dog is more human than man

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I had a dog which died 4 years back at the age of 15. :-( the day she died, she couldn't even breathe at morning. We all were asleep. She went to my parents bedroom somehow and woke them up. My dad called me and my sister. She left us only after seeing all of us.
She couldn't even walk for last 10 days of her life. I still wonder how she managed to walk from hall to my parent's bedroom (around 20feet distance) when she couldn't even walk couple of*steps. Trust me, dogs fulfils the family.

Well, not every dog is wild. Even stray dogs are very honest and adorable. My grandmother used to feed a stray dog. When my grandfather passed away she went in state of shock and she's mentally ill now. The same stray dog come and sit near my grandmother for all the day, like he is protecting her.
I have one small point to counter all the people who say that you should not keep dogs on a leash and let them be wild and free as they were intended to be. Please understand the difference between a wild animal and an animal which has been domesticated over tens of thousands of years.

Early wolves would, as scavengers, be attracted to the refuse left at human campsites. Dr. Raymond Coppinger ofHampshire College (Massachusetts) argues[SUP][14][/SUP] that those wolves that were more successful at interacting with humans would pass these traits on to their offspring, eventually creating wolves with a greater propensity to be domesticated. The "most social and least fearful" wolves were the ones who were kept around the human living areas, helping to breed those traits that are still recognized in dogs today.[SUP][12][/SUP]

You will never see wild dogs/lions/tigers running towards humans to be cuddled and pampered. On the other hand, all domesticated dogs (even the stray ones for that matter) clamour for attention. Have you ever seen a stray dog's puppy? It will follow you around everywhere. Also, they are not capable to survive on their own. They don't have the instinct to hunt and find their own food. Simply because they are not built that way. They will still stick around humans and look for dropped morsels or search in garbage dumps to find edible stuff.

I am totally against people who keeps dogs locked up in chains without any sort of exercise. But, in most cases, dogs are well loved and a vital member of the family.
Touching post. i knew about Hachiko.

Regarding inhumanity of man, if we start breeding like cockroaches (7 billion and counting), we will end up living and dying like 'dogs'. In my experience, densely populated palces like big cities are more indifferent to plight of others. Small communities, towns and villages seem more humane.
To add to above, dogs act weird if they are offered goat meat (I saw couple of videos, now in office, can't post link).
Also, I saw in Reddit that some dogs chase boats in water. They get tired and drown...
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