Dark Souls - Discussion Thread

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LOL! I would trade motion blur and AA for getting native 1080p resolution any day. AA can be forced by other means and motion blur is an abomination. Internally locking the resolution was the final nail in the coffin. But I'm still curious to see how this turn out. It's not like I haven't played in sub-HD resolution before. ;)
Dark Souls for PC

I am thinking of buying Dark Souls' Prepare to Die Edition, it's finally in-stock at Game4U and Flipkart. Could anyone who has already got his hands on tthe game tell me about the multiplayer bit? Is there lag and high pings here, in India, or is all smooth and buttery?

Also, which gamepad should I get for the game. I'm thinking of getting the Logitech F310, that should be good enough, right?
Dark Souls 60fps Unlocker Released, Works With GFWL, Durante Resolution Fix

The latest community-made modification fix/patch for Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition on PC has been released from community modder “Nwks”. The fix is for the framerate in Dark Souls, enabling players to experience the game in full 60 frame per second smoothness. The fix also now works with Games for Windows Live so you can play it online with friends and use it alongside Durante's resolution fix for multi-sampling AA and anisotropic filtering. As a quick recap, the original release of the mod was quite buggy and gamers were unable to use it in multiplayer due to a conflict with GFWL. The mod also had trouble running alongside Durante's resolution fix, which enabled PC gamers to play Dark Souls at higher resolutions outside of the standard resolution cap.

The fix was met with a lot of cheer and question marks from PC gamers. Cheers because the game can finally run at the coveted 60 frames per second, which just makes everything so much nicer and smoother. Question marks because the developer FromSoftware, and publisher Namco Bandai, denied that the game could run at 60 frames per second and would be locked at 30 due to their inexperience with PC ports. Something looks awfully fishy when some no-name guy with the will and determination makes the 60fps tweak happen without an SDK, without devkits, without official support or design tools. Dare I say, it actually makes FromSoftware look lazy.

You can pick up the 60fps unlocker mod from the Dark Souls mod page. I imagine these guys are just getting started and we'll probably see a ton of additional upgrades, updates, fixes and tweaks for the game in coming months.

Source: Cinemablend


Now that's how a true PC gaming community improves a shitty port. Shows how much love is present to perfect this game. See the actual MP4 video in action to watch the game run smoothly at 60 frames, Youtube videos are capped. I couldn't get it to work on my PC, may be it's just the CPU holding it back. It's explicitly mentioned in the read-me file, that it needs a beefy CPU to be able to handle this mod. So people with higher configurations, have at it!

Fix available over here: Dark Souls Nexus Mods

Video proof of the game in action @60fps: Dark Souls 60fps
Came here to post about the recent developments and turns out Allwyn has already done it! GJ man. :)

I cannot believe the game has received such a good community support and the mods continue to evolve over time. The DSfix (thanks to Durante) and Dark Souls Nexus in particular, the game will now be a lot more playable than it was before. Reminded me of the Skyrim Nexus. :')

Let's see how this fares eventually.
Nirvana achieved!

Dark Souls fix 1.6 released:

  • Option to unlock the framerate. Thanks to the hard work of Clément Barnier, the framerate can now be unlocked completely.
    This means that if your system can’t maintain 60 FPS, it will drop down gracefully to 55 instead of going directly to 30. There are some issues with this, look into the .ini files for details.
  • Fixed the SMAA issue introduced in 1.5 (with edges touching the skybox)
  • Fixed the major HUD modification issues with damage numbers and subtitles (other HUD issues remain, including boss health bars)
  • Various small performance tweaks

Source: Dark Souls Fix

and it actually works for me this time. Mine isn't constant 60fps, but it manages between 35-43fps, which is good enough for me. The game is now much smoother, and it shows. People with higher config should be able to sustain higher frame rates. @Gannu I think it's now safe for you to pick this game up for the PC. This is the closest you can get to perfection. I have added SweetFX graphics filter too, which makes the colours extremely rich and adds sharpness to the game. I played the console version to see the difference and I'm shocked. The 360 version looked (and played) like shit compared to the PC one. Props to the modding community for making the game as it was intended to be played, in the first place. :D
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1.7 is out. :)

Allwyn when do you intend to start this anyway? I don't suppose I am in a position to start anytime this year. October has started and we have the laundry list of titles coming up one after the other starting with Dishonored. And then I've the co-op of Borderlands 2 to be done before.

