Beam cable Hyd 2mbps@999

wait...why is everyone so worked up. even with the FUP after 25 GB or whatever, 786 kbps is still a very good speed for thousand bucks. I mean other providers give way less than 786 for 1k to begin with. unless I don't understand the FUP, do they cut your speed by the same ratio after every 25 GB. Please replly cos I am moving to hyderabad beginning of May and planning to take Beam.
We get 2mbps for 1k for 1st 25gb of download...then after that 768kbps...till end of month...this started from this month...last month i got 2mbps for entire month n download approx 200gb...
it seems like my connection is also throttled now to 768kbps after 40gb download.

Or is it because of cable getiing cut, can anyone verify?
hi this PM from faizan123...he cant post this for some posting on his behalf...
Hello ,
Im from hyd using Beam broadband. They have cheated us very badly. So myself along with my friends visited their headoffice at banjara hills opp KARVY around 15days back. We Yelled at them badly. They were really scared. we threatened them to file a case in consumer court and also to post this in Deccan chronicle. They said they cant revert their plans just for the sake of few people. So after 2hours of War of words . They finally asked us to come after few days as we wanted to speak to their MD n so we visited their office again after few days it was 10 people this time. They were very scared. Only 5 people were allowed to speak to their MD . I was one among them and leading the group too . MD was calm and cool , his name is Birjesh. He asked me how much my data usage is and many other questions. He first told me that he would be returning all my money if i want , i said this will ruin their reputation as they are not able to satisfy their customers. So then he proposed about the Unlimited night usage and 25GB limit in the day time. We agreed for that. He earlier said 8hours of night unlimited usage. he said it would be implemented from MAY . We left . After few days i had to go to head office again as my friend's speed was downgraded even though he dint complete his 25GB limit. He was at 20.7GB , after speaking to the Asst . Manager , he said he is not sure if the limit is 20 or 25GB . This is the situation with BEAM . Who are not even sure. Then when i asked him how far the implementation of Night usage has come. He said its not yet decided. It was a proposal , it may or may not be implemented. I threatened them that it would be very bad. They say they cant do anything for just 0.5% of people who download alot. They care about 99.5% of people who dont use much. So i want friends to help me on this Sat i.e . MAY 1st to come with me at their head office and yell at them at threaten them to go legally. For much more details contact me on this no. 9xxxxxxxxx(Edited for security purposes...PM faizan123 for his number) . For some reason im unable to post on this thread . So please ask all the members to visit . So that many people can really make a difference. Its for our better. They cant betray us like this. They cant let this go off so easily.

Got the same message

I'll surely be there

Lets make a stand we can also argue that even Airtel is giving 4 mbps with 25gb FUP for 1.4K. This will surely concern them as we have a lot of influence as we can also threaten them that we'll spread the word and no one will choose beam over airtel.

Lets see how many of us here are free and coming and i thought we should get our friends(even those who don't use beam) there to show them a large number.
Unfortunately i cant make it as I have other things to attend to, but sould you complie a list of users who are complaining, be sure to contact me for my account details, and a friend's as well, longer the list, better it is
hi guys got this PM from faizan123, so posting on his behalf

I donno im still not able to post in that thread. I guess its awaiting activation. Meanwhile ask all of the guys to contact their customer support and threaten them that if nothing happens before May 1st u r going to take them to consumer court , ask that customer support guy to email all these things on ur behalf to either Nodal officer or some other higher officer. Im asking u to do this bcoz we did that many times so if i do this again it'll be of no use. If many different people do this then they might feel the heat . Please do this . Be rude with them. Dont be polite. Later on this Sat we can visit their head office. Anyways . Please post this in that thread as well. Any queries plz either email me on or 9985024188. Bye
Message from faizan

Its beside CITY CENTRE LANE. Go on towards the right u can find KARVVY. Opp to karvvy lane, in that towards the left is HSBC bank and on going further towards the right dead end u can find BEAM TELECOM. so if u knw the shortest route for CITY CENTRE then u can reach beam as well . Plz be there by 3:45pm . My no. Is 9985024188z u can contact me , if u want. Plz also get some other beam users. So shld i expect u alone or anyother people.



any one else coming
Omg My Account is finally Activated .

Thanks to Gauviz and Kamcoolin for coming. But unfortunately the M.D of the beam is not interested for any discussion this time. If any one had any problem , he can get a refund , thats it. I guess if more people would have come then it would be different, what can we expect with just 6 people.
^^Good try buddy....Now I think they have started capping rapidshare/megaupload download speed since 1st may...m gettingnot more than 30kbps...can any one please confirm?? tried abt 7-8files from rapidshare/megaupload/uploading/turbobit...all of them are giving speed upto might go upto 60 for a sec or two but again comes down...used JDownloader n IE default for testing...plz verify every1...
sorry if this has been already posted....

but fup aplies to friend is on a 4mbps plan...the fup limit on that is 25gb after which the speed be 1mbps for rest of the month

but considering the way other operators also decrease fup limit(airtel 25gb for 512mb plan)it sounds a fair deal

the biggest plus point of beam is that give same speed for download and uploads not like other who cap it to 256kbps or 512kbps
then wht might be issue with my JDownloader??
Can any1 help me out?? Used to get 200+ with basic megaupload account but nowadays just 25-30kbps.....
I use a Rapidshare Premium account and i get speeds around 250-260 on my 2mbps plan. Never had any issue.

Lol. IF any one is interested to buy a premium for RS then do tell me. I have a 3months premium acc. Which im planning to sell. I'll sell it for 20% lesser when compared to RS. :)