Borderlands 2 -Discussion Thread

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No. Is there a specific way to play this game ??. Does the guns get better or all the guns have the same amount of recoil ?
"When Grandma burps; Patrik obeys" :D thats the order of better guns. white<green<blue<purple<Orange. The recoil, damage, fire rate, reload speed and damage depend the type of maufacturer too. like vladolf guns always have the best fire rate and Jakobs always have the best damage. once you start getting the orange guns you will start enjoying the game. for starters, get a lot of money and go to moxxi's bar and tip her a lot of money, she will give moxi's good touch or bad touch. both are purple guns and your game will get better with them.
Ethan_Hunt, tarey_g, I am not sure about this weekend. I will call you and confirm. Vamsi has got his replaced HDD, so we should be good to go, although I think he doesn't have his saves, so we'll need the save editor for him.
Anyone looking to trade legendary loot? I've got two extra legendary siren mods and one legendary mechromancer mod from farming Terramorphous. Will trade for an orange SMG like the b**ch or babymaker. If you have anything else to offer, let me know as well.
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