Dude get this straight.There are 2 kinds of failures one
1> you know what to do but your just not trying and doing it.
2> you dont know what to do so you failed.
Lemme give you my example I'm of the first kind. i got around 90% marks in science in class 10 schools third topper.
Where i stay there r only 2 schools that have 11 and 12 under cbse board and one icse.the CBSE are KV's so qouta stuffs are there and the ICSE is railway governed, Again qouta.
Unfortunately i didnt got admitted cuz of those qouta stuffs and END UP IN A SHITTY bengali MEDIUM SCHOOL.you know what happened? i failed in bengali and physics the first damn year.
Needless to say the teachers were dis-inspiring and the first-second boys of my class enjoyed a defacto impression over the teachers that they are the friggin best.
I got effin demotivated and started diff hobbies including i had a JOB.life got harder.. lack of good tutions and all batch wise where i was already late to catch up with my fellow new jealous friends.
My final 12 outcome was a mere 70% which ppl says good enuff for bengal boards yet my DREAM of getin in IIT remained a dream.
what i want to say see me still struggling in third counseling to get in a average college!!!Though i wont give up and i know i need to show sheer performance period.
and Chaos u were right in one point the alumni board the inspiration and mostly the positive attitude really really plays a important role in long run..nodoubt a good peer circle is also sometimes a defacto requirement but BIT's are awesome to me .wish i cud be there.
and why always US dude? GET up! dont u see brain drain killed our economy during 70's ,80's if werenot the ones "youth" to think about it what will others do.
My SUGGESTION IS surf the net LEAST as possible and get ur ass down ur home and study .. get in a good college finish ur btec then think of it.i hate when people thinks US is the defacto place for education y not askhitmohan think "THE US UNIV will call me or THE company i work for will send me for attending seminers".never forget ur origin ! trust me it pays back.
SURF less as possible i know and i have experience and yea also forget gaming these two things kills time.
PS i'd still suggest u to go for engg .. commerce is harder than enggg.if you love it go for it. dont run after money , do something so that money runs after you.
1> you know what to do but your just not trying and doing it.
2> you dont know what to do so you failed.
Lemme give you my example I'm of the first kind. i got around 90% marks in science in class 10 schools third topper.
Where i stay there r only 2 schools that have 11 and 12 under cbse board and one icse.the CBSE are KV's so qouta stuffs are there and the ICSE is railway governed, Again qouta.
Unfortunately i didnt got admitted cuz of those qouta stuffs and END UP IN A SHITTY bengali MEDIUM SCHOOL.you know what happened? i failed in bengali and physics the first damn year.
Needless to say the teachers were dis-inspiring and the first-second boys of my class enjoyed a defacto impression over the teachers that they are the friggin best.
I got effin demotivated and started diff hobbies including i had a JOB.life got harder.. lack of good tutions and all batch wise where i was already late to catch up with my fellow new jealous friends.
My final 12 outcome was a mere 70% which ppl says good enuff for bengal boards yet my DREAM of getin in IIT remained a dream.
what i want to say see me still struggling in third counseling to get in a average college!!!Though i wont give up and i know i need to show sheer performance period.
and Chaos u were right in one point the alumni board the inspiration and mostly the positive attitude really really plays a important role in long run..nodoubt a good peer circle is also sometimes a defacto requirement but BIT's are awesome to me .wish i cud be there.
and why always US dude? GET up! dont u see brain drain killed our economy during 70's ,80's if werenot the ones "youth" to think about it what will others do.
My SUGGESTION IS surf the net LEAST as possible and get ur ass down ur home and study .. get in a good college finish ur btec then think of it.i hate when people thinks US is the defacto place for education y not askhitmohan think "THE US UNIV will call me or THE company i work for will send me for attending seminers".never forget ur origin ! trust me it pays back.
SURF less as possible i know and i have experience and yea also forget gaming these two things kills time.
PS i'd still suggest u to go for engg .. commerce is harder than enggg.if you love it go for it. dont run after money , do something so that money runs after you.