Health & Fitness Corona is in full swing and its not Joke !

Yeah... Reminds me how the Chinese were pissed off when Trump bawa called corona virus as "China virus."
It indeed is a chinese virus but medical associations gave it a formal name corona and then covid. Hell it should had better be called only chinese virus...let the inventors get shamed for lifetime!!
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Do ensure those masks have a proper fit. I have a little beard so didn't bother with those respirators.
The 9105 you mean? Well I did read a review saying that it doesn't fit the small sized faces, and that worries me as I am in that group! Wondering whether I should ask for something else. One was saying the Aura fits all faces, not sure. I am always cleanly shaven, more so since this virus, no worries there.
The 9105 you mean? Well I did read a review saying that it doesn't fit the small sized faces, and that worries me as I am in that group! Wondering whether I should ask for something else. One was saying the Aura fits all faces, not sure. I am always cleanly shaven, more so since this virus, no worries there.

Ya, with that and other 3M respirators. Have no personal experience with 3M of late but my skinny face has a long history of not playing well with masks. The only way to know is to try one; maybe they'll exchange it for different sized ones if you're unhappy with the fit (I did this with a different brand of mask years back). Or give it to someone you know and order different ones later.
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My mate is doing slightly better. None of us participating in his treatment. And the doctors here are doing a fantastic job.
Only the virus itself couldn't create the situation India is in right now.
We among ourselves have witnessed this pandemic in 6 worst hit countries in Europe, US and South America including Brazil.
No country has done this badly. This is not a time for blaming, finger-pointing but it's extremely hard not to.
Other than producing absolutely bottom of the barrel PPE, counterfeit N95 maks and a completely useless vaccine ( I can guarantee even African countries won't be using Covaxin, if and when they get it) India's contribution to this global crisis is absolutely ZERO.
We can criticize all the corporate hospitals for looting people ( they are indeed) but without these hospitals not a single severe covid case would have survived.
The government hospitals ( including the teaching hospitals) are still using those old Siemens ventilators without any screen in 2021. It took me 10 minutes just to figure out how to come out of VCV in a ventilator!! Even the poorest of poor African countries have better ventilators. India had more than a year to prepare, and it has done NOTHING.
No wonder why central government is so reluctant in allowing manpower from EU or US.
It's beyond shocking and we're discovering new things everyday the world doesn't know about. It's like reading a horror story... initially thought we are witnessing rare exceptions, but these things are normal here!!
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Is the Cowin website just broken?

It shows me an open slot. Soon as I go to book it, it says slots area all booked. I have a hard time believing 150 slots got booked in a second. Even if people are F5 that website like there is no tomorrow.
Pardon my ignorance, but I truly don't know much about constitution of India or any other nation.
2 of the people with whom I've come to India are French nationals and they were in Army for many years.They never criticise or even discuss indian government in front of me. One of them casually asked about army hospitals in Kolkata and one thing lead to another.
I was under the assumption that the armed force of a nation works under central government and or president.
Both of them couldn't supress their laughter and basically told armed forces of a country can defy any political party and take complete control of a nation and in French it's called coup d'état
Of course I've heard the word coup, but apparently didn't know the meaning. I was in Sierra Leone during Ebola outbreak in 2016 and the Liberian army almost did that in their country ( I've heard this word million times during those days).
I may be completely wrong, but isn't army supposed to at least help common people during times like these?
In fact India is the first country where we haven't seen a single army personnel yet during an epidemic.
According to our protocol we are supposed to co ordinate with the deployed army unit locally on arrival!!
It's the army who brings in sick people not having family members everywhere in EU. I was under assumption ( it's the perception of all common people in Europe) that India can't invest in healthcare as it has to maintain a HUGE number of armed force personnel.
I can confirm one thing about vaccine: West Bengal including kolkata has no stock of Covaxin at present ( even the last few thousand shots were given today @ Burdwan Medical College and hospital)
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Pardon my ignorance, but I truly don't know much about constitution of India or any other nation.
2 of the people with whom I've come to India are French nationals and they were in Army for many years.They never criticise or even discuss indian government in front of me. One of them casually asked about army hospitals in Kolkata and one thing lead to another.
I was under the assumption that the armed force of a nation works under central government and or president.
Both of them couldn't supress their laughter and basically told armed forces of a country can defy any political party and take complete control of a nation and in French it's called coup d'état
Of course I've heard the word coup, but apparently didn't know the meaning. I was in Sierra Leone during Ebola outbreak in 2016 and the Liberian army almost did that in their country ( I've heard this word million times during those days).
I may be completely wrong, but isn't army supposed to at least help common people during times like these?
In fact India is the first country where we haven't seen a single army personnel yet during an epidemic.
According to our protocol we are supposed to co ordinate with the deployed army unit locally on arrival!!

