dog is more human than man

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kauzy said:
something i found... :)

who was the moron taking pictures...those kids would have been in danger had they slipped. brave and kind kids though....

O.T. Has someone seen Breed... all dog lovers shud see that movie...

The one about wild dogs? puts them into bad light IMO

another nice russian movie i saw about a retired military officer and his dog. the dog used to get on the bus and get food for the old man. story was very much like the hachiko, ending on a sad note. Movie name was Bim or Vim...not sure

Edit: Found it. White BIM the Black Ear ( Beliy Bim Chernoe Ukho ): Movies & TV

Saw it about 15 yrs back on DD :D
rapt0r said:
Watch some animal planet or wild discovery :D . Dogs does live in jungle's and hunt in packs ;)

buddy those are wild ones.

they have no resemblance to domesticated ones(except appearance).

if u take a puppy of them and try to make a pet out of him , u will be very sorry later. they will take place of "pack leader" and practically dominate u .

as told all unwanted characteristics have not been removed from them.

and u can practically forget bout teaching it to fetch balls/flying saucers. :rofl:

PS: experiments to domesticate cross between wolf and dogs have been carried out.

obviously , it turned out to be bad experiments.
Edit: Found it. [url= said: White BIM the Black Ear ( Beliy Bim Chernoe Ukho ): Movies & TV[/url]
Saw it about 15 yrs back on DD :D

that's a very rare find
^ It sure is...very touching movie. The good old days when DD used to show foreign language films...and good ones too. Saturdays I used to come home from school running for those movies.

about wild dogs? this will give an idea what they are YouTube - Planet Earth BBC ~ African Wild Dogs Chase

Best bunch of hunters I've seen. Really talented. Just watch they way they flank.
main_trouble said:
hey buddy nice to see u reply.

but i think u know don't bout dogs that much.
dogs are not a wild species.
they are actually a subset of wolf family bred specifically by man for help and companionship.they are not wild animals(like lion tigers etc.)

that is why u never see a dog far away from humans.
they are only found where humans are, they can't survive too far away from them.

thus u never find a dog dog living i jungle like a lion or a cobra.
(if u think u have seen dogs in jungles somewhere on discovery channel, they were wild dogs(completely different from domesticated ones) or wolf/fox/jackals.

in fact when dogs were separated from wolf family by man thousands of years ago , they slowly removed all unwanted characteristics(aggression etc) and kept all good characteristics like loyalty (a wolf pack is completely loyal to pack leader)

the dog actually sees his keeper as a pack leader and thus obeys him.
some inexperienced people may keep aggressive dogs(rottwieler etc) and soon the dog grows out of there control. this happens because the keepers were inexperienced and could not project themselves as pack leader to the dog, dog takes his chance at becoming pack leader himself.

if u clearly notice a dog actually consider only one person as his master , all others in the family are just buddies to him.

so my friend saying that dogs should be kept free is not right.
yes they need space to survive and must be given proper care.
again ummm to much lecture.

mallik_vas jus got OwNeD !!
thetoxicmind said:
Lol. Guess you don't watch much of animal planet !?

You mean they do or do not?

Check my previous post if you think they don't live in jungle. Dhole are the indian wild dogs....they are not found only in africa
Arya said:
You mean they do or do not?

Check my previous post if you think they don't live in jungle. Dhole are the indian wild dogs....they are not found only in africa

Dogs..the subject of this very thread..are domestic pets,a fact well known by all.

And the dogs 'in the jungle' you talk about are called Wild dogs..They may have been part of the same species but they are not the same !!!

So please don't confuse yourself with man's best friend & the wild carnivores..
Nepal Dogs honoured..


More on it:

BBC NEWS | In Pictures | In pictures: Nepal dogs honoured

Forever Faithful - Old Shep


Forever Faithful - Old Shep, Fort Benton, Montana

Faithful Dog Leads Blind Man 70 Floors Down WTC Just Before Tower Collapses


Faithful Dog Leads Blind Man 70 Floors Down WTC Just Before Tower Collapses

Death and a Dog's Devotion

Death and a Dog's Devotion (Part I): Loyal Dog Guards Master's Body for 2 Days, The Story of Scotland's Most Faithful Dog
thetoxicmind said:
Dogs..the subject of this very thread..are domestic pets,a fact well known by all.

And the dogs 'in the jungle' you talk about are called Wild dogs..They may have been part of the same species but they are not the same !!!

So please don't confuse yourself with man's best friend & the wild carnivores..

Dogs, Jungle and hunting was where am I getting confused? Wild dogs are not very distant cousin. just a different habitat and more of a 'pack' animal. Its not very different with street dogs.

I've seen them flank a bunch of monkeys. Though its a different thing that they were slapped many times in a matter of a minute. My dog was smart enough to retreat in time, get back home and continue barking.
yes that is truce even i love dog my mom and sister don't like u play with my dog name snoopy even my dad and me are responded for dog food and practice everyday traing about his life

but i gave the dog u my friend 5 year ago after my dad pass away :(
thats too bad man...someone mentioned about not keