Good going Allwyn! Looks like by the time I begin the title, you'd have completed it going at this pace. :lol:
Nah! The boss fights aren't the biggest hurdle in this game, it's the lesser enemies and the level design itself which tends to screw you up. There are lots of places to explore, enemies to kill and upgrading to be done. I remember Demon's Souls was done in 36 hours or so, but this is taking me forever to clear every area.
Anyways, my dark passenger wants to know what stats would you consider leveling up at the start? The most important ones i.e. I recall in Demon's Souls, it was hard to level up the stats when we were around 70+ soul level. Required a hell lot of souls!
As I'm going purely melee this time, my primary focus is Vitality, Endurance and most importantly, Strength. Dexterity has also been raised substantially this time, which I didn't even bother looking at in Demon's Souls. If you're planning to head in the same direction, I suggest you first get the necessary weapons, check out their required stats and then tailor your player stats accordingly. Leveling up to 49 till now, wasn't difficult. I need 14535 souls for my next upgrade. However, the soul drop in the areas aren't that great, same goes for boss defeats. The Gaping Dragon kill netted me around 25000 souls, which is probably the highest that any boss has provided me till now. Rest were all around 10-15k souls. Plus, with the mini-bosses not re-spawning, I'm having a more difficult time, roping in more souls. So yeah, it's not been easy as far as the soul gathering goes.
PS: Did you convey vamsi the message?
I did, thanks for that. However, He got stuck at that verification question about some clan stuff.
Anyway, I hope he'll figure it out and join in the discussion.
Further update:
Beat the Bell Gargoyles and rung the first bell. The Gargoyles dropped twin Humanities and a halberd. Bought a Crystal shield from Domhnall in the depths and this shield seems to have a really good magic resistant stat, over my previous knight's shield. Upgraded Zweihander to +2 and my Elite armour to +4.
Took a sneak peak into Blighttown and promptly made my way back into the depths as the area is highly toxic. I'm not sure what I did, but at each step, it just displayed 'TOXIC!' and my health started draining rapidly (low toxic resistance?). Lesson learned; do no venture into this area without a good toxic resistance. Also noticed, my Drake's sword is slowly being ineffective against the enemies in this area. It take me 3-4 hits to kill the infested Ghouls and around 10 hits or so for the Barbarians. Fire doesn't do much damage either. Wonder what I need out here.