Commerce Vs Science

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Hmm. Ok. And if you remember, temme, when the 11th started, did you find all the topics like kinematics and chemical bonding easy or did you have a hard time understanding them ?
superczar said:
BIT Mesra and IIT Roorkee are useless?
You are perhaps the first guy I've heard saying that!

For comp sci its pretty much crap these days. When I applied, roorkee wasn't an IIT.
^^ Dude, designated an IIT or not, Roorkee, and Mesra pretty much have been and still are among the top rated engg. colleges in the country, and no offence meant to anyone's alma-mater, but this is akin to someone saying I took Symbiosis over a FMS or XLRI after my CAT got screwed
superczar said:
^^ Dude, designated an IIT or not, Roorkee, and Mesra pretty much have been and still are among the top rated engg. colleges in the country, and no offence meant to anyone's alma-mater, but this is akin to someone saying I took Symbiosis over a FMS or XLRI after my CAT got screwed

Heh... being in research in CS for the last 6 years or so, I can more or less safely say, their research output is mostly zero. They might be okay for getting a job after 4 years of undergrad if thats all that one cares about but other than that... it doesnt have much to speak about. The only way for an educational institute to continually improve is research... otherwise it'll just become yet another undergrad sweatshop like 99.9% of the engineering colleges in the country.
Man...What a surreal forgive me for taking a potshot guys ;)

TE Quote of the Month: Aug 2006

IIT Roorkee and BIT Mesra are useless compared to IIIT

1 year down the line ->

TE Quote of the Month: Aug 2007

IIPM scores over XLRI and IIM given the superior curriculum and volume of original research ouput

TE News of the month : Sep 2007

Jeppiar Medical College, Chennai emerges as students' top choice over AIIMS and CMC


Apologies for a joke in a serious thread, but I ain't the one who started it :bleh:

ad no offence Chaos or other forum members who may be from IIIT (Which is definitely is a reputable institute), but the point i am trying to make here is this is just an example of how making unqualified statements (like the one in Red above) is something better avoided...more so when the topic is a debatable one


unqualified: ATI is $hit...nVidia rulez!

Acceptable: ATI is leaps & bounds better than SiS when it comes to Computer graphics
^^Duh I never made that statement :P. I compared the computer science departments of all the places since thats my only domain of knowledge and I'm not aware of the others so I can't comment on those. Instead of making stupid statements like that, why don't you actually take a look at the departments themselves. If you don't do that, its like saying Intel is better because AMD overheats :rofl:.

BIT Meshra's comp sci dept doesn't have even a single PhD other than the HOD. Most of them are BE/BTechs and some BScs with a CCNA certification :rofl:. Everyone knows what the value of those things are :P. Coming to IIT Roorkee, it doesn't have a full time computer sc department. Its a part of their rather large and excellent EE department. There are two or three people who seem to do good work... but I'm not hundred percent sure since they are not in my area. Another thing to note is that 90% of the PhDs in IIT Roorkee are IIT Roorkee alumni. Compare that with more than 30 PhDs in the IIIT Computer Sc department from the best places in the world. You don't need a rocket scientist to realize which place is better do you?

PS: If you care about rankings by useless mags, well then Data Quest puts IIIT-H ahead of both IIT Roorkee and BIT Meshra in Comp Sci :P. Enuf of flaming... I'm outta here.
Instead of making stupid statements like that, why don't you actually take a look at the departments themselves

I don't like flaming myself, but calling respectable institutes (And am sure Roorkee and Mesra qualify as respectable) useless, or terming other remarks stupid is like throwing an open invite for flaming! (For the record, I haven't termed even Techboy's remarks as stupid ..ever)

^^Duh I never made that statement
:O again...

click on page 1 and see the last post!

Data Quest puts IIIT-H ahead of both IIT Roorkee and BIT Meshra in Comp Sci

So does IIPM is at times ranked 2nd or 3rd or even IIM Cal Bangalore Lucknow and XLRI in by some (so called) respectable magazine like Business Today IIRC

Anyway, I am not putting IIPM and IIIT in the same league...I have enough of respect for the IIITs not to do that...Unfortunately, the same reciprocatory respect seems to be missing here!

