Crysis 2 - Discussion Thread

compaddict your cfg boosted my max fps n most areas Sky high..

And in extreme my low is usually around 32..With your config its around 38..

SO an average of 44-50 compared to 35-42 previously.!

For Spec check my signature!
I used the autoexec now i'm getting lower fps earlier it was 33fps now its 17fps , previously i was using WinXP and the fps with autoexec.cfg was about 58fps
lol dinjo..Why so much difference?? You must ve messed something up..check again!

And SCrew Crytek for letting down PC gamers by not giving us a DX 11 Patch!

Well then again we should atleast be glad for the fact that the game looks good on Dx9 itself and is also pretty optimized on PC..
One thing I really like about this game and even about Crysis 1 to a good extent is that even during intense fire fights there isn't much of a FPS drop. The part I am currently playing averages me around 45+-5 FPS and is really intensive on fire fights. Fire fights seem to take a toll of a very maximum of 5-10 FPS in this game at the very most. The FPS are almost as much as they are without any fight :)
Finally cleaned the pc yesterday and played crysis 2 for around 30 mins , CPU temeperature seemed fine going to 59 max and gpu temp to 79 max , yes with stock coolers :) and 3 case fans
You know I really want to buy and play this game but I am afraid it won't be fun on my System. I always play at 1280X720 resolution. I think I will be better of playing this game when I upgrade at year end.
You should be able to play. I was playing at 1280x720 with lows in the 30s or so, which is tolerable on this engine.

I'd suggest get the demo first like I did. I still haven't started the campaign yet :S. Stupid University exams.
If you are lucky you may get playable performance at 1024x768 minimum settings. You need to be really lucky to manage 12x10.

Get the autoconfig.exe and/or other tweaks and minimize everything using that. You just might manage around 40 FPS which is the minimum for playable performance in this game!

And you might need to overclock your card and/or CPU to get the desired results :p
Well, then I think I should play once I upgrade. I hate replaying games so I would just loose out on the experience. I will surely buy it unless people have moved on to other games in the MP scene.
Ha well, I've never played Crysis before. But I figured I'd give Crysis 2 a shot after my exams finish. And I'll be playing it on this rig only ;)
monkee said:
Ha well, I've never played Crysis before. But I figured I'd give Crysis 2 a shot after my exams finish. And I'll be playing it on this rig only ;)
Game not meant to be played on a HD 4670, i am using that right now :p
Yeah, I keep getting massive fps drops to the 30s and stuff. Zzz. But its kinda fun. Enemies are not as visible as they are in CSS though :S.
cybo47 said:
Wow!, compaddict's file worked for me.

getting around 55-60 fps with a few dips to 30fps at heavy areas.
of course.. i worked on it since day 1. I'm still working on it to make it perfect. It seems shadows on level 4 or 3 don't make any visual difference. Infact shadows on level 3 add 2-5 fps while making the shadows blur more = better better

I'll post an updated autoexec after i'm done with a few more tweaks
comp@ddict said:
of course.. i worked on it since day 1. I'm still working on it to make it perfect. It seems shadows on level 4 or 3 don't make any visual difference. Infact shadows on level 3 add 2-5 fps while making the shadows blur more = better better

I'll post an updated autoexec after i'm done with a few more tweaks
Thats cool, thanks and good luck ;)