Delhi gangrape protests

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A 70 year old lady got the "sense" of protest too.


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^^LOL not to sound insensitive but delhi police are really handing it out now,aren't they?taking the revenge for their insufficient pay out on the people..,also i think protesting is a right or something provided in the constitution,right?i mean at the very least its not a criminal offence..,then why is police action being taken on the protesters?isn't this illegal?and FYI the maximum penalty for gang rape in india is 30 years of jail time,so yeah i don't think any more punishment is needed,and as i have already said, most certainly not a death penalty.(and honest please dont insult asingh from that context,the last thing a mod needs is to be branded something more than human and then being beaten on that same point)
Few minutes back: The police has produced few protesters in the court for destroying public property, Court has asked what evidence you have? Police has no answer. All accused have to be let off.
Home minister compares protestors with Maoists.

When asked why he did not go to India gate to meet the protesters, the Home Minister compared the protesters to Maoists saying, "It's very easy to say that the Home Minister should go meet protesters there. Tomorrow if BJP workers demonstrate or if Maoists demonstrate with weapons, will I go and meet them too?

[h=1]Online fury as PM is heard asking 'theek hai' at end of speech[/h]
For the first time since a young woman's gang-rape incensed the country, provoking fierce protests across the country and clashes with the police in Delhi, the Prime Minister spoke to the nation.

But the headline of the PM's address has become his question to his staff which was mistakenly broadcast - "theek hai (alright?)" he is heard asking.

A new surge of anger cascaded online. At 1.30 pm, more than three trending topics were on the PM's gaffe - #theekhai, #meekhai, #bheekhai as well as Manmohan.

Prakash Sharma (@Prakash_Sharma) tweeted, "No Mr Prime Minister it is no longer#TheekHai. We are done with this status quo, chalta hai attitude."

Dr Manmohan Singh's short speech was delivered as the government is being slammed for failing to connect with a country seeking reassurance that its women will be protected and that laws will be changed to provide tougher punishment for sexual crimes.

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Story appeared on BBC UK
[h=1]India's disengaged rulers 'too slow' over rape protests[/h]
Have India's rulers become disengaged from the people?
As violent protests erupted in the capital, Delhi, at the weekend over thehorrific gang rape of a 23-year-old student, many Indians were asking this question.
It took nearly a week of protests for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to appear on TV pleading for calm and promising to make India safer for women. Many thought it was ironical that India's most powerful woman,Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi, met a group of outraged students only after massive public demonstrations had been widely televised.
Many believe that the violence could have been prevented if either Mr Singh or Mrs Gandhi, or even one of the young ministers, had gone to meet the protesters and promised stern action against wrongdoers and reform of India's broken criminal justice system.
That was not all. The city police commissioner told a news channel that even men were unsafe in Delhi as "their pockets were picked" - a shocking gaffe that appeared to equate rape with pick-pocketing. Federal Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde told another channel that ministers could not be expected to personally meet every group of protestors, "like political party workers or Maoists", appearing again to equate ultra-left rebels with angry students, justly upset over the rising tide of crimes against women.
Many attribute such attitudes to the sheer hubris of India's ruling class - "they are our rulers, not representatives", was an angry refrain during the protests last week - in what many cynics describe as a modern-day "feudal democracy".
Others argue it points to the increasing disconnect between India's rulers and its people, the perpetuation of what many call a paternalistic ruling class which talks to its citizens rather than listening to them. Most politicians and bureaucrats appear to lack communication skills to engage with a young, increasingly empowered and aspirational citizenry, who are demanding more from their rulers. "Young India, old politicians," as author Gurcharan Das once described this dichotomy.
Such alienation bodes ill for the future of the world's largest democracy. Analysts like Pratap Bhanu Mehta argue that it leads to the disengagement of democracy from legitimacy. "India's citizens vote in large numbers", he says, "but if the same citizens were truly engaged in the process of making laws, laws would be seen as legitimate and there would be minimal need for enforcement".
I believe there is one more reason for this anomie: the decline of genuine mass politicians.
Time was when India was known for its charismatic, mass-based politicians - Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Jayaprakash Narayan are just some of them - who could easily lead from the front. Today, there are only a handful, two of whom - Mayawati and Mamata Banerjee - are actually women. The reticent prime minister himself has never won an election, and Mrs Gandhi and her son and heir apparent, Rahul Gandhi, hardly speak to the citizens.
When he was going around Delhi in 1947 after India's bloody partition, Nehru saw Hindus and Muslims rioting. He jumped out of his car, broke the security cordon, ran into the crowd and stopped the clash. Mahatma Gandhi routinely travelled to trouble spots to stop religious clashes and douse tensions.
Last week, not a single leader came forward to engage with protesting students demanding safety for women. Clearly, India needs a new covenant between the rulers and the ruled.
Timely and successful implementation of law is necessary to act as deterrent. And having a provision for a strong punishment (although in extreme cases), surely will have some impact.