And then the fear of starting it. As usual. :ashamed:
Is this game well playable with a KB + mouse combo? I'm asking this because I happen to read somewhere a while back that there were mouse control gripes among players.
1.7 is out. :)

Allwyn when do you intend to start this anyway? I don't suppose I am in a position to start anytime this year. October has started and we have the laundry list of titles coming up one after the other starting with Dishonored. And then I've the co-op of Borderlands 2 to be done before.

And then the fear of starting it. As usual. :ashamed:

I have already started the game. During this "testing" phase, I actually managed to kill the Taurus demon and progressed to soul level 16. I was filtering in-and-out, but would probably start it once I'm done with Resident Evil 6. So that would be around this weekend. I have 2 week leave planned starting next week, so it should give me some room to spend quality time with this game. :)
Awesome! Keep us posted. :)

And hey how are you playing - using the controller I presume? Please say yes!
Resumed my play-through and I'm getting my ass kicked more than I did in Demon's Souls. I supposed picking the Royalty class in Demon's Souls spoiled my play-style, as I relied a lot of soul arrow. Now that I'm in Dark Souls, things have changed. I'll list down some changes, which I can recall off the top of my head:

1.) No central hub like Nexus - Demon's Souls safe haven isn't available out here. Instead, you have bonfires which are your checkpoints. You can save anywhere you want to and resume from the same place, but if you die, you re-spawn at the last bonfire you kindled at. Granted, it's not better than starting the whole world from start, but the positioning of this bonfires is what pisses me off. They are spread unevenly and you practically have to be begging for one, if you have ventured too far into the world and out of healing items.

2.) Open world - World 1-2, 2-4, 3-3 = all gone. Forget about it. Unlike Demon's Souls uber-easy world navigation, this is a totally open world environment. So far, I can't move from one area to another without walking all the way towards it, manually. Of course, this expands the habit of exploration, but it's also time consuming.

3.) No Magic meter - Yep. The blue line is gone. You now have a limited number of spells you can cast. Since I'm playing as the pyromancer, I have the fireball magic at hand. It's limited to 8 or so, which can be replenished at the bonfire. So much for spamming Souls arrows. :P

4.) Humanity - Now I'm not entirely sure what this does for single player aspect, but from what I gather, this essentially helps in converting you from "dead form" to "human form". It can also be used to kindle bonfires, which I noticed, increases the amount of Estus flasks you can carry.

Since I'm fairly early in this game, I think it will take some time to learn these mechanics, but other-wise, it's same old. :D
How is the level design and the enemy types? Similar to that of Demon's Souls? As in scary types. :P
Level design is fabulous. The areas that I have visited is mainly consisting of castles (Undead Burg and Parish). Enemy types are extremely vicious and varied. They are very different from Demon's Souls. Some of the minions look the same and a those heavy knights, but there are other variety as well. I haven't had the chance to explore the "scarier" section till now. Pretty much everything is well lit up and during day time, nothing to rival the Tower of Latria from Demon's Souls, yet.
Oh man Tower of Latria was freaking scary sh1t! :fear_2:

Remember the mind flayers? And that merchant which was singing some creepy thing?
No shit! I had to stop playing it for sometime, as it was really giving me the creeps. Still can't get the singing tune off my head. :dead:
Those mind flayers killed me at least twice (or thrice) and this was purely due to my carelessness. I rushed through the levels despite your warning! :(

Lost my souls but that was alright since I was able to farm them at the Storm King's level.
If there's one thing I have learned from these Souls game is never to be greedy for gathering more souls. They will eventually build up with time. In the beginning, I would cry over a measly loss of 1000 souls, but later on in the game, I realised I could easily take out one Reaper, which would yield me 4k. :D

This game would probably be a bit difficult for us, as there heavy melee involved at the start of the game. We went in long range magic method in Demon's souls, so this would be a different experience. I rage quit yesterday, as I kept getting screwed in the same place. There is this giant boar which has an entire body made of steel, so it's impervious to my sword attacks. His one ram and my health is halved. These set of mini-bosses are giving me a hard time. Also, it's easy to get cornered and get gang-banged by soldiers and rats. So rule of thumb, never take a pack of enemies head on. Isolate them and eliminate them, one by one. It's highly imperative that we have enough room to run and dodge.
Btw Allwyn, I was going through some basic guides on Dark Souls and most of them seem to recommend the Pyromancer. I remember it used to be the Royalty class in Demon's Souls and the Soul Arrow came in handy. What is your take on the Pyromancer class?
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