Black Friday (25th November, 2011) deals.

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Sarath_ said:
As long as you don't get into the green channel you are safe.

Sent from my LT15i using Tapatalk

At Mumbai airport, those people check each and everyone even if one goes through green channel.

Btw green channel means "nothing to declare" right ? So how is not going there safe ?
Fly in to Bangalore coz customs here are lamers , they think they are smart by marking luggages. All u have to do is clean off the marking and walk out.
raksrules said:
At Mumbai airport, those people check each and everyone even if one goes through green channel.

Btw green channel means "nothing to declare" right ? So how is not going there safe ?

Which is the dangerous one red or green? :D

I think I am confused
buBleZ said:
Are there any customs levied for importing Clothing stuff (wollen coat) ?

When it comes to clothing, they usually don't care much about it. It is electronics that raises a flag for them.
You walk into red chanel if you are declaring your stuff. In grenn you are saying that ur not carrying anything worth declaring. Upto 30k(mayb 25) value doesn't carry duty.

Sarath_ said:
Which is the dangerous one red or green? :D

I think I am confused
edge111hussain said:
You walk into red chanel if you are declaring your stuff. In grenn you are saying that ur not carrying anything worth declaring. Upto 30k(mayb 25) value doesn't carry duty.

Does keeping bills handy of whatever you are bringing as a proof of mentioning that stuff is less than 25K INR cost in total will make any difference.
Yup, incase its something which aint too common. Though they do have a good estimate. Recently i walked in with a lcd-29k from Dubai. wasnt charged customs. I had the bill and showed it to em. Thats when he told me that "30 ke upar hota toh hum marte" :)

See the worst thing that can happen is them opening ur bag in suspicion. In that case, ur at their mercy. Dont let it come to that....

raksrules said:
Does keeping bills handy of whatever you are bringing as a proof of mentioning that stuff is less than 25K INR cost in total will make any difference.
Is the Dell Streak Deal over ( 150$ )
I might tell my bro to pick up one for me, he is coming back from US in the first week of Dec.
Despite my Sis being in US at this time, I couldn't find any thing of much use to buy. My only purchase so far is Kinnect Sensor bar for $99 with two games and NYKO Zoom lens for kinnect. I guess the games would be region locked and useless to me, but the sensor bar is still a good deal at that price considering we have to shell out nearly 10k here in India. My Sis got a Canon SX210IS for $199 (missed the $149 deal) and a Logitech C910 Webcam for $49.
Lord Nemesis said:
Despite my Sis being in US at this time, I couldn't find any thing of much use to buy. My only purchase so far is Kinnect Sensor bar for $99 with two games and NYKO Zoom lens for kinnect. I guess the games would be region locked and useless to me, but the sensor bar is still a good deal at that price considering we have to shell out nearly 10k here in India. My Sis got a Canon SX210IS for $199 (missed the $149 deal) and a Logitech C910 Webcam for $49.

very well assessment of us market.

their is nothing much to buy.
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