On rape case vs homicide - It is not appropriate to relate multiple issues and then do nothing about any one of them. We may have to pull the weed one by one.

But at least there will be a provision in future.

When a man's asinine instincts take over, worrying about the law would be the last thing on his mind.
When a man's asinine instincts take over, worrying about the law would be the last thing on his mind.


That is why bringing awareness is the most important thing to do; albeit the most simple one.
And we can start from our homes...
Gangrape protests: Constable Subhash Tomar injured at India Gate dies

Delhi Police constable Subhash Tomar, who was injured in Sunday's clashes, died at the Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital in Delhi on Tuesday morning. Tomar was seriously injured after protests at India Gate turned violent and police lathicharged the agitators, some of whom also pelted stones at policemen.
The police have registered a case in this regard. The police say they have a video clip of the men who injured the constable and the case will be treated as a murder case.
Police say eight people were arrested on Monday in connection with the injury of the constable and were booked for rioting and attempt to murder. All of them were give bail after a bail bond submitted by Aam Aadmi Party member Manish Sisodia. One of those who were arrested has been identified as Chaman Kumar of AAP. This puts the Aam Aadmi Party under scrutiny.

Gangrape protests: Constable Subhash Tomar injured at India Gate dies- Delhi- IBNLive
Oh how wonderful! Now even if the government does acquiesce to a capital punishment sentence, it will be a hollow victory for the protestors!
honest1 still feeling all proud and patriotic? :facepalm:

Government slow action has taken precious life of policeman. government please wake up or-else face tough task is in future.

The politicians especially PM,HM and CM owes this death. Had they come out of their house on Saturday itself and met the protesters, the anti social elements would not have got an opportunity to seize the protest to make it violent.

Un-fu***ing-believable!! comments from spineless, brainless f***ks @ IBNLive!! We indians resort to such senseless and shameful bias!!! Its easy to blame the government isn't it? What were the rioters/protesters thinking? Did they foolishly think that the government wouldn't try to curb a "Riot"?
^^ it seems that once you align yourself with a party it becomes kinda hard to shut up when a situation calls for it, whether it be communists saying that this furor is being raised coz the perpetrators were poor or the aaps defending the death of the policeman.
^^ it seems that once you align yourself with a party it becomes kinda hard to shut up when a situation calls for it, whether it be communists saying that this furor is being raised coz the perpetrators were poor or the aaps defending the death of the policeman.

True...its kinda hard to shut up when one takes up a side/cause...

BUT how difficult is it to exercise the TINIEST AMOUNT OF COMMON SENSE instead of posting BS comments that can provoke even more senseless negativity!
Sad that we have have lost life of a policeman, violence is never going to benefit anyone.
In another incident in Manipur, a journalist was killed by police bullet during the protest.

