Resumed my play-through and I'm getting my ass kicked more than I did in Demon's Souls. I supposed picking the Royalty class in Demon's Souls spoiled my play-style, as I relied a lot of soul arrow. Now that I'm in Dark Souls, things have changed. I'll list down some changes, which I can recall off the top of my head:
No central hub like Nexus - Demon's Souls safe haven isn't available out here. Instead, you have bonfires which are your checkpoints. You can save anywhere you want to and resume from the same place, but if you die, you re-spawn at the last bonfire you kindled at. Granted, it's not better than starting the whole world from start, but the positioning of this bonfires is what pisses me off. They are spread unevenly and you practically have to be begging for one, if you have ventured too far into the world and out of healing items.
Open world - World 1-2, 2-4, 3-3 = all gone. Forget about it. Unlike Demon's Souls uber-easy world navigation, this is a totally open world environment. So far, I can't move from one area to another without walking all the way towards it, manually. Of course, this expands the habit of exploration, but it's also time consuming.
No Magic meter - Yep. The blue line is gone. You now have a limited number of spells you can cast. Since I'm playing as the pyromancer, I have the fireball magic at hand. It's limited to 8 or so, which can be replenished at the bonfire. So much for spamming Souls arrows.
Humanity - Now I'm not entirely sure what this does for single player aspect, but from what I gather, this essentially helps in converting you from "dead form" to "human form". It can also be used to kindle bonfires, which I noticed, increases the amount of Estus flasks you can carry.
Since I'm fairly early in this game, I think it will take some time to learn these mechanics, but other-wise, it's same old.