Commerce Vs Science

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Dude get this straight.There are 2 kinds of failures one
1> you know what to do but your just not trying and doing it.
2> you dont know what to do so you failed.

Lemme give you my example I'm of the first kind. i got around 90% marks in science in class 10 schools third topper.

Where i stay there r only 2 schools that have 11 and 12 under cbse board and one icse.the CBSE are KV's so qouta stuffs are there and the ICSE is railway governed, Again qouta.

Unfortunately i didnt got admitted cuz of those qouta stuffs and END UP IN A SHITTY bengali MEDIUM know what happened? i failed in bengali and physics the first damn year.

Needless to say the teachers were dis-inspiring and the first-second boys of my class enjoyed a defacto impression over the teachers that they are the friggin best.

I got effin demotivated and started diff hobbies including i had a got harder.. lack of good tutions and all batch wise where i was already late to catch up with my fellow new jealous friends.

My final 12 outcome was a mere 70% which ppl says good enuff for bengal boards yet my DREAM of getin in IIT remained a dream.
what i want to say see me still struggling in third counseling to get in a average college!!!Though i wont give up and i know i need to show sheer performance period.

and Chaos u were right in one point the alumni board the inspiration and mostly the positive attitude really really plays a important role in long run..nodoubt a good peer circle is also sometimes a defacto requirement but BIT's are awesome to me .wish i cud be there.
and why always US dude? GET up! dont u see brain drain killed our economy during 70's ,80's if werenot the ones "youth" to think about it what will others do.

My SUGGESTION IS surf the net LEAST as possible and get ur ass down ur home and study .. get in a good college finish ur btec then think of it.i hate when people thinks US is the defacto place for education y not askhitmohan think "THE US UNIV will call me or THE company i work for will send me for attending seminers".never forget ur origin ! trust me it pays back.

SURF less as possible i know and i have experience and yea also forget gaming these two things kills time.

PS i'd still suggest u to go for engg .. commerce is harder than enggg.if you love it go for it. dont run after money , do something so that money runs after you.
Bottom Line...

11,12 are the defining moments in your life buddy....slog now and be a star for life...Everything else will come later...Als you can have bragging rights like people who get conroes....

All the best...

Remember your life and the hopes of your dear ones rest in this period...

Enough said...
IS SCIENCE WORTH IT ? Suppose I study hard and get into like DCE or something(not being arrogant now)...... and say i do an MBA from the US after that, so would the DCE+MBA combo get me a higher paying job than say an eco honours at stephen's and an MBA from the same US university ?

All I can advise you to do is to forget about such questions. If you have interest in a particular subject/career, your choice is easy. If not, stick with what you have.

I do not know about commerce, but in science, and especially for engineering, what you study in the 11th is going to be damned important. Not only will it form 50% of the entrance exam material, it will form a basis for all concepts you study in the 12th. So make up your mind and keep focussed.

And study as much as YOU require to do well in school and any other course you join. Whether that amount is an hour a day or 6 hours a day.
Last few posts make great sense. To add my bit, go for the subjects in which you have more aptitude/knack. If you do good in any of the subjects you mentioned, money will not be a problem.

Secondly, being ambitious is good but be realistic also. Nowadays even for very bright students, getting into colleges like Stephen's can be darn difficult. This is so because there are a number of chance factors involved in the whole process. Therefore, target best places but keep your plan B and plan c ready also.
Ok, i find chem and phys interesting but ****ing difficult.

