Do i look like kid :(

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I am 22 yr old, then also everyone call's me as kid, I m in final year of BE, then also everyone look at me as i am junior

Please suggest some idea to develop my personality so that i can look a bit mature rather than a chocolate guy

*I am the guy on the right side, left side guy is of same age and my classmate see his personality



  • 001.jpg
    70.9 KB · Views: 1,387
OP, why attach the same picture twice? And it does seem your classmate is going to do nasty things to you afterwards.
Lot of people spend thousands of bucks to look young and you want to look old.


Edit: get a french beard like the guy sitting next to you. makes a difference. see?


  • 001copy.jpg
    95.3 KB · Views: 142
OP, why attach the same picture twice? And it does seem your classmate is going to do nasty things to you afterwards.

Dont know how it come two pics, in html it was showing only one, but in visual two came

Lot of people spend thousands of bucks to look young and you want to look old.


Edit: get a french beard like the guy sitting next to you. makes a difference. see?

i dont even have mouthstache, tried shaving then also no benefits

u r not funny anymore..

i thought u all are smart will donate a penny to me
Not sure if you're just trolling but either way .... grow a beard, grow long hair and workout, for starters .....
u r in final year of BE and yet u managed to open 2 showrooms of many bikes/cars.. hats off sir..
If you see 4-5 Topics in GT recently, they are really stooopid & insane, why not post such topics in <acronym title='FunEnclave'>FE</acronym> (Fun Enclave), from Tans to Looks & Oily Skins n Pimples, time for Where is TE Heading 3!!!

In few Years we will have Divorce Related topics, Kids issues & other Family Courtroom Disputes

#vantheman5211 5MB gif image, as much trolling as OP
#siril_k sorry for being a spoilsport but have a look at the 'General' threads description below:

All off topic tech posts, birthday wishes goes in here. You can discuss anything and everything under the sun as long its legal. Posts made in this section won't count towards your overall post count on TE. All testing should be done in Test Drive subsection.

I can imagine your frustration with these topics but its perfectly OK to have them here.
Come on Kid... trust me.. once u grow old.. U'll pray to that u want ur Kid age back

am 21 yr old btw . " Never let any one tell u different" .

But what u can do to look Bold & Old is like others said Grow beard ... Workout, go to Gym build up.
u r in final year of BE and yet u managed to open 2 showrooms of many bikes/cars.. hats off sir..

Now, he needs to explain about this
< - You are really being smart but we remember your old thread where you were owner of 2 showrooms.. You are a student in this thread. I would love to know more about you
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