Crysis 2 - Discussion Thread

comp@ddict said:
my trust went off crytek the moment I realised they were bluffing about DX11 since last year. IMO if indeed there was any DX11, it would have shown up in the beta.

But it isn't there. Where am I getting at? Well, Crytek, as we speak, are hard at work, trying to introduce DX11 into Crysis 2 for the first time since it's game development started. There can be no other reason. They and nVidia have been lying to us for a really loong time.


Guys, I've noticed most fragnetics servers remain empty all the time. So can we all decide on a TIME AND DATE and all connect and play together? It's possible guys. If you all say yes, I'll fix a time. ANd we can frag fest together and have some fun.

What say?
My awesome BSNL makes me ping 300-350 to fragnetics, but yeah i can come and play. What say around 10-10.30 tonight? Also guys you'll should download and use xfire, its just too awesome for us gamers to keep in touch. My ID is aman27deep (also in sig) if someone wants to add me!
hey everyone,is someone experiencing multiplayer issues with the new 1.2 patch,i updated my game yesterday and now whenever i try to start a game it says invalid is making me really angry.