Brainwavz M4 available at 60% off for $28 (Standard Price is $69.50)

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Finally, I got the letter from the Postal department after more than a month. To just quote the gist...

When you signed the receipt and gave it back to the postman and did not raise a hue and cry over any tampering of the package, then and there, you absolved our department of any wrong doing or responsibility. The end.

:angry: :bomb: :no2: :bye2: to M4. I will not bother complaining the next time either to MP4Nation or waste time at the post office.
I guess customs people saw too many inbound packets from mp4nation marked as gift. It seemed totally legit to them after that.
Anybody has experience with MP4Nation's FedEx shipping? Have you been charged duty? After this miserable experience, I think that is a safer way to order things from MP4Nation.

Right now, M4 is back up at $49.50. But they offer a free E6 + 2 day FedEx Priority shipping. Off the codes at retailmenot, fb2012fiver code still works (that is the only with any amount of success), bringing down the cost to $47.02 (~ 2700). Considering that E6 goes for Rs. 1550 from PN, M4 is available for less than the price of the bygone $28 offer. The only issue that remains unknown in this case is of course, customs :annoyed:

Considering I've already heard the M4 and I would have no use for E6 + the loss of $28, I am not tempted. But if anybody is looking for a cheap amp-IEM combo without spending too much, this could be a good offer.
Anybody has experience with MP4Nation's FedEx shipping? Have you been charged duty?
I had gotten the BrainWavz B2 on pre-order from MP4Nation, with free FedEx Priority shipping. It was shipped out from HongKong on Tuesday, and reached me on Friday. Pretty fast shipping compared to the M4 experience.

And best of all, didn't get hit by customs at all. MP4Nation had marked them as "Sample Equipment", worth $20 :sleep:
Any impressions on B2?
I'm no expert, but here goes my personal impressions.

B2 signature feels focused on Treble. Treble is smooth and crystal clear, with no grain anywhere. The focus on Treble gives them an impression of being detailed, but I think you would get the same feeling with any treble focused IEMs. Mid's are OK. Bass is reproduced well when it's present in source, but it's very fast. Unlike the M4, there's no 'rumble' or 'decay' in the bass.

Compared to the M4, the B2 feel very energetic and crystal clear; Or another way of looking at it, the M4 feel somewhat veiled.

Do note that some on Head-Fi have complained of sibilance, but I couldn't feel any myself. Now, it could be because I'm mostly using these with a non audiophile source (Nokia N82), although I have given them some time with Sansa Fuze & Essense STX. Maybe I'm just not that sensitive to sibilance :lol:.

You should also check the longish thread on Head-Fi, where many have posted their impressions.
Brainwavz B2 Impressions & Discussion Thread
Essense STX got some brightness at the top end that almost screams in bright phones if I don't tame it with Stepdance.
Yeah, but the sound signature is quite bright and adding a bright phone actually makes it too hot to handle for longer listenings.
^ thats what he meant.... the bright signature is because of the high output impedence.....any source with such a high OI changes the frequency response
Now this is fascinating .! Here i go again :bleh:

A few queries pop up when you point out OI as a factor for the "bright" signature of the STX .

As the output impedance increases the electrical damping is reduced. The bass performance of the headphones as designed by the manufacturer may be audibly compromised if there’s insufficient damping. it might become more “boomy” and less controlled , transient response becomes worse and the deep bass performance is compromised . The headphones roll off sooner at low frequencies

How is it that the higher frequencies are affected ? AFAIK , the frequency response deviations are only at the low end.

Correct me if am wrong , my knowledge on the subject being limited :p
I don't have any deeper understanding about OI and the interaction with FR either. I don't usually dig deep beyond skimming the surface in 'objective' arena.

it is said that bass is affected. But, my understanding is that impedance of the IEM/headphone is not a constant. It varies with frequency and the figure quoted in the specs is usually nominal impedance. So, I am going to just provide links and step aside :P

See TF10's impedance-phase graph at GoldenEars.

From Tyll's review of DT880

The lower the output impedance of the amplifier, the less it will “feel” and be affected by the load reactance (phase angles).

It is the ratio of the output impedance of the amp to the load impedance of the headphones that results in the “damping factor” of the system. Damping factor is the load impedance divided by the source impedance. As a rule of thumb, a damping factor of 10 or more is desirable for the source to be able to drive the load with authority. For example, if the amp has an output impedance of 10 ohms, you want the headphones to be at least 100 ohms or more in order for the amp to make the headphone driver move accurately with the audio signal.

From NwAvGuy's article on this topic. Read the NwAvGuy's article and see how Super.Fi5 changes beyond 10Khz based on load.

Headphone impedance changes with frequency. If the output impedance is much above zero this means the voltage delivered to the headphones will also change with frequency. The greater the output impedance, the greater the frequency response deviations. Different headphones will interact in different, and typically unpredictable, ways with the source. Sometimes these variations can be large and plainly audible.
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