Anyway, I've had enough of this and it's going to pointless drivel from now onwards, so i'll refrain myself...

but to part, here is something we all should never forget....

A telling sign of a good education is humility!
superczar said:
I don't like flaming myself, but calling respectable institutes (And am sure Roorkee and Mesra qualify as respectable) useless, or terming other remarks stupid is like throwing an open invite for flaming! (For the record, I haven't termed even Techboy's remarks as stupid ..ever)
As I said before and I reiterate, Mesra is nothing but an undergrad sweatshop like the countless other engg colleges in India. It does merit its place however... as a decent undergrad institute... same is the case with Roorkee. However for research, neither are good places.

:O again...
click on page 1 and see the last post!
Looks like u need to visit an opthalmologist... cos I sure can't find the statement you quoted me saying :P. I said useless entrance tests cos I never intended to join them in the first place...

So does IIPM is at times ranked 2nd or 3rd or even IIM Cal Bangalore Lucknow and XLRI in by some (so called) respectable magazine like Business Today IIRC

Anyway, I am not putting IIPM and IIIT in the same league...I have enough of respect for the IIITs not to do that...Unfortunately, the same reciprocatory respect seems to be missing here!

Anyway, I've had enough of this and it's going to pointless drivel from now onwards, so i'll refrain myself...

I stated myself that rankings by useless mags is totally useless :P. Why fight on that? You comfortably side tracked the basic point I put forward and started cribbing about details... B-Schools I have no respect for either... nor do any of my friends who actually graduated out of the IIMs. Reciprocatory respect exists when I actually see people from those places doing well/meet them at conferences/see good work coming out of the institute. Unfortunately... as I stated, in the last 6 years or so, I've seen absolutely nothing from either of the two places. I have a lot of respect for IITB/IITD/IIT Kgp/IISc since I've met really good people who are belong of those places and are doing excellent work. What's the research output of Mesra/Roorkee in visual computer science... a big zero/nada/nil :P.

but to part, here is something we all should never forget....

A telling sign of a good education is humility!

Heh I definitely strive to be humble to people who deserve respect.... But I absolutely loathe people who demand respect.
Though I didn't want to post back on this thread, but couldn't help it

But I absolutely loathe people who demand respect.

Buddy, All I asked from you in the first place was to show some respect for institutes that deserve respect, so as not to hurt students/alumni who hail from them!

You could be a Nobel Prize recipient for all I know, yet that wouldn't justify treating a highly regarded educational institution with contempt....

At the level of individuals, respect or loathe me or any of the alumni/students from there..None of my business, nor would I care!

But to repeat, Please do not show disrespect towards acclaimed institutes of higher learning!
^^ correct and I also dont think this sort of discussion does any good.

According to many successful people whose alma mater has been top institutes believe that the way to success is IIT + IIM. But unfortunately not all make it there and still make a good life.

If all had to graduate from IIT's and do MS from Standord/MIT or MBA from HBS the world would not be the same.

@chaos with full respect to ur knowledge (technical) most technical people believe MBA is crap. But u seriously need to show some respect to the other institutions other than ur own. And 2 lakh people vie for MBA from the IIMS so though u believe MBA or IIMS are crap, it aint like that.

Humility my friend will surely help u reach higher goals and be successful.

On a lighter note, the incident from 5 point someone comes to my mind. The honorary HOD who was like topper through his life forced his son to believe IIT is the only institution in the world. And i guess losing his son proved his notion incorrect.
Chaos & Czar, knowing both of you - i am mighty sure you would find a common ground to meet on this contentious issue.

What you both need to do is take a step back, re-look at what the other has posted with a open mind - once you do that you would find that you both have valid points, only thing lacking is the way you are putting it forward.

