Let this day be marked in the history, as the day I conquered this great game. I remember updating my status in my backlog list, when I added this game; "I doubt I would even dare complete this one". But that was ages back, this is now. After close to 47 hours of slugging back and forth, getting my ass kicked multiple times and then slaying all the demon's, I finally managed to beat this game. Absolutely brilliant game. Got the good ending, or so it's called. My soul level stood at a whopping 81, right before the f*ckin' False King drained 2 of my soul level. The last boss was a joke. Kudos to From Software for making such a challenging game. :hail:
Good luck to all the future players. Remember, this game is not impossible, it's very challenging and satisfying.
Dark Souls, you're next!
Good luck to all the future players. Remember, this game is not impossible, it's very challenging and satisfying.

Dark Souls, you're next!