Everyone has the right to protest peacefully and that was all were doing at Delhi but due to Govt inaction/delay in taking action has turned it violent. Also there are news that anti social elements entered the venue to take advantage of the situation and turned it violent.
@sid_donnydarko the people out there were not rioters, just because they were protesting there does not make them rioters.
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Sad that we have have lost life of a policeman, violence is never going to benefit anyone. In another incident in Manipur, a journalist was killed by police bullet during the protest.

Oh spare me your sanctimonious BS! I can tell when someone is faking it!

Everyone has the right to protest peacefully and that was all were doing at Delhi but due to Govt inaction/delay in taking action has turned it violent.

Government Inaction/Delay? WTF kind of excuse is that?!? Why did it turn violent in the first place? If the protestors were peaceful to begin with then why didn't they just leave quietly when the police asked them too?

Also there are news that anti social elements entered the venue to take advantage of the situation and turned it violent.
sid_donnydarko the people out there were not rioters, just because they were protesting there does not make them rioters.

Oh now lets put the blame on goons hired by politicians! If this is true, then do you even know why they were sent there in the first place for gods sake!! Because the politicians we confident that amateurish and unorganized protestors like yourself would let them create trouble and you'd most likely indulge in violence too. How do you suppose Anna Hazare pulled off a mass fasting for so long with minimal causalities? How do you think protests are conducted all over the world? Its all organized dammit! :facepalm:
sid_donnydarko WTF? Please dont tell me that I am happy that a policeman while performing his duty has lost life. Are some kind of mind reader who does it using VNC? Stop your BS.
And please open your eyes, not all the protests needs to be organized. This was one of them and it happened because people, especially our younger generation were filled with anger of getting raped each day.

Government Inaction/Delay? WTF kind of excuse is that?!? Why did it turn violent in the first place? If the protestors were peaceful to begin with then why didn't they just leave quietly when the police asked them too?

So you feel that government was very swift in taking the action? On Saturday, police has resorted to push the protesters 6 times with water cannons. What you feel, that was required?
Even the CM has told that that kind of harsh treatment was not required.
sid_donnydarko WTF? Please dont tell me that I am happy that a policeman while performing his duty has lost life. Are some kind of mind reader who does it using VNC? Stop your BS.
And please open your eyes, not all the protests needs to be organized. This was one of them and it happened because people, especially our younger generation were filled with anger of getting raped each day.

So you feel that government was very swift in taking the action? On Saturday, police has resorted to push the protesters 6 times with water cannons. What you feel, that was required?
Even the CM has told that that kind of harsh treatment was not required.

I never said that you were happy that a policeman died. From all of your posts it is very clear that you lack firm conviction and that's why i called you out.

And you think an on-the-spot death penalty sans trial is justice? Last i checked our judicial system still follows "innocent until proven guilty"; not the other way around. And you think by protesting you can undo a system, albeit flawed, that spans more than 50 years?!? Do you even realize the kind of chaos that will ensue if you're successful. In fact, we've all witnessed what would follow! If a small gang of goons can take advantage of a group of protestors, can you imagine what the same goons could achieve if protestors like yourself are ever successful at overthrowing the system. Does anyone here remember the events of the 2011 England riots?!? And that happened in a developed, first world nation dammit!!! :facepalm:
@sid_donnydarko Yes, our juducial system still maintains that one is innocent until proven guilty. I really dont feel that people were asking to hang those perpetrator without giving trial.
Sometimes, enough is enough and then people say that now, we are not going to accept any of your bullshit. These protests, was that moment. People are frustrated by rapes happening in our national capital each day. Nobody wants to protest but have you thought what made young people to go out there and stand in chilling cold?

Without these protests, I really dont feel that govt would had taken the following steps which, now seeing the anger in people, they are taking.
1. Now, there is a judicial commission, which will study the current laws against rape,etc and would go through the suggestions given by public. Report in 1 month.
2. Daily trial of rape cases.
3. Better patrolling in Delhi.
4. Setup of special call center for women in need.

Dont you think that these are positive developments which only happened after our protests?
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