Finally, lets agree to disagree and respect each others views :)


PS: Please stop dissecting each others post, thread would remain open for now.

@All, now don't jump into the fray for a free for all ;)
^^As I said, my attitude towards them would change if I meet good people from those places. Its unfortunate that I still haven't met any. I've met really bright people from NIT Trichy/Warangal/Thapar etc and they definitely had a positive impression on me but till date I've met none from either Meshra or Roorkee. We haven't even had a single intern from any of those places either since we found no one suitable.
Now that the war is over, let me add my 2 cents... I did not study in a highly reputed institution or college but I'm in a very respectable position, at a fairly successful company. The only advice I have to offer is put your heart and soul into whatever it is you do - studying in a reputed institution does not guarantee success; end of day, it is your hard work that will get you places.

Of course, when you graduate from a reputed institution you can piggyback onto their success, so finding a job *might* be easier :) I can't say I remember why I chose a smaller institute, but I do know the companies that have hired me in my career picked me over post grads with higher accolades from reputed colleges ;)
I have become curious seeing you announce your prowess and work...and lot of us consider ouirselves lucky to have you among us...What is one solid contribution that you have made that has made the world a better place(if you would like to share).
Most reserch institutes do 99% research and 1% development. I have my friend who has done her phd frm IIT Mumbai...she has been doing research and more research for as long as I can remember on some DNA/Gene synthesis and well...I just hope some day she makes something out of that...
Greatness should radiate from within you and not be announced...but seriously your arrogance Iam sure comes from abilities.

aah back to work...
RiO said:
Now that the war is over, let me add my 2 cents... I did not study in a highly reputed institution or college but I'm in a very respectable position, at a fairly successful company. The only advice I have to offer is put your heart and soul into whatever it is you do - studying in a reputed institution does not guarantee success; end of day, it is your hard work that will get you places.

Of course, when you graduate from a reputed institution you can piggyback onto their success, so finding a job *might* be easier :) I can't say I remember why I chose a smaller institute, but I do know the companies that have hired me in my career picked me over post grads with higher accolades from reputed colleges ;)

Very very true for anything... if you don't put in effort, nothing will work wherever you are... the reputation does make it easier for jobs initially but after that one is on his/her own ;). However it does matter in research as to who your advisor/peers are purely for motivational reasons. Sometimes it does get pretty tough and ideas from peers/advisors help in moving work forward. Thats exactly why a good place and environment helps :).
vij said:
I have become curious seeing you announce your prowess and work...and lot of us consider ouirselves lucky to have you among us...What is one solid contribution that you have made that has made the world a better place(if you would like to share).
Most reserch institutes do 99% research and 1% development. I have my friend who has done her phd frm IIT Mumbai...she has been doing research and more research for as long as I can remember on some DNA/Gene synthesis and well...I just hope some day she makes something out of that...
Greatness should radiate from within you and not be announced...but seriously your arrogance Iam sure comes from abilities.

aah back to work...

Frankly speaking... the work that I do will not make the world any better in the pragmatic sense. But its the same for all theoretical research. Its done for the love of your work/subject not for any social or pragmatic reasons. Looking at extreme examples, seriously how will proving the Poincare conjecture help in improving the world :P. But well someone just did it and its a huge achievement in pure math and computer science. I guess it'll be the same with your friend... you may not know of what she's doing but she's probably publishing papers where it matters. Peer recognition in your field is all that researchers crave for. What others outside think is the least of concern.

Also please tell me what made you think I announced my greatness? I just put forward my opinion that I don't have high regard for those two institutions which might change in future if I meet good people from there. End of story...
simplest ans is follow ur heart.... u need job satisfaction, dont hear what other say, just work hard for what you want and go for it...

my opinion: scinece if you want to be a professional, like as u said engineer, but if u wann run a biz u need to have a commerce background, to tackle those daily hassles :) thats what i think, but yes engineers are good biz men too many eg r in india, like infosys etc :)

but then again in the end its what hard work pays off... lazyness just screws it :P
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