dog is more human than man

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greenhorn said:
why do we have so many FE ish general talk threads creeping in here ?
guys, join Funenclave. this is not the place to paste your forwards :no:

Oh c'mon !?:@
wadya expect in the "General Talk" section ???:no:

And It doesn't matter if its a forward as long as its interesting enough to be shared with other TE members...
Bro, that was amazing find.
If I've to trust someone with my life, I would trust dog more than man... and that's a fact.
^ Now, why you gotta bring that up eh? :@

To make it fair... and it's purely hypothetical (means I DON'T MEAN IT LITERALLY) : My girl would happily knock me off, if she finds me with another girl (not that I would go to another girl, just to make it clear)... but a dog wouldn't, if he finds me with another dog. :P

Again... it's just hypothetical argument (just in case, if my girl reads this thread...) :D

For some reason I had a feeling that someone would bring a "girlfriend" up in topic, over my statement... I knew it. :no:

Technicallt, yes. It isn't for nothing that they call it "man's best friend". Do they call girls man's best companions/mates? No!
Well ... if you all are dog lovers, then you should provide them with freedom, to roam anywhere and not put them on a leash and use them as your "doll". I agree that humans are the most lowlife species on this earth (much like how Agent Smith describes it in Matrix). But I don't like all this "I love my dog, oh he is so faithful, he is better than any person I have met s@#%".

I believe, all animals should be given their own space to exist and survive without any hindrance ... that is the only way the ecosystem called "earth" can survive.

Umm, was that too much lecture ! :P
mallik_vas said:
Well ... if you all are dog lovers, then you should provide them with freedom, to roam anywhere and not put them on a leash and use them as your "doll". I agree that humans are the most lowlife species on this earth (much like how Agent Smith describes it in Matrix). But I don't like all this "I love my dog, oh he is so faithful, he is better than any person I have met s@#%".

I believe, all animals should be given their own space to exist and survive without any hindrance ... that is the only way the ecosystem called "earth" can survive.

Umm, was that too much lecture ! :P

hey buddy nice to see u reply.

but i think u know don't bout dogs that much.
dogs are not a wild species.
they are actually a subset of wolf family bred specifically by man for help and companionship.they are not wild animals(like lion tigers etc.)

that is why u never see a dog far away from humans.
they are only found where humans are, they can't survive too far away from them.

thus u never find a dog dog living i jungle like a lion or a cobra.
(if u think u have seen dogs in jungles somewhere on discovery channel, they were wild dogs(completely different from domesticated ones) or wolf/fox/jackals.

in fact when dogs were separated from wolf family by man thousands of years ago , they slowly removed all unwanted characteristics(aggression etc) and kept all good characteristics like loyalty (a wolf pack is completely loyal to pack leader)

the dog actually sees his keeper as a pack leader and thus obeys him.
some inexperienced people may keep aggressive dogs(rottwieler etc) and soon the dog grows out of there control. this happens because the keepers were inexperienced and could not project themselves as pack leader to the dog, dog takes his chance at becoming pack leader himself.

if u clearly notice a dog actually consider only one person as his master , all others in the family are just buddies to him.

so my friend saying that dogs should be kept free is not right.
yes they need space to survive and must be given proper care.
again ummm to much lecture.
something i found... :)



main_trouble said:
hey buddy nice to see u reply.

that is why u never see a dog far away from humans.
they are only found where humans are, they can't survive too far away from them.

thus u never find a dog dog living i jungle like a lion or a cobra.
(if u think u have seen dogs in jungles somewhere on discovery channel, they were wild dogs(completely different from domesticated ones) or wolf/fox/jackals.

Watch some animal planet or wild discovery :D . Dogs does live in jungle's and hunt in packs ;)
^^^ nice find kauzy.... :) the way talking about the thread title, "humanity" is one of the most misused words In my opinion.....
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