Commerce Vs Science

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Keane 16

In Class 11...School started in april ... had PCM+Comp Sci since then ... It sure as hell is one huge leap i tell ya (10th to 11th) ..... BUT, i'm still confused. Science or Commerce ?

Science options(practical, not theoretical) - Engg(India, Singapore), CBSE(once uve done engg course, cbse is a piece of cake..), a bit of SAT(cause there's not much time to join SAT prep classes)

Commerce options - DU(not that tough, I might not get 95% but can easily get 90+) by CA)/Eco hons(followed by MBA or somtin), LAW(only need to take prep classes around teh end of 12th), SAT(quite some time for SAT after wich i can also do engineering in US).

Backup (if i totally screw up) - UK, Canada, Australia(85%+ in CBSE boards)

Right now, im studying for more than 1.5 hr a day. Which, as far as i go, is a LOT. I used to study just for like a couple of weeks before the exams ... 10th boards i started a month in advance .. got 87%(screwd up french ..73). People in commerce are still doing like 3-4 hrs a week...

So my question is this - Is science(engineering, actually) actually worth all the hard work or is commerce as good an option as science today ?

thanx .........
I can tell u one thing.

That study habit can screw you royally in engineering. I mean i have seen some guys study very little but still do good because of good college staff and these student sincerely attending all lectures. But you cant mug up entire engineering portion in 2 weeks. And even if you do u will forget everything very quickly. And atleast MU syllabus requires something that u studied last semester in next.

If you dont really know what u wana do i strongly suggest u take counselling with good counselor near you. Most people make mistakes in career options at this stage simply because they dont have enough information about what they are about to choose as future. Dont make this mistake.
Look, if you choose a course based on "I don't want to study more than 1 hr a day ever in my life", just become a f****** coolie.

No matter what course you take, at some point in life you are going to have to put in real effort.

What do you want to do? What is your aptitude? I can understand rebelling against studying 5 hours a day after school (I did btw). But 1 hr is a bloody joke.

I am doing an MS, and next sem my estimated course load is 80-90 hours a week. The BS guys doing their engineering have 50-60 hours too. So don't think life is going to be a bloody cakewalk anywhere.
^^ Basically, everybody is putting is waaay more effort than you are, and with that kinda effort, you wont make it for Engg definately (Management Quota aside).

Commerce then yes, you might be able to get into a B-Grade BBA / BMS course.
:o ........ everyone I know's doing pretty much the same ./..

The FIITJEE/Naraina people have a total of ten hours of classes a week .. so i dont see how around 1.5hrs a day is less :S ...

And could someone edit my post and make it 1.5hrs+ ...
at the end of the day it counts how much damn confident u are on yourself.
i finished the whole fooking organic chemistry in 2 weeks yes get it right 2 weeks before exam in 12th.
:) have confidence and do what ur good at and yea have some counselling... it helps.
i'd say go for engg as in commerce u gotta put more efforts tyhan in engg. lok for specific engg like plastic technology or jute technology.. damanding yet definitely light on head than working on solid state laser in BAARC.
Atitude is important...

It took me 5 years to compl my engg...and for sm1 like me who topped right thru school(outstanding student medal can u believe it) it was a big disapoint for my teahcers and parents... The downslide began with my 12th and then then my average days continued thru engg up untill the last 4 months where I reorganised my ass and cleared a whole lot of papers(dont ask how many)..If you dont have the attitude, the desire to learn n succeed and measure studies as in hours the chances of ending up a loser is pretty high...

I have a pretty succesful career now, but smtimes it still hurts that I lost out on 1 year in engg coz I didnt do what I should have done...

Dont slog....plan your studies....organize urself...

Do whatever you like but do it well...

Edit: Your 10th marks are good...Mine were better, but i still went down later coz I got lazy...Keep your focus and keep this up, good luck!
lol you still haven't made up your mind yet? go commerce if you can't put in enough time, seriously. Especialy if you haven't made up your mind on what stream you want to take up (which will be available in a huge variety. Especialy if you're considering abroad.), its best you take up com+math or something like that score as much as you can.

Its better than taking up science and scoring 40-60% in it due to lack of time.
LOL there's no shortcut to success... you need to put in effort to get the results even if u are an einstein. An hour a day during 10-12th is ridiculous... I mean come on... those are the most crucial years of ur life whether you like it or not and there should be no scope for screw ups. After all there's the entire life left after that for fun and games but unless you put in the requisite effort during that time, you'll just be screwed in life. If I were you, I'd forget everything for those two years. Babes and booze can come later :P and they do come easily believe me ;).
Just to give you an idea of the kind of replies im looking for; a guy on another forum just told me that anyone with 88-90+ in 12th boards can get into ILS, so even if i don't spend time on law classes, i can still go into law ... so now that helped a lot ... :)
Hmm. Thanks man Chaos ...

You're from IIIT right ? How many hours do you think one needs to put in ? Was 11th a cake walk for you ? How much did u get in the 12th boards ? did you giv any other entrances ? Howd u fare in them ?
I didn't study too much for 12th boards. Managed 94% overall and 98% PCM IIRC. All my efforts were for competitive exams. Unfortunately screwed up IIT entrance cos we got a completely different paper pattern and hence my first paper (physics) was totally screwed. I gave the IIIT entrance and got 40th out of 25k applicants I think. Now its much worse... it goes thru AIEEE and well this time round CS closed at 1600 i think. Gave some other useless entrances like BIT Meshra and Roorkee. Got into both, didnt even think of them :P.

If you want to do good study hard. FIITJEE is 10 hrs of classes. And the people who succeed in it study 3 hours afterwards!

Don't say "but my friends don't study that much". My friends all took up IIT coaching. and they all dropped out. I was the only one who got thru screening and got an AIR. And after 4-5 hours of study a day, and 96.4% in CBSE, I still got just 2715.

You can take commerce. Chill out. But if you want to do CA or MBA admit to IIM, trust me, you will need to study just as hard. So remember - if you want to study less than 2-3 hours a day, you will have to make that up at a later stage.

And I did ask you a question - do you dislike PCM, other than the amount of study?
Nah Chem is good(except for teh hypothetical stuff), Phys is OK-OK(not done any interesting topics uptill now..), Maths is cool ...

As for commerce, i hate ill-logical stuff like Business studies(no understanding, all crammin)... ecos ok(the statistical part ..) ... accounts .. i dunno ..
Well don't worry about physics too much. IIRC 12th standard physics is about 10 times more interesting than 11th. At least it was when I did it 4 years ago. You will have electromagnetism, optics, quantum physics. Chem is much more fun too. And 12th std maths is easier than 11th. Calculus requires a bit of effort, but once you get the hang of it, it is really easy and logical, unlike coord geom where you have to jump through hoops at times.

As for commerce, I don't know much, but if you dislike business studies, then you will never manage a BCOM. You will have that subject in some form in MBA as well, the only thingis if you go to a good college they will teach it in a proper non cramming way.
its not about the hours you put in..its bout ur aptitude and attitude.
if u can manage one hr a day and clear all ur papers and enjoy the subjects then its cool.
Im in my 2nd yr on engg now and mainly study a few weeks before the exams.. And daily i just go thru the stuff taught for 40 mins to 1 hr.
Maths needs to be worked out daily which i dont do..
touchwood its been working for me..
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