Fully agree with your view points about ME. Hence don't want to discuss further.
They indeed have extremely costly medical equipments and systems here, but not enough skilled people here to manage them.
However, have to say that the way they are treating Covid19 in my area is very commendable.
Every 15days, I walk to nearest testing center which is in <1kms distance and get a RT-PCR test for free in less than 15mins.
Test results taken Covid19 including medical history, fully available in mobile app which can be verified in realtime.
They support patients in possible ways including free testing, stay, food, and medicine. Not talking about world class 5star facilities, etc., but basic humane treatment. Kind of support which is beyond imagination in India where hungry people in quarantine fought each other for food, fell dead on the roads.
Logistical issues I faced were because of Indians in office who were erratic in their duties, when the local system went beyond their means to solve my issues. As a south Indian, faced far less racism in my work circle than from shameless scummy Indians themselves.
> Unless you think that people passing each other even 6 feet away will infect with the corona!
Didn't we already have long discussions on this
Fully agree with your view points about ME. Hence don't want to discuss further.
They indeed have extremely costly medical equipments and systems here, but not enough skilled people here to manage them.
However, have to say that the way they are treating Covid19 in my area is very commendable.
Every 15days, I walk to nearest testing center which is in <1kms distance and get a RT-PCR test for free in less than 15mins.
Test results taken Covid19 including medical history, fully available in mobile app which can be verified in realtime.
They support patients in possible ways including free testing, stay, food, and medicine. Not talking about world class 5star facilities, etc., but basic humane treatment. Kind of support which is beyond imagination in India where hungry people in quarantine fought each other for food, fell dead on the roads.
Logistical issues I faced were because of Indians in office who were erratic in their duties, when the local system went beyond their means to solve my issues. As a south Indian, faced far less racism in my work circle than from shameless scummy Indians themselves.
> Unless you think that people passing each other even 6 feet away will infect with the corona!
Didn't we already have long discussions on this

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Live news & updates on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Coronavirus in saliva could travel more than 5m in a 'slight breeze'
The new study warns coughing will spread infected droplets further than you might think, and that shorter adults and children could be at greater risk.