Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Servers to Play on

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^^ Thanks a lot. I will try and look for you guys with the [TE] tags so please put them its hard to remember all the names :-)
Few of us but a lot of fun, my game crashed on me and I am too bored to get back in again.

Me, jc36lect3r, nightwing, reyes had a lot of fun!

Next time we should try to be in a single squad rather than in the opposition :)
Yup. Mine crashed too without any reason. Must have detected too much awesomeness on the server we were playing on.:rofl:

I suppose we can decide a particular time we are playing on weekdays and weekends so that we can bump into each other and kick a$$.
Did you see that whiner of a general who thought I was using an aimbot ?:rofl:

I love to pwn higher ranked guys who just think they are the best.. I killed him 5 times straight and became his nemesis :lol:
^WOW guys you are playing a lot pf bc2. I bought bc2 just for the mp but i don't get much time as i'm mostly busy downloading new games and currently addicted to AC2. I'mon level 2 btw and will try to join you guys soon. My id is jojothedragon. Please add me to your friends list. PS i'm a noob at mp.
Haha I lol'd when guy got pwnt by testsubject and called Aimbot!!

My game didn't crash, but there was huge lag, messed up my ratio :(

Fun to pwn camping wookies with the Gustav though :D
|Anish| said:
Did you see that whiner of a general who thought I was using an aimbot ?:rofl:

I love to pwn higher ranked guys who just think they are the best.. I killed him 5 times straight and became his nemesis :lol:
Yup. Read his message. Thought you had been kicked out by the admin.:P

jojothedragon said:
^WOW guys you are playing a lot pf bc2. I bought bc2 just for the mp but i don't get much time as i'm mostly busy downloading new games and currently addicted to AC2. I'mon level 2 btw and will try to join you guys soon. My id is jojothedragon. Please add me to your friends list. PS i'm a noob at mp.
Great. Would love to play alongside you.:) Please add all the above guys as well. The friend system doesnt work until both the parties have sent the friend requests.
|Anish| said:
I love to pwn higher ranked guys who just think they are the best.. I killed him 5 times straight and became his nemesis :lol:

have to say anish bro, YOU PLAY AWESOME <3 ! :ohyeah:

TheNightwing said:
The friend system doesnt work until both the parties have sent the friend requests.

its been fixed now :P
I joined when everyone had left. I think reyes was still playing. I have got better after getting the razer abyssus, atleast while sniping. Was using an iBall lazer precise mouse earlier. Or it may be psychological.
Aman27deep said:
have to say anish bro, YOU PLAY AWESOME <3 ! :ohyeah:

haha, thanks bro, you took me out first ! :P

baccilus said:
I joined when everyone had left. I think reyes was still playing. I have got better after getting the razer abyssus, atleast while sniping. Was using an iBall lazer precise mouse earlier. Or it may be psychological.

Dunno but I really dont feel any difference with a gaming mouse :S

Am using a 250 bucks imation mouse :D

Btw, anyone playing now? I am going in now, fragnetics mostly.
Is XFire supported in this game? It doesn't bring up the name of the game in the game list.

BTW, my xfire id is: saurabh2804
gaming mouse is only useful for the 2-3 extra buttons it has. as it is i dont think bc2 is supporting mouse 4 or mouse 5 (aint working on my MX518), so it dont make no difference. BTW i rewmember playing with my old featherweight microsoft mouse... it was more kinda same, just the difference is MOAR buttons...

i am improving my kd more and more ^^ i hoppe to be on par with anish soon <3

my best session ever so far :P

Aman27deep said:
gaming mouse is only useful for the 2-3 extra buttons it has. as it is i dont think bc2 is supporting mouse 4 or mouse 5 (aint working on my MX518), so it dont make no difference. BTW i rewmember playing with my old featherweight microsoft mouse... it was more kinda same, just the difference is MOAR buttons...

i am improving my kd more and more ^^ i hoppe to be on par with anish soon <3
my best session ever so far :P

If you really want kills, aim for the head and shoot in smaller bursts with either M60 or XMP or AEK/M16A2 with the 4x zoom snap-on gadget.

Xfire is one pesky application that i would avoid always during a game. I used it during my BF2 days, and boy! it was annoying and i always used to get killed when chatting someone. I'd rather keep away and enjoy the game ;)
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
I still cant get fragnetics or saluzi to turn up..and yes, I use the proper punctuation.

well u say u use proper punctuations, well u might well might have, do these 2 things,

"Fragnetics" and "SALUZI" (saluzi is useless noow, only restricted to thailand now.. :|

you dont press enter in that screen, u manually click via mouse...
Nice to see a good many of us from TE on BC2. I also play BC2, my timings are a bit odd though and not regular. Would like to bump into you guys sometime.

P.S: my soldier is "wolfcruxx"
Finally got fragnetics working. Played for a couple of hours today as an engineer, was fun running around like a headless chicken.

I use the id peepeepee. I'll be playing tonight from 12:00 am. Lemme know if someone else is going to be online at that time.
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