Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Servers to Play on

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Cool!, who else is up for the BC2 meet?

Friggin signature :| Does it ever update itself? I am already at the end of 28th rank :S
|Anish| said:
You ran away the last time i pwned oops.. met you :P

Edit : no one showed up :|
Ha ha....I dont minds being pwned by pros.I am a total noob.:D
Me and Hellraiser were playing just now. Couldnt find anyone else online. By the way,did you guys get my friend requests. Must have added 6 people and only 2 people show up in the list. The friend request system is broken still I suppose.
For the friends system to work correctly,

Both the players must be in the main menu, and both should haev sent the request to each other.

Sometimes I wonder , would it be better to actually go and meet the person than to add him in friends in BFBC2 :P
Ok, how about we meet today at 5?

Firstly, either ya'll add me to msn/yahoo or let me add ya'll. Once everyone is gathered we tramp the server?

We can enter the servers with the [TE] tag :P

I know i am being kiddish, but hey its fun to pwn with fellow mates :ashamed:

So who all should I expect?





Confirm so that i remove the ? mark. Let me know any other timings that may suit everyone.

Lookin' forward !
yo sure count me in but i'll have to add you'll first! i'll do taht now!

btw BC2 peopel should use xfire, its in my sig... its an awesome gaming messenger, if we use that we'll be able to arrange meets easily! please do taht!
so the confirmed are :






Ok no problem with a later timing, please suggest a time jc36lect3r.

Devesh, whats your ingame nickname ?

I have nightwing, spindoctor and saurabh added in my ingame friends list till now. I think i added all of ya'll :S
I will only reach home from work at 7 pm :( maybe the rest can carry on and I join later.

Let me know the server though :)
Hey thats fine with me atleast. Ya'll decide on a server, i am fine with any server since my pings are mostly within playable limits to most of the topmost servers.

We can loiter around starting 6.30 though?
Ok, added you as well. I am keeping the game on in the background incase if i get any friend requests.

I will be on any one of the servers after 7.15pm tonight. Ya'll can follow me there through the friend list.

If you cannot, post here and I shall check at regular intervals. :)

The Fragnetics SG Rush 08 server looks good with a lot of empty slots, we can try to fit in that maybe.
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