Mate, try to take this in a constructive way..Seriously..No offence meant whatsoever!
Here is a sample why
Since you haven't met anyone from Roorkee or Mesra who conformed to your expectations does not automatically mean all Roorkee/Mesra Grads are bad! Perhaps you found got a few lemons in your limited sample size?
E.g. I haven't met any IIT Hyderabad grad yet whose intelligence levels shone above mere mortals, yet that shouldn't (and hasn't) led me to the conclusion that all IIIT grads are mindless junkies!
There would be folks around who perhaps feel that Research grads don't even produce a fraction of the results that would be expected given the amount of time they put into research (e.g. look at what Vij stated)
But that doesn't justify thinking that Research schools are good-for-nothing!
Extending one's prejudiced assumptions to make overgeneralized statements like the ones above is not justifiable in any way...Would you disagree with this?
There are quite a few members here whose background/Field of work you would not be aware of...Add to it the fact that this forum gets visitors from all over. Some of these statements come across as baseless conclusions drawn upon limited experience, and that doesn't look good coming from a senior member.
As I stated above, do not take this post in a negative way and Try to read this as friendly advice
Chaos said:Also please tell me what made you think I announced my greatness?
Here is a sample why
Chaos said:I've met really bright people from NIT Trichy/Warangal/Thapar etc and they definitely had a positive impression on me but till date I've met none from either Meshra or Roorkee. We haven't even had a single intern from any of those places either since we found no one suitable.
Since you haven't met anyone from Roorkee or Mesra who conformed to your expectations does not automatically mean all Roorkee/Mesra Grads are bad! Perhaps you found got a few lemons in your limited sample size?
E.g. I haven't met any IIT Hyderabad grad yet whose intelligence levels shone above mere mortals, yet that shouldn't (and hasn't) led me to the conclusion that all IIIT grads are mindless junkies!
Chaos said:B-Schools I have no respect for either... nor do any of my friends who actually graduated out of the IIMs.
There would be folks around who perhaps feel that Research grads don't even produce a fraction of the results that would be expected given the amount of time they put into research (e.g. look at what Vij stated)
But that doesn't justify thinking that Research schools are good-for-nothing!
Extending one's prejudiced assumptions to make overgeneralized statements like the ones above is not justifiable in any way...Would you disagree with this?
There are quite a few members here whose background/Field of work you would not be aware of...Add to it the fact that this forum gets visitors from all over. Some of these statements come across as baseless conclusions drawn upon limited experience, and that doesn't look good coming from a senior member.
As I stated above, do not take this post in a negative way and Try to read this as friendly advice