cancel my pre-order from "Origin" if its possible and get it thru steam...Some sites are saying that it might after all come to Steam as well....

Origin is to me is that bad.
From what I know Origin is compulsory whether you buy BF3 from a retailer or via Steam. So you may not be able to "avoid" Origin no matter where you buy the game from.

Having said that, I too will cancel my pre-order with Origin and switch to Steam because Steam is so much better. The complete lack of a "backup" option puts me off Origin. Add to this EA's absurd policy of "phasing out games" simply on a whim, or disallowing downloads 2 years after purchase (even more absurd) and you can see why theres little chance I would buy a game on Origin if it were also offered on Steam.

Knowing EA, it might just do something sneaky, like offering BF3 standard edition on Steam rather than LE which would make it pointless to buy it off Steam.

Question is - will EA even allow a pre-order to be cancelled if the person has used "early BETA access" for the game? I think not, which means we may not be able to cancel our pre-orders on Origin....
Aman27deep said:
Not fighting, just telling what i think.

Viralbug, Origin isn't bad at all. If you think it is bad, you should know that Origin is a BETA too, and if you think it is bad, then you certainly have no idea how bad steam used to be when it came out.

I know it is in Beta and I had mentioned it in 1 of my earlier posts as well. What I mean to say is that, if EA wanted to release BF3 on Origin, they should have got Origin up and running well and not in beta. When the most anticipated game of the year is launched, the last thing I would want is some stupid software to ruin it for me.

Btw I have seen how Steam was in the early days and have cursed it as well. :P
I didnt get a mail from EA even though I had preordered the game... But I was able to download and play the game via origin.I dont think beta will be linked to our purchase.. You may cancel the order IMO.

Rickyk said:
Question is - will EA even allow a pre-order to be cancelled if the person has used "early BETA access" for the game? I think not, which means we may not be able to cancel our pre-orders on Origin....
Rickyk said:
The complete lack of a "backup" option puts me off Origin.

Well there IS a way to backup.

Go to settings and "check" the "Keep game installers after game has been installed". That waya fter installing the game, the installer wouldn't be deleted, and you would only need to copy/paste the installer to the Origin games directory when you wanna re-install it again. That is how i installed BF3 Beta.

If you wanna find faults you can find faults in every thing in this world man ;)
Aman27deep said:
Well there IS a way to backup.

My fault for not being clear about what I meant by "backup".

When I say "backup" I meant as an "archive" to external media (ie. DVDs).

When a game is large (more than 4 Gigs), Steams in built backup util splits the game across several DVDs automatically depending on your stated backup media selection. Origin has no such equivalent.

With an Origin downloaded game, you will have to use a 3rd party tool to first archive the game (using a split option) and use the same tool to re-join it later. Why is it so hard to build this feature into the client itself like Steam?

Having to juggle all these "download clients" is really getting tedious and a little annoying. Origin is the 5th so far....
BTW, can some of the pros who played the BETA extensively (read more than 10 hours) please post their feedback on the game? Would be nice to hear what you guys have to say...
Rickyk said:
With an Origin downloaded game, you will have to use a 3rd party tool to first archive the game (using a split option) and use the same tool to re-join it later. Why is it so hard to build this feature into the client itself like Steam?

Give it time dude.... Steam didn't have that feature from day one did they?

Rickyk said:
BTW, can some of the pros who played the BETA extensively (read more than 10 hours) please post their feedback on the game? Would be nice to hear what you guys have to say...

I have nothing to say that you didn't read anywhere else. :)

But if i have to, it would be.

It's totally amazing. The difference between this game and Bad company 2 is immense. The recoil is the first thing you will notice. It is easily more than 2x more than what it was in BFBC2. You can't spray bullets in this game (without a bipod), at-least that's what i learnt. Also you will notice most enemies will die in 2 bullets. Which according to me is not a good thing as that i liked about BFBC2 was even if the enemy was shooting you, you could turn back and kill them if you had the skill. I don't think it will happen in Bf3 though. Another annoying thing is bolt action snipers do as much damage as auto snipers, which is a really sad thing. As bolt action snipers take more skill to use, they should definitely have more damage than a noobish auto sniper. But a good/bad thing was with no bolt action sniper will you 1-hit kill anyone, until the enemy is sprinting or u hit a headshot.

The Operation Metro map, IMHO sucks very bad. It is meant for campers and COD-noobs who are trying out the BETA, and believe me you, they'll be impressed by even that. Till i played Operation metro map, i was sad but i know that the game was really good even then. But then i played Caspian border. And man o man, what an amazing map that is. 5 points and the map is larger than all COD-maps of one game put together. And Caspian border map is in a league of it's own.

Graphics of this game are definitely the best i've seen of any game, ever, and according to me it'll be a crysis for some years to come (until and unless BFBC3 comes out next year :P).

And the bugs of this game surely need a mention. But i won't discuss that. Just a youtube search can show you how buggy this game is currently. But it IS A BETA, so no complaints.

All in all a fantastic beta, people who expect more from a beta are asking for too much. A respectable 7.5/10 from me for the beta. And i fully expect that to change to a 9.5 by the time BF3 releases.

If you need any more specific info, ask, i'll tell you.