seen the commerce books. Ecos easy and interecting, accounts is ok but BS isnt that graet.
vij said:
11,12 are the defining moments in your life buddy....slog now and be a star for life...Everything else will come later
Not true.,..... you need to slog for the 4 yrs of Engg also.,..
Nice argument going on.. but i think lot of ppl are looking at it the wrong way... its not like slogging n getting into good univ n thts all life will be peacefull... If u have tht talent u can live peacefully anywhre..
Good univs wont make u a better person for sure... but if u are from a good univ tht means u bet lot of ppl to get into tht... tht recognition will be there so everyone prefer u over other guy...
Point is slogging to get into good univ so tht u can rest after tht is pretty wrong notion... If u are good enough then u will get into those univs jus give ur best thts all.. Dont think once u get into a good univ u can rest and the money will pour in anyways....
11,12 are important and stuff ... but its not the end of the world :) the previous post says gettin into a good univ/coll etc isnt even half the work done...the point of education must be fulfilled and for that u must be REALLY good at what u do ... as long as u have interest and motivation nothin is a problem be it commerce or science..they are after all creations of the human mind :)
how do they pay IIT/DCE comp students once they become BTech? Initially and after 2yrs. Suppose you were average during college but good to very good or even best at work.
Graduating frm top institutes shows brilliance and equally importantly discipline...So naturally they are preferred(especially initially).

Ofcourse you can be good at what you do and still carve a niche in your field...no1 denies...

IItians are paid very well on their first job...
Akshitmohan, I could drop out of school right now, invent something, and earn more than a top graduate from like Havard's. In other words, there's no way to tell what career exactly will set you earning more than the other. Its all down to what you like to do from inside, or what you feel most comfortable doing, so hard-working will not be a pain in the ass here. You need to stop asking people questions, and think foryourself for a moment....
shrey said:
11,12 are important and stuff ... but its not the end of the world :) the previous post says gettin into a good univ/coll etc isnt even half the work done...the point of education must be fulfilled and for that u must be REALLY good at what u do ... as long as u have interest and motivation nothin is a problem be it commerce or science..they are after all creations of the human mind :)

Nicely summed up.
See most students take commerce because they think there are cool chicks in commerce. Ya thats a fact....But even in engg u'll find equally good number.

Advantages of engg

1. 4 yrs btech

2. placements from 3rd year

3. If u go for MBA then...u wont have to practice much maths after engg!

4. Technically very strong.

But for commerce doing BCA or B.Comm(Hons) any B degree wont take u anywhere. U have to complete M degree after that.

Anyways a negetive of engineerig is u'll find plenty of psychos in ur class in engg who only study and dont party at masti! But u'll also find penty of mast people. Well thats upto u. If ur a fun boy...then u'll find ur company. If ur a padaku..then also u'll find ur company!
But for commerce doing BCA or B.Comm(Hons) any B degree wont take u anywhere. U have to complete M degree after that.

Anyways a negetive of engineerig is u'll find plenty of psychos in ur class in engg who only study and dont party at masti! But u'll also find penty of mast people. Well thats upto u. If ur a fun boy...then u'll find ur company. If ur a padaku..then also u'll find ur company!

aww not this thread again :P but partying aint gonna get u anywhere ... so its not even a criterion while choosing a masti etc aint the point my friend :) ... point is IITians have waaaaay more fun than any other engg student around... coll is fun for them ..

Just one more Q.

Anyone of you done the 1yr engineering course at any of the IIT coaching centres ? Which one's the best ? Narayana/FIIT-JEE/Brilliant Tutorials ?
don't know about Narayana, but FIIT-JEE used to be the best back when I was trying (I didn't take it, cos it wasn't available in Pune). But I would suggest the longest course you can get for IIT prep, cos it can be a real killer if you try just one year. That was my problem actually. In 11th, I did not put in enough effort towards JEE.
All are commercial money leechers in the name of study! Neways they give u a pretty big idea of IIT exams. But now IIT only takes test on syllabus based on 11-12th and no more fancy stuff!

So in mah opinion taking a test series package of these commerical houses will be much better than taking the 2 yr plan in which they teach u everything and better concentrate on 11-12th course hard!

Neways ...Sorry I'm new here....Just landed up here on some friends advice from thinkdigit forums....And didnt see its age old thread.

Yeah.....masti is not in course....but definitely there to freshen up your mind.
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