Black Friday (25th November, 2011) deals.

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IE8 would be nice :)


MC5 at $40 should be good to go. It has the best build quality of the Etymotics, but it has a strange sound signature - far different from HF2 I have. HFx is said to have a signature closer to ER4S, the original Etymotic sound. But at $39, you can't go wrong with MC5 - if not for anything at least for that isolation by inserting the triple flange within an inch of your ear drum :). However, you may need to use Arrow with them because they need some power to shine or even sound.
UE TF10 on sale on amazon for 95$


Oops i think everyone know this :ashamed:

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TF10 deal is dead.
Toshiba thrive 8GB will be going on sale on amazon in less than 1 hour from this post.

Asus transformer 32GB will be going on sale on amazon in less than 2 hours from this post.

Link -> Black Friday Deals and Cyber Monday Sales at

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laemo said:
Andddd, picked up the MC5 too! Might be selling some of my earphones soon, heheh.
Link please ??

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Few videos for you guys to see what black friday at retail stores is like :D (not personal videos, taken from internet). Will add more when i get.

People thronging for the $2 waffle maker -> Ms. Clark to you - Over $2 waffle makers lol - Twitvid

Walmart -> Walmart Black Friday Madness 2011 - YouTube (this is the same way i scored those 7" digital photo frames and the barbie doll) :D

One more -> Michelle Muñiz - Abren las puertas de Best Buy. Consumidores fuera de control #blackfriday - Twitvid

Black Friday FIGHT! Wal-Mart in Houston - YouTube
Sanav3 said:
Even transformer gone, 330 lame pricing

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

yeah lame pricing. I tried but did not get. As it is, for 330$ i was not going to check out anyways.

Would have if it was under 300$

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Now waiting for Fry's saturday ad. They have listed 4 free after rebate items (from their FB page) but i am not going to Fry's for that at all.
buBleZ said:
^^ Kilpsch X10s are available for 95$ if you would like to order .

na not really interested in klipsch my earphones to be a bit neutral without too much of bass...ahh well might as well try my luck on sure many tf 10's might come up by tue-wed
They have scrapped ie8, instead ie80 is gonna come up on sale. Dont have any link but will upodate as soon as it comes up..

3.14or22by7 said:
^^ Wow..good to hear that IE8 are coming on sale..are you sure? Have any link?
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