Hi all
I am new here, and don't know if it's the right place to post this, if it is then good, if not...mods please move it in appropriate section
I have a SBI savings bank account which I use for INB purposes, things were going "ok" until 2 week ago I can't add a beneficiary, because I can't seem to get my profile password right, I thought "okay maybe my memory is not serving me right, so I tried resetting my password by providing answer to the security question I have chosen, to my enormous surprise , according to the system I couldn't seem to get that right also.I tried 3 times and being promptly told that I've tried and failed 3 times repeatedly so I can't change it for the day. I thought ok, it's government owned stuff anyway and nothing digital is guaranteed, when it comes to our Indian government , I met my guy in person, and handed over cash, and that was that . only good thing about this episode is we met face to face and got time to hang out and stuff , I didn't looked into issue until yesterday I tried to add a beneficiary again and had to face the same frustrating process again, at one point I was suspicious of my account being hacked, but nothing seemed out of place, login password was working fine, so was ATM, so I downloaded profile password reset form and decided to came to home branch, (I live in a different city), told them to reset my profile password, 15 mins later the guy returned and told me it's done, he said when I'll log in again ,i'll see new profile password setting or whatever it's called page immediately, I was glad that it didn't took longer, but like I said in another thread, the streak of bad luck is not ending anytime soon :-( so came home, tried to login and BOOM "your username or password is invalid " now I was pretty sure it's not my fault, I tried again but after 3 repeated failures....well you guessed right, username is locked out for the day. To unlock my username I have to Change my password, well I thought "chalo, bas yhi baki rh gya tha " i got on with the whole login password resetting process for 5 times, there are 3 ways to reset the login password by the way
1.through ATM details
2.through Profile password (which ofcourse I couldn't do cause they already reset that)
3.going to the home branch
So I tried it with ATM card details and I swear I never could write my card number by remembering it, now I think I can never forget it even when I become Gajhani
The whole thing didn't work out ,I tried doing it on different times of day, but after yesterday Night's attempt when I tried again using my ATM details again then ....
I was told my ATM details are not valid (anymore)
Because obviously it 'was' valid for last five attempts to change the login password
I was very angry and ran to the branch again (thank god I didn't got out from my hometown after making them reset profile password only, otherwise had to run to it again) they told me today is Saturday and half day So they can't process my request, and because it's "such an (alleged) unusual case" it'll take time anyway to sort it out, so I Have to come on monday.I replicated my issues before them by the way
I was extremely angry and frustrated by this whole affair
Now I am out for making a new PC (which was already delayed so much you can't even imagine) ,looking for parts on this forum and others,and online shops as well and I was offered some solid deals, but if because of this I can't make my payment on time or worse never get a Chance to pay because either other member sold an item already to someone else in the meantime or online shop can't get through payment getaway, who will be held responsible for my loss? Because it certainly isn't my fault, that much I am sure of, I have wrote my passwords and security question and gave it to my parents for safe keeping just for an emergency case like this (they like to write everything down and I know this isn't a good practice, writing passwords, but hey ,they are my parents and demanded this....and well they like to keep records ) I checked my security question's answer and it was the same as what I typed earlier
Even if they Manage to sort this problem out by issuing me a new INB kit, how is that my responsibility that I have to run from some other city to correct some problem caused by them and their system, thank god I don't live too far from my hometown and managed to get here under a day, but that's just me being lucky (for a Change, or is it irony, I don't know what to say)
Now the funny part -
My elder sis work in SBI
my mom used to work in SBI in that same branch
My dad retired From that branch while he was a branch manager there ,I used to go there and play when I was a kid
Hell , mom dad married because of SBI when they were working some where else
I wonder how there marriage worked out Without a password error ?
My advice - use a Net banking facility from a bank which is reliable and won't give you headaches and back out when it's needed
Very disappointed and frustrated from the service of SBI
I am new here, and don't know if it's the right place to post this, if it is then good, if not...mods please move it in appropriate section
I have a SBI savings bank account which I use for INB purposes, things were going "ok" until 2 week ago I can't add a beneficiary, because I can't seem to get my profile password right, I thought "okay maybe my memory is not serving me right, so I tried resetting my password by providing answer to the security question I have chosen, to my enormous surprise , according to the system I couldn't seem to get that right also.I tried 3 times and being promptly told that I've tried and failed 3 times repeatedly so I can't change it for the day. I thought ok, it's government owned stuff anyway and nothing digital is guaranteed, when it comes to our Indian government , I met my guy in person, and handed over cash, and that was that . only good thing about this episode is we met face to face and got time to hang out and stuff , I didn't looked into issue until yesterday I tried to add a beneficiary again and had to face the same frustrating process again, at one point I was suspicious of my account being hacked, but nothing seemed out of place, login password was working fine, so was ATM, so I downloaded profile password reset form and decided to came to home branch, (I live in a different city), told them to reset my profile password, 15 mins later the guy returned and told me it's done, he said when I'll log in again ,i'll see new profile password setting or whatever it's called page immediately, I was glad that it didn't took longer, but like I said in another thread, the streak of bad luck is not ending anytime soon :-( so came home, tried to login and BOOM "your username or password is invalid " now I was pretty sure it's not my fault, I tried again but after 3 repeated failures....well you guessed right, username is locked out for the day. To unlock my username I have to Change my password, well I thought "chalo, bas yhi baki rh gya tha " i got on with the whole login password resetting process for 5 times, there are 3 ways to reset the login password by the way
1.through ATM details
2.through Profile password (which ofcourse I couldn't do cause they already reset that)
3.going to the home branch
So I tried it with ATM card details and I swear I never could write my card number by remembering it, now I think I can never forget it even when I become Gajhani
The whole thing didn't work out ,I tried doing it on different times of day, but after yesterday Night's attempt when I tried again using my ATM details again then ....
I was told my ATM details are not valid (anymore)
Because obviously it 'was' valid for last five attempts to change the login password
I was very angry and ran to the branch again (thank god I didn't got out from my hometown after making them reset profile password only, otherwise had to run to it again) they told me today is Saturday and half day So they can't process my request, and because it's "such an (alleged) unusual case" it'll take time anyway to sort it out, so I Have to come on monday.I replicated my issues before them by the way
I was extremely angry and frustrated by this whole affair
Now I am out for making a new PC (which was already delayed so much you can't even imagine) ,looking for parts on this forum and others,and online shops as well and I was offered some solid deals, but if because of this I can't make my payment on time or worse never get a Chance to pay because either other member sold an item already to someone else in the meantime or online shop can't get through payment getaway, who will be held responsible for my loss? Because it certainly isn't my fault, that much I am sure of, I have wrote my passwords and security question and gave it to my parents for safe keeping just for an emergency case like this (they like to write everything down and I know this isn't a good practice, writing passwords, but hey ,they are my parents and demanded this....and well they like to keep records ) I checked my security question's answer and it was the same as what I typed earlier
Even if they Manage to sort this problem out by issuing me a new INB kit, how is that my responsibility that I have to run from some other city to correct some problem caused by them and their system, thank god I don't live too far from my hometown and managed to get here under a day, but that's just me being lucky (for a Change, or is it irony, I don't know what to say)
Now the funny part -
My elder sis work in SBI
my mom used to work in SBI in that same branch
My dad retired From that branch while he was a branch manager there ,I used to go there and play when I was a kid
Hell , mom dad married because of SBI when they were working some where else
I wonder how there marriage worked out Without a password error ?
My advice - use a Net banking facility from a bank which is reliable and won't give you headaches and back out when it's needed
Very disappointed and frustrated from the service of SBI