Did anyone saw that in Delhi?

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A Nobody.
Hi All.

In my facebook page, a video came up. Someone shared a video. An incident in Delhi, at night.

Video is during this new year. Last weekend. A Girl was being mistreated PUBLICLY, Atleast a 10 or 15 guys. Cars, bikes, Autos were screaming past.
Street lights were full ON. Police was there. Still that poor girl was...

I am not even able to type that. No not being dramatic. When I saw the video, I cant believe it. Did it really happen? Was it really happening?

And police only beat them?? They were not KILLED? Or butt rapped with that lathis? Those ****ing bacterias. Animals have more civic sense.
****ing ass-holes.

I was just sad. Felt like crying. I am living in this country. Just pathetic.

The poor girl was just crying. :(. She and her boy friend alone.

Guys, dont take ur girls to places like this. Spend somewhere private. And brothers, Dont let your sisters HAVE a boyfriend.
Break their heads for thinking to take ur sis to places like this.

Earlier I used to ignore vids like this. But now my baby neice is going to grow up in this country. :(.

Sad. I am.
"And police only beat them?? They were not KILLED? Or butt rapped with that lathis?" You serious ? o.O

So you actually want Policemen to kill and butt rape eve teasers. Not siding with them , but there is something known as the law. They were beaten with Lathis and following that taken to the police station. This is how the system works mate.

I'll reserve my comments about the rest of the post but had to put this across.
Were is that video?? But such things happen and no one comes to save you and IMO it happened in Mumbai too on some new year night, but Police werent present there... Cant comment on Delhi police before watching that video....
dhruvrock2000 said:
"And police only beat them?? They were not KILLED? Or butt rapped with that lathis?" You serious ? o.O

So you actually want Policemen to kill and butt rape eve teasers. Not siding with them , but there is something known as the law. They were beaten with Lathis and following that taken to the police station. This is how the system works mate.

I'll reserve my comments about the rest of the post but had to put this across.

Thanks for letting me know.
dhruvrock2000 said:
"And police only beat them?? They were not KILLED? Or butt rapped with that lathis?" You serious ? o.O

So you actually want Policemen to kill and butt rape eve teasers. Not siding with them , but there is something known as the law. They were beaten with Lathis and following that taken to the police station. This is how the system works mate.

Sounds Interesting, what after they are taken to Police Station ?

Bail ? OR One Night Stand huhh ?
I caught a glimpse of that news being shown on Aaj Tak or some other channel. It was very bad (to say the least) the way those rowdies were behaving with the girl. Perhaps your thoughts about them lynched there is a bit over the top, but Law Enforcing Agencies should be very very strict in such cases. And these kind of crap happens at all places - mostly when rowdies get drunk. At Goan beaches during new year eve, it is a common sight to see Indian Tourists forcing themselves onto Foreign girls in a garb of wishing them Happy New Year. One of my friends who lives in the beach area mentioned that it is so bad that in past few years, the number of foreign tourists is going down.
Yes the video is genuine. But this is not an India problem. In the US, every day 600 girls are raped on an average.

The fact that the police DID something about it is good. New year nights or any such nights, such incidents happen across the world.

Its a male gender specific problem. There is no way of completely stopping it, but better policing and action against such culprits is the only possible way to deal with such people.
saw the video on facebook.. felt really sad.. especially felt like beating the shit out of the one who shot all of this instead of helping that poor soul.. though one of the guy got unconscious after the lathi hit his head.. :(
Its in utube. but I dont want to post it here. The girl and guys face are very clear in that video. Girl was crying out loud. Even out of that traffic it was clear. :( :(

I felt ashamed to see that vid.
even i saw the video..its just pathetic.

Delhi is really becoming a f**king hell hole for girls. Should have thrashed these cunts to death.
If I remember right, only a few years back, there was an incident of a girl being molested/harassed (clothes torn up and stripped and what not) by 200 odd guy's (many of them drunk) on new years eve in Mumbai. If this is what celebrating new years means, then I would like to see a curfew being implemented and bars/pubs/discos closed down every year on new years eve.
The anger inside me because of this cannot be described in words...

And when I tell my GF that its not safe at night, she just doesn't get it.
And I always go to a club with her if and only if I have enough people to back me up in the worst case scenario. Bouncers are useless when someone powerful comes along.
These sort of people actually need to be executed, lathi's are not enough. They have no fear, death is the only thing they are scared of. Marks from lathi's don't last that long, and they always start doing the same thing.
Saying that a few change is not enough because they all must change/be destroyed/crucified. Just like the witch hunts of the old ages there might as well be a eve-teaser hunt.
Lord Nemesis said:
If I remember right, only a few years back, there was an incident of a girl being molested/harassed (clothes torn up and stripped and what not) by 200 odd guy's (many of them drunk) on new years eve in Mumbai. If this is what celebrating new years means, then I would like to see a curfew being implemented and bars/pubs/discos closed down every year on new years eve.

Second that...

In my city, all popular roadside food joints (mainly those ubiquitous chinese stalls) were asked to shut shop by 8PM or in some areas were not allowed to open at all. This action caused complaints for sure, but i think its a valid preventive measure.
Delhi is a hell hole, but only for the stupid butt-heads who go to such places. If they had common sense, they would avoid such shit-hole areas from the beginning, let alone take their girlfriends for a swing late into the night.

I agree Delhi people (these kinds) are ass-holes and deserve to just die right now, would make this world a better place, but it is their fault too. Even after knowing how the god-damn place is, still that idiot boyfriend takes her there.

And has that girl no sense of agreeing to that guy. If you're so in love go to a well-lit park or if that doesn't serve, your bedroom, not like this, not like this.

I myself have lived in Delhi for 3.5 years. A part of me is sad for leaving my life back there, but a big part is relieved and happy my mother and sister no longer live in that hell-hole anymore.
intacto said:
even i saw the video..its just pathetic.

Delhi is really becoming a f**king hell hole for girls. Should have thrashed these cunts to death.
Delhi and Gurgaon are not the same. Majority of incidents reported in recent times are in Gurgaon , Haryana NOT Delhi.

^^ Same goes for you Comp@addict
I have no idea why this stuff happens.

Someone said everyday in US 600 odd is being raped.Yes, Its a crime against humanity according to me. No doubt. Sound like over blowing it, perhaps for some.

But I never heard of public, group, roadside rapes like this happening anywhere. If it does then, words fail to describe what i feel about that. :(

Its alright to tell a girl to be careful but how can anyone predict such events?How can we tell a girl not to go outside?.

She cant be free in this country? She should be always scared?.
Majority of incidents reported in recent times are in Gurgaon , Haryana NOT Delhi.

Seriously, I can't believe I FORGOT this, because I remember telling someone else MYSELF the exact same thing.

This is true guys, if you notice the "PLACE" where these incidents take place, they are mostly Gurgaon, Noida, and those small villages scattered across NCR, and not DELHI itself.

But media flags and flogs Delhi right out the window.
comp@ddict said:
Seriously, I can't believe I FORGOT this, because I remember telling someone else MYSELF the exact same thing.

This is true guys, if you notice the "PLACE" where these incidents take place, they are mostly Gurgaon, Noida, and those small villages scattered across NCR, and not DELHI itself.

But media flags and flogs Delhi right out the window.

Blaming the capital creates more sensation and increases viewership for the media.
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