Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Servers to Play on

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M60 with Magnum ammo pwns :P

But I wanna try Shotguns now... Rush with a shotgun in a wookie suit.... diffiicult to make out if its friendly or foe as all wookies look alike :D
I had a similar kind of rush on Valparaiso but with my knife. Chopped 5 heads from behind without anyone knowing about it :lol:
I'm a level 4 scrub

Not fun getting owned by KD ratio is like and on top of that I think I picked a bad class to play. An engineer doesn't seem as cool/useful as a medic or assault...

And whats the deal with giving a medic a bloody
The updates have now been released. From what I have been reading on forums, the patch is 370MB in size. Can't find an official source though. It will take a long time to update :-(.

Source for news
^^updating now. It says they rebalanced and tweaked the weapons, but haven't given any stats. Guess the M60 is in for a nerf :(
jc36lect3r said:
^^updating now. It says they rebalanced and tweaked the weapons, but haven't given any stats. Guess the M60 is in for a nerf :(

It has not been nerfed (a nerf is a change to a game that reduces the desirability or effectiveness of a particular game element). However the update is bigger than I initially thought. It has been more than 3-4 hours now and I am still updating. I am on the BSNL 256K plan. More over the progress bar is stuck at around 50% on terrain-00.fbrb file.
They did change the M60, reduced the base damage. Also reduced accuracy for unzoomed fire on the run. That would reduce the desirability or effectiveness, no?

I got errors while downloading the terrain-00.fbrb file, 3 times. On 4th try now, all the best.
Leaving it overnight. It is still stuck on terrain-00fbrb though the modem shows things are being downloaded. I hope I have it patched up when I wake up tomorrow. Good night guys.
The update is around 370 MB. Despite people reporting a smoother gameplay,mine freezes a lot and fps drops in close firefights.
And you get airdropped in case you spawn at the Deployment point of the Nelson Bay map.:P Or maybe it was the first time I played this map.
TheNightwing said:
The update is around 370 MB. Despite people reporting a smoother gameplay,mine freezes a lot and fps drops in close firefights.

And you get airdropped in case you spawn at the Deployment point of the Nelson Bay map.:P Or maybe it was the first time I played this map.

The drop in fps and a not so smooth gameplay is because PB is turned on again. Till now PB was off since they were waiting for R10 servers.

Btw, i found this neat gadget for 7/Vista which shows your stats in depth!!
I installed my game yesterday and whenever I try to browse for servers, it says"Failed to connect to EA online" I bought this game to play online and now I can't! WTF? BTW what ports are to be opened for it? I am able to login into my EA account, was able to unlock stuff with my redeem code but that's just about it what the game allows me to do online. I can't play it online. Help me here folks!
Turn off firewall? Turn on punkbuster? Server maybe unreachable, happens sometime. Choppy internet, torrents in the background, youtube streaming, lots of possible reasons here.

Not sure about the port here though. I run with Win 7 Ultimate and Kaspersky and I didn't have to open any ports.
Ryunosuke said:
I installed my game yesterday and whenever I try to browse for servers, it says"Failed to connect to EA online" I bought this game to play online and now I can't! WTF? BTW what ports are to be opened for it? I am able to login into my EA account, was able to unlock stuff with my redeem code but that's just about it what the game allows me to do online. I can't play it online. Help me here folks!

Installed the game thrice till now
1) Just installed cliking yes to all... Needed DVD in drive to play (played online)
2) Uninstalled and installed and opted for online verification (failed in playing online as I kept getting the error message. I opened the ports which were mentioned in forums but nothing worked.
3) Uninstalled and installed like before with DVD needed to be played.... started working again
^ But I selected the Online Authentication method which doesn't requires DVD in drive as mentioned by them and I updated my game after installation and registered it and stuff Online last night.

Will go through the singleplayer mode first and maybe by the end of the month the BSNL's boost will end and situation might improve and will play then coz when I clicked on Play Now, I was connected to a random server where I was getting ping of 792ms and was disconnected soon.
So what is the problem now? You cannot go online at all or you get connected to a crappy server with 700 ping?

No idea about solution to the first problem, for the second problem go through the 2 BC2 threads here ( you are in one of them ) for a list of servers that give acceptable pings.
yeah i'd go with what anish is saying, im getting 500+ pings to sg/malay servers, guess this is where indian server would have been useful :/
People, just hang on for a couple of days until the repair is done. I've been through this thing earlier when i used to play bf2.
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