Crysis 2 - Discussion Thread

I got a text from Flipkart that mine is out for Delivery & be ready with the Payable amount :D !!!

Can't WAIT !!! xD !
Wow Flipkart has been very fast for me..! Placed an order for crysis 2 on saturday at around 4pm..Received my copy monday(today) 11am..Cant wait to fire it up!
Just started playing.

Used the advanced options setting and maxed out everything to extreme at 1920x1080 16x AF motion blur on hdr 1.0 bloom 1.0 etc, but AA off. And I get around 50-60 avg, sometimes 70-80+. Minimum around 40-45. Though, I have just played for several minutes and didn't really go for very intense fights as yet. Worst comes worst I will get similar/better performance at 1680x1050 everything else the same.

I would say it runs similar to Crysis 1 but with about 20-30% performance boost. I can play crysis 1 perhaps at 1680x1050 max and this will perhaps be the same with better performance or 1920x1080 and similar performance. For best performance on Crysis 1 I play at 1440x900 though and get around 55-65 fps avg, rest maxed but no AA :p
Played some more.

Most of the time it is either 47-48-50-52 or so, often 50-60. Rarely above 60, almost never below 45. 40-45 is like the min.

It is playable on these settings. Haven't tried 16x10 but at those settings it will probably near perfection :D
how do u guys use the advanced option setting????

I be tried setting HIGH in the application and mSAA to 0 and enabled Edge AA.

I find the above setting giving me about the same fps as hardcore or even 1 -2 lower..also doesnt look as good as in-game hardcore..
I still haven't received my copy yet, ordered in Feb. Flipkart said that it was shipped on 26th and I'll receive within 30th. This long to deliver it to Bangalore.:mad: