Recovered my soul and completed 1-2 and beaten the tower Knight boss he was difficult for me thankfully I was completely ready for it which area should I visit now ?
Excellent Dinesh. You won't be able to proceed further from the Tower Knights place, as it's blocked by a fog. So start visiting the first areas of 2-1, 3-1 & 5-1. Rescue Sage Freke ASAP and learn the Warding spell by trading the Tower Knight's souls with him. This spell provides you protection against heavy physical damage, albeit not from Fire & Magic. Trust me, I used it for slaying loads of bosses and heavier enemies.
It's being a long time since I played a game continuously for 4+ hours (Last was ac revelation when my parents were out on weekend and I ran into revelation with Marathon run) my fingers are paining as I had my shield up all the time and there was no respite thanks to no pause screen.The last time I enjoyed so much was I played AC 2 way back in 2009 it was such a beautiful ride.
I know the feeling. This game just draws you in and you end up playing it for hours. At times, I didn't realise, I was late for office.

OK so the world is like, Nexus is the central location where you have all the NPCs, traders, blacksmiths, alchemists etc. and then you go into different worlds (1-1, 1-2, 2-1 etc.) from the Nexus, rescue more NPCs, finish the demons, collect their souls and come back to Nexus. Is that how it is?
You got it. The only NPC that does not follow you to the Nexus is Blacksmith Ed. He stays in world 2-1, but it's very easy to reach him.
So not all worlds are unlocked from the beginning?
Once you defeate the first boss, Phalanx, you'll have access to the first levels of all the world. You can choose to do them in any order.
And what if you die at the boss battle?
You'll start at the beginning of the level.
You spawn in the soul form and have to go near the boss where the blood-spill is, to regain back your human form? Oh man, that could be painful if that is what it is.
Correct. It is painful in the beginning, but the more you struggle, the more you learn. Some areas are dam short, so you can just speed run straight to the boss, to avoid killing them again. You can also regain your body form by using the 'Stone of Ephemeral Eyes'. You'll find this item in almost all the levels, but at odd locations.
And do bosses have health bars like most RPGs out there? If not (a la God of War), how do we assess their health?
All the bosses have health bars. BTW even God of War had health bar listed for it's bosses. I think God of War 3 skipped it entirely.