A coup is practically impossible to succeed in India given the vast number of cultures and political parties, most importantly it has to have the support of the people else look at what happened in Turkey and now in Myanmar.
Army has set up covid facilities in some cities for now.
OMG!! You meant what happened to Turkey in January!?
It was just a small fraction of the army called výbor míru.. don't know the English for it.
Guys can you please look at this and if you can help please reply or DM...
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@red dragon The President is the Supreme Commander of the armed forces in India(all three wings). But he's a rubber stamp, like British royalty.
Under Article 74 of the Indian Constitution, the President acts on the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers headed by the PM. The real power is exercised by the Executive(PM + council of ministers).
The govt, through the President, calls for the army for peace time operations and support. You would see them in action when disasters hit India(floods to cloudbursts to earthquakes to practically every disaster) to aid the NDRF and SDRF.
For a coup to succeed in India, there needs to be a weak democracy, instability. The Constitution, through laws, has various provisions to keep the armed forces as arm's length.
Our western neighbour(Pakistan) is a fine example of how it spent most of its years under military dictatorship.
As mentioned, army has intervened but not to the level you would expect. A recent news being an army hospital put in charge of treating Covid patients in Delhi itself ran out of oxygen. The navy has dispatched its resources to procure oxygen from the Middle Eastern countries.
Nothing pleasant to report. Read only if not already affected by covid, and are as yet to gague what it can do.
1. My father in law got it after covishield, three weeks after the first shot, and passed away three weeks hence, with stroke and multiple MIs.
2. My wife had it. Five weeks post discharge from the hospital, she collapses with a random cough. Low energy, perpetually.
3. Father had it three weeks after both Covaxin shots. Rough and just about managed. Ex army man and national sports champ, very fit to this day.
4. Mother got it a week after my dad, toughed it out, succumbed in the hospital, not to O2 starvation but to acidosis.
5. Sister had it. She went onto the ventilator, sedated, for ten days straight. Five months pregnant. Survived by the skin of her teeth.
6. Brother in law (sisters husband) had his parents admitted in two different cities. Meerut and west Delhi. His wife was struggling in another corner of the country.
7. Taya, also a faujji, is still on a ventilator 3 weeks after admission. Base hospital, DRDO, Delhi. This is after he attempted home help, with a cylinder and nurse, for a week. Again, very fit. Does a 10km walk in the hills every day. Don't see a non long-covid situation for him.

Few pointers
1. I've had both Covaxin and covishield. Covaxin is the one to get. Good luck though. Yeah, mixing, whatever the govt wants to fool you about, is just fine.
2. I've been lucky. People have lost a lot more.
3. Situation in India is dire. Screw this govt and it's suppressive attitude. Someone needs to fix them for good.
4. Wanderlust can wait. Go underground. Use logical sanitary processes. Quit jobs that need to go to work. Nothing will undo the loss of a family member just because you became a carrier, for a salary. Not worth it.
5. No personal messages please. Just get through this, have a plan A (no infection), B (infection) and C (outstation treatment).
6. Numbers are fudged beyond belief. This govt has conducted genocide and someone needs to be tried as a mass murder. I held this stance last year. I definitely haven't budged this year.


My mother was infected. Toughed it out at home.
Our country Czechia is not under military regimen. But everytime something happens ( mostly abnormal snowing) army always comes first to rescue. They even clean the driveways, help open stuck garage doors. There's practically nothing they can't do, and they even help gypsies when some diseases breakout in their communities.
When will Indian army start helping everywhere? After another million of deaths!?
Whoever is dying in 4-6 weeks after the vaccine ( Covishield) must be infected when received the vaccine ( that's the warning I was trying to give...hold vaccination with high transmission..we were vaccinating already infected patients)
Covaxin receivers should be safer, simply because it's not a vaccine, just a hog wash...if a vaccine when injected to a already infected person, there must be some external manifestations if the vaccine is at all eliciting any response. Covaxin does not. It causes no reaction even to a infected person. It's worse than placebo ( placebo doesn't give you false sense of security)
If you read carefully all Covaxin efficacy studies are done directly/ indirectly by Bharat Biotech!!
If you received the first shot of Covaxin, get whatever is available after 7 days. There won't be any interaction.
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Our country Czechia is not under military regimen. But everytime something happens ( mostly abnormal snowing) army always comes first to rescue. They even clean the driveways, help open stuck garage doors. There's practically nothing they can't do, and they even help gypsies when some diseases breakout in their communities.
When will Indian army start helping everywhere? After another million of deaths!?

Population of Czechia is lesser than the city of Mumbai so it's a silly comparison.
It's the failure of both the state and central governments, Army won't be able to do much after every govt. body has dropped the ball already.
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