In Class 11...School started in april ... had PCM+Comp Sci since then ... It sure as hell is one huge leap i tell ya (10th to 11th) ..... BUT, i'm still confused. Science or Commerce ?
Science options(practical, not theoretical) - Engg(India, Singapore), CBSE(once uve done engg course, cbse is a piece of cake..), a bit of SAT(cause there's not much time to join SAT prep classes)
Commerce options - DU(not that tough, I might not get 95% but can easily get 90+) by CA)/Eco hons(followed by MBA or somtin), LAW(only need to take prep classes around teh end of 12th), SAT(quite some time for SAT after wich i can also do engineering in US).
Backup (if i totally screw up) - UK, Canada, Australia(85%+ in CBSE boards)
Right now, im studying for more than 1.5 hr a day. Which, as far as i go, is a LOT. I used to study just for like a couple of weeks before the exams ... 10th boards i started a month in advance .. got 87%(screwd up french ..73). People in commerce are still doing like 3-4 hrs a week...
So my question is this - Is science(engineering, actually) actually worth all the hard work or is commerce as good an option as science today ?
thanx .........
Science options(practical, not theoretical) - Engg(India, Singapore), CBSE(once uve done engg course, cbse is a piece of cake..), a bit of SAT(cause there's not much time to join SAT prep classes)
Commerce options - DU(not that tough, I might not get 95% but can easily get 90+) by CA)/Eco hons(followed by MBA or somtin), LAW(only need to take prep classes around teh end of 12th), SAT(quite some time for SAT after wich i can also do engineering in US).
Backup (if i totally screw up) - UK, Canada, Australia(85%+ in CBSE boards)
Right now, im studying for more than 1.5 hr a day. Which, as far as i go, is a LOT. I used to study just for like a couple of weeks before the exams ... 10th boards i started a month in advance .. got 87%(screwd up french ..73). People in commerce are still doing like 3-4 hrs a week...
So my question is this - Is science(engineering, actually) actually worth all the hard work or is commerce as good an option as science today ?
thanx .........