Diet Coke vs Normal Can Coke

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buttermilk is lassi right?

Buttermilk is almost never sweet and always salty and moreover it is far thinner than a lassi.
Lassi is usually sweet but some people also have salty lassi. The packages lassis available are usually sweet.
Don't get the amul lassi since it is rose flavoured and i personally don't like that.
Mango lassi is one of the most awesomest ones.
There is nothing wrong with Diet Coke. The "artificial sweetener is cancer" is bullshit. There are other reasons to stop drinking soda altogether. Some people (including myself) have psychologically associated it with crap food like pizza/chips. I lost 20+ kgs while still drinking 2l+ a day of Diet Coke. If you have the craving for it, nothing wrong with Diet Soda.

Most fruit juices are on the same level of Coke/Pepsi. If you do want a fruity flavour, eat the fruit itself. Why would you remove all the fiber and consume the sugars?

Non-Diet Soda is evil. That is what caused my weight gain in the first place. I was rather stupid about food and calorific values when I was younger, so didn't realise that just 1l of coke a day = 2kgs weight gain per month.
* It has been experimentally proved that soft drinks are one of the prominent reasons for obesity. The weight gain is directly related to the amount of soft drink that a person takes in. With every single can, people unknowingly add many extra calories to their body weight.

* Another very common effect of soft drinks is diabetes. With every can of soft drink, people add large amount of sugar in their body. Long habitual intake of soft drinks can lead to ineffective insulin production from pancreases which consequently affect the sugar level in the body. This further leads to diabetes.

* It has been proved that frequent consumption of soft drink can lead to weakening of the bones and osteoporosis. Soft drinks impair the calcification of the growing bones in children.

* Studies also say that soft drinks increase the risk of tooth decay. The acidic content of soft drinks can dissolve the tooth enamel and make them weaker. It is recommended that people should avoid taking soft drinks between meals to prevent dental erosion and tooth decay.

* This fact may shock you, but is quite true. Researches have proved that constant and habitual intake of soft drink can lead to kidney stones formation. This happens because of the acidic and mineral radical balance. The body tries to buffer the acidity caused by the soft drinks with the calcium from the bones. This leads to calcium erosion, which ultimately gets settled in the kidney in the form of stones.

* Soft drink also leads to impaired digestive system. Soft drink contains phosphoric acid which competes with the hydrochloric acid present in stomach and affects its functioning. The ineffectiveness of stomach leads to undigested food which further causes indigestion and gassiness.

* Soft drinks cause dehydration in the body. Both the sugar and caffeine components of soft drinks are dehydrating agents. They both lead to excess urination, which makes you thirstier than before.

* Soft drinks have strong caffeine content. Caffeine causes irritability, restlessness, tension, high blood pressure, excessive urination and other side effects. It is also believed that soft drinks increase blood pressure. Some studies also claim that soft drink has harmful effects on liver.

* The sweetener used in soft drinks is Aspartame. It is 200 times sweeter than normal sugar and is far more harmful with many side effects.
Buttermilk seems to be a nice idea :D, will go to market and search for it today only :)

LOL, you don't search for it, it's available everywhere. Though it's cheap if you make it at home itself.

Just get some curd, salt and mix it in your mixer. Not the traditional way, but gets the job done. You can add a combination of any of these for flavour: coriander leaves, finely cut onion, mint leaves (Pudina), black pepper, cumin seed powder (Jeera) and many other things. Google for more recipes.
My personal opinion is Water is the most refreshing beverage :D

I never eat junk food, soda/soft drinks...damn ! why can't I loose weight :P
Errrm water can't be more refreshing. :P

It can, at the most quench your thirst on a bad day during summer but a glass of buttermilk or a chilled tender coconut (with a tablespoon of Glucon D) can do wonders. Lip smacking good!
I like to drink buttermilk with tadka. I dont know the exact term in english for tadka but its heating up oil with some small pieces of green chilly, mustard, cumin seeds and some asafoetida. put this with some salt in the buttermilk along with some finely shredded ginger and those coriander leaves. lip smacking. i usually drink 2 glasses of these when i feel like it.
Both are good, depends on how fast you wanna have gas. Lol no both are shitty, try this:

Fresca Litchi Juice

Which one is better in terms of health :)

since long i had been taking Normal can coke and seems it had increased my weight 1-2kg :unsure:

Will diet coke will be a much better option to keep eyes open during work ? Normally i intake 2-3 can per day
Will try to make buttermilk in home soon, seems it will be extremely light on my pocket :)

Also, what if i make buttermilk in abundance like 2-3 litre, and put it in my fridge water dispenser, will get chilled buttermilk 24x7 :D :D
Errrm water can't be more refreshing. :P

It can, at the most quench your thirst on a bad day during summer but a glass of buttermilk or a chilled tender coconut (with a tablespoon of Glucon D) can do wonders. Lip smacking good!

When I was chennai, especially during the summer, nothing seemed more refreshing than a bottle of cold water :P

I like to drink buttermilk with tadka. I dont know the exact term in english for tadka but its heating up oil with some small pieces of green chilly, mustard, cumin seeds and some asafoetida. put this with some salt in the buttermilk along with some finely shredded ginger and those coriander leaves. lip smacking. i usually drink 2 glasses of these when i feel like it.

Isn't that called chaas in hindi ?
Ohh.. whenever I drank it, it had mustard seeds and cumin seeds hence the guess.

You get it in different varieties, but the base is always beaten curd with salt. Don't prepare it in such abundance, it'll get spoiled as you keep removing it and putting back. But if you can finish it in 3-4 days, then no problem.
the buttermilk with the masala (mustard, cumin, etc) in it is called masala chaas.
buttermilk with lots of cream and sugar = lassi.

Also, what if i make buttermilk in abundance like 2-3 litre, and put it in my fridge water dispenser, will get chilled buttermilk 24x7
please dont do that. the water dispenser will start smelling bad after sometime. if you want to keep a steady supply of buttermilk in fridge, use a steel or glass container. You will need to churn the buttermilk before drinking it since most of the curds will always sink to the bottom of the container after sometime and only the water will remain on top.
just returned home today and saw what my mom has stocked for me :bigok::bigok::bigok::bigok:

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