dog is more human than man

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I am just giving another perspective to the discussion... its my opinion ... others can feel free to express theirs ... I am not asking people to agree with my POV ... you can keep yours ... Its a free world mate ! So just chill ! No hijacking intended.

As you might have guessed I am no dog lover :P ... I like spiders, snakes and lizards more, they are more valuable to the ecosystem :P
i dunno hw many of u ave owned dogs , but since ive ha many over the years ive found sum facts that may astound u..

Dobermans who have ben painted as the ultimate badass thing on 4 legs to be near ur home are actually the ones that have the closest attachment to the family...and specially kids....they have this innate quality...they will bond with the smallest member of the family and will even try to keep a watchful eye on it...

This quality was seemingly missing in the smaller sized aka "more friendlier" dog breeds.

true...and actually that goes for any dog. Mine being a lab can be called a gentle dog but he loved his tail. Never spared anyone. bit me once on my leg when i ran into the balcony and stepped on his tail. though he was very apologetic after that.

But if it was small kids playing with him....they would hang on him...ride him pull his tail and ears. He just stood there, without moving or never hurt any kids even by accident. My neighbour's pomeranian was similar too.

If someone else even got closer to the tail, they first got a growl(warning), worse after that if they didn't listen to him.
dog do usually give warning first.
it is usually a growl sometimes accompanied with tail waging.

if the person still doesn't learns , then dog has got its ways of making him learn.
Even if dogs are inherently wild, they concider their human masters part of the pack. That is why it is very important to make them know the members of the pack (i.e. the family members) and their place in the hierarchy.

EDIT: See this for more
Successful Dog Obedience Training
main_trouble said:
hey man what is there to see?
dogs( i don't mean those wild ones) are not at all wild animals.

eg-> u can capture those mischievous monkeys and then release them in wild.
they will survive there.
but cant capture and release dogs and release them in wild , they will not be able to survive.
that is just a mischievous dog troubling a monkey.

there are many mischievous people(i know some of them :rofl: ) in this world too.
start calling them wild people?

come on bro.
this topic was bout dogs, their humanity , loyalty.

why are u misleading and hijacking the thread into a useless discussion?

he just got OwNeD again !
main_trouble said:
dog do usually give warning first.
it is usually a growl sometimes accompanied with tail waging.

if the person still doesn't learns , then dog has got its ways of making him learn.

Right you are !!
lomac_29 said:
^^^ yeah rite....

and wat will make them valuable is wen they will bite u:P .....:ohyeah:

OwNeD again!

he'll never agree on anything about dogs except the fact that,he considers them to be WILD DOGS!?

The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated subspecies of the wolf, a mammal of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. The term encompasses both feral and pet varieties and is also sometimes used to describe wild canids of other subspecies or species(Wild Dogs). The domestic dog has been one of the most widely kept working and companion animals in human history. There are estimated to be 400 million dogs in the world.[1]

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Then why does the thread say "Dogs are more human than Man"? There are wild dogs too, just like humans. And only the domesticated dogs are worth of having as they don't cause any harm and do what you say. It's sort of like having a slave, but feeling proud about it because you think it's some kind of love you have for it. Dogs are Dogs and Humans are Humans. Me being a Human will always give more importance to my species than some other, unless I need a dog or something else to protect myself.
@OP: Nice topic to bring up. I for one, love all animals especially dogs and cats and I think a true animal lover would love any animal, any breed and in any condition.

I also think they sometimes teach us and make us remember the tiny, basic facts of life that we often overlook. For instance this video i came across today, shows baby kittens are nursed by a dog along with his pups - this made me realize how low and utterly disgusting we humans are, when it comes to color, race, caste and religion.


Its called stupidity. no offense

That's not stupidity at all... a dog would standby his owner no matter what... humans won't miss a chance to stab you in the back or hesitate to abandon you... if you don't believe me, go to any old age home and witness it yourself...

^ well in Punjab, U will find people having very expensive horses, dogs. We moved to new house now, earlier we had neighbour with very very expensive horses, not in touch with his US son, he only cares abt his horses.
and now 1 neighbour here has Afghani breed dog with ears cut.

That's not affection towards animals or love for pets... these kinda of people just think of these animals as 'investments' or 'status' symbols.. for them its no different than owning a rare Porsche / Merc... fifthly rich scumbags, that's whats they are.. ask them to adopt some street dogs or cats and see how they'll turn their backs on you.

OP - Dont compare dogs to humans. Its an insult to dogs.

+1 to that.. creating humans is the worse thing that happened galactic history! god must be cursing himself!

Well ... if you all are dog lovers, then you should provide them with freedom, to roam anywhere and not put them on a leash and use them as your "doll". I agree that humans are the most lowlife species on this earth (much like how Agent Smith describes it in Matrix). But I don't like all this "I love my dog, oh he is so faithful, he is better than any person I have met s@#%".
I believe, all animals should be given their own space to exist and survive without any hindrance ... that is the only way the ecosystem called "earth" can survive.
Umm, was that too much lecture !

Yup... that's exactly why we have wild animals and domestic animals...

If you'd ever had a pet you would know that they are exactly like children... leave a child on his own and he/she would be lost and crying in no time.. it's the same funda is with domestic animals. Atleast, kids can ask for help, these poor animals can't even do that...

Talking about freedom to roam anywhere... how do to think today's modern society will react to doberman's and german shepard's roaming around on the streets? Do you think the society and people will let them roam around? How many instances have we seen of people hitting and abusing street dogs? Do you really think 'freedom to roam anywhere' funda will work??

Watch some animal planet or wild discovery . Dogs does live in jungle's and hunt in packs

lol! nothing to add here.. shows how much knowledge you have.. i think for u all dogs are dogs and all reptiles are alligators.. not your fault its tough to decide an ass from a mule lol!!

I am just giving another perspective to the discussion... its my opinion ... others can feel free to express theirs ... I am not asking people to agree with my POV ... you can keep yours ... Its a free world mate ! So just chill ! No hijacking intended.

As you might have guessed I am no dog lover ... I like spiders, snakes and lizards more, they are more valuable to the ecosystem

Arrghhh! Wait! So I was right! You are from the Evil Cat Clan spread the hate word for doggies! Or maybe you are a cat (since you like spiders and lizards) in disguise as a TE user spreading the hate word and planning to take over the world. OMG!!

Disclaimer: No offensive kitties, I like too! :)

Then why does the thread say "Dogs are more human than Man"? There are wild dogs too, just like humans. And only the domesticated dogs are worth of having as they don't cause any harm and do what you say. It's sort of like having a slave, but feeling proud about it because you think it's some kind of love you have for it. Dogs are Dogs and Humans are Humans. Me being a Human will always give more importance to my species than some other, unless I need a dog or something else to protect myself.

Okies.. we shall refer to them are wild humans :P

Now let me ask u.. would you house a wild human in your home or a domestic loving and caring one?? Answer's simple ;)

and btw... this has now this turned into the 'save your species thread' :P
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