Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Discussion Thread

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The single player looks truly epic this time. I am pretty confident that its going to be better than the Battlefield 3 single player campaign. And the visuals look fine to me. My only wish is that the single player campaign is atleast 10 hours long.
Hours dosent matter (especially in these type of games) if the gameplay and story is kick ass.Like mw a six hour campaign is sufficient enough to impart the required fun.
Moreover cod series is an all rounder game keeping balance in everything and mostly on single player.However hours does matter mostly if its an rpg or a tps.
it seems bf3 is also using a similar map.Anyways this time from which movies they might have borrowed the elements any ideas?:D
Ethan_Hunt said:
Exclusive London Gameplay:


Donno if this is a norm with COD series...

If they release gameplay trailers of 5-10min every now and then

what would be left to play then?
I'd fallen off the Gaming bandwagon for 2 years straight before I got a new laptop, got COD:MW2 and had a blast. Didn't play the multiplayer though.

Black Ops was decent, too. I hope somebody gets frustrated and sells me MW3 at a cheap rate because I've already spent on BF3.
modern warfare 2 was pure shooting and killing spree.. lots and lots of people to shoot... BFBC2 was more limited and more controlled missions... MW2 was fast and fully action paced.. BFBC2 was more missions oriented and stealthy..

At the end of the day both have a niche of their own and both should be played with an unbiased view to enjoy them fully.. Give me either and i would be happy:)
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