BattleStar Gallactica - SciFi [The Best SciFi have seen till date]
Bionic Woman - [just 8 episodes]
Chuck - Like the Female Agent , looks sexy.
Eureka - SciFi [gr8 watch]
Gossip Girl - [Love the characters in this serial]
John Doe - [gr8 serial - just 21 episodes] [have luck finding it] [why did they discontinue it

Journey Man - 13 episodes only
Kyle XY - [Same theme as John Doe but its much improved]
Las Vegas - [Catch theft and frauds in the Las Vegas Montecito]
New Amsterdam - [New York City homicide detective John Amsterdam is cursed with immortality] Ended after its 8th episode
Reaper - Is ok , if are out of stuff to watch then watch this.
The 4400 - [Like heroes each have special abilities , all the 4400 ppl]
The OC
Terminator TSCC
Stargate Atlantis - SciFi
Search , Imdb and Wiki for more info on the above serials.