Crysis 2 - Discussion Thread

asingh said:
What carrier they using for you. Was it not FK self delivery service..? Give them a call. The NCR people are receiving their copies today..!
It is self-delivery. If AMA has got it(he lives 5 minutes away) I think I should have got it too. Shit this is bad. I'm a bit disappointed. I wrote them an e-mail yesterday. They said I will positively get it today in their reply

So much for positive.


Heres the latest update

Date Description Location

Mon, 28-03-2011 | 04:00 PM Received At Flipkart Facility New Delhi

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

adi_vastava said:
WTH, I installed it and it updated itself, :p . Not expecting a patch this soon
there are 2 patches. word is DX11 comes tomorrow. yippie
^^ I did, went to\limitededition; did all formality and it said its done, now go to game multiplayer (YEAH YEAH, enter that key again) and it should tell you that limited "edition bonus content".

Now at the bottom right side of screen, your nick name should appear with a 5 (XP) on it, which made me believe that I really got limited edition content.

Regarding LE - Not even a poster, come on. I hate this.

Though what I love most is that no DVD requirement at game launch, hence no need to download no dvd patches.

Installed the game, and upon clicking the icon it auto patched to the latest version. The process did not take too long. Once I reached the control panel, moved the graphics to extreme and configured the controls.

Started up the game....reached the INSERTION video.

Had an orgasm.

Started the game. For some reason it took me a while to get used to the controls, specially the visor and "mark targets" options. The graphics are done well for Dx9 and the world is interactive and designed good. Of course there is no F5 F5 F5 F5 save and conquer, the energy system replenishes really quick...! The music is just too awesome. Loved it.

Now for the bad part. What the hell is up with the BLOOM. There is too much. Also any thing with a shiny surface (sky / water reflection) is flickering like mad. Gave me a head-ache. Is this due to the Xfire.

Some options got unlocked, and was able to see the videos again, and the NANO suit show off. That is just really really awesome. This should be a good game. I think Crytek has done a decent job. Just hope the patches come out quick, and the game is less buggy.
Ah finally! Now we seem to be getting somewhere with the actual game discussion. The last 3 pages were nothing but FlipFart. :p
played the game for sometime..............

Single player didnt feel that much punch........... just cleared 1.5 levels........

Multiplayer felt good......... but it had problem of saying key in use.....:mad:.......... somehow resolved it but still there was problem with it........:mad:........ hope they fix it soon......... still want to play the multi more........

by the way may id : devesh38

Installed the game, and upon clicking the icon it auto patched to the latest version. The process did not take too long. Once I reached the control panel, moved the graphics to extreme and configured the controls.

Started up the game....reached the INSERTION video.

Had an orgasm.

Started the game. For some reason it took me a while to get used to the controls, specially the visor and "mark targets" options. The graphics are done well for Dx9 and the world is interactive and designed good. Of course there is no F5 F5 F5 F5 save and conquer, the energy system replenishes really quick...! The music is just too awesome. Loved it.

Now for the bad part. What the hell is up with the BLOOM. There is too much. Also any thing with a shiny surface (sky / water reflection) is flickering like mad. Gave me a head-ache. Is this due to the Xfire.

Some options got unlocked, and was able to see the videos again, and the NANO suit show off. That is just really really awesome. This should be a good game. I think Crytek has done a decent job. Just hope the patches come out quick, and the game is less buggy.
Check Here for possible fix for the flicker issues.
Thanks guys..will check those links. The bloom flicker is really really bad. Cannot play more than 5-10 minutes. Also, is there any way that the "suit voice" be changed to machine+metallic female -- like Warhead/Crysis had the option.

The beginning before the Apocalypse strikes is exactly like the starting of T2. Crowd of people walking, kids+family playing in the park...! Copy Cats..! :)

By the way, I burnt the rice I was cooking -- never realized with head phones on. Back to zeee kitchen.
whenever i try to start multiplayer and play game for sometime...... it loses connection with the server and all stats also get reset..........:mad::mad::mad:.......

none of the fixes are working..........:mad:
Progressed a bit more in the game. Need to meet some dude at the lab now.

RadeonPro has corrected the bloom issue. Am all dandy now.
i did started SP after playing it for 1hr i left SP and played MP whole day . I have knifed atleast 15player till now much easier then BFBC2 :p

Now waiting for reyez to come so that i can knife him atleast in this game
Too much dust in my cpu fan :p , temperatures shooting up to 68 c of my cpu :) , so played only for 35 mins , will be cleaning the pc today and playing my heart out :p