Car & Bike Buying Superbikes, suggestions please!

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Guys enough with the advice, at this rate he won't touch a bike with a ten-foot pole ;)

As Rahul has clarified, it is only intended for proper track use and not for the streets. Masky and quite a few others mention that this is legal - I don't think Lewis Hamilton waited till 18 before he started racing on the tracks ! So assuming he is getting it for the right reasons, lets give him suggestions related to his query alone.
track or no track, its a bad idea (no matter what protection you got) to jump onto a superbike directly after a Kinetic. IMO - if possible - practice (on the track) with a pulsar 220 and then move onto a 400/600cc SBK...

As for the prices of superbikes - anything from abroad will cost you double the street price unless you have really high level contacts in customs.

R1 seems like a good option.
track or no track, its a bad idea (no matter what protection you got) to jump onto a superbike directly after a Kinetic. IMO - if possible - practice (on the track) with a pulsar 220 and then move onto a 400/600cc SBK...

I think, u didn't got me... I am into superbikes for more than 2 years.. but i use Kinetic in traffic :P
Rahul must understand that the society we live in is not so flexible when it comes to doing thing which is not a trend already. People have to fight to prove themselves. And sadly in this fight more than half of talented people are lost.

Be a trend-setter, responsible and truthful to yourself. Thats all man.

Though i dont have any suggestions as i have no idea about superbikes. I would say you should take suggestions from a proper superbike forum. Iam sure there would be many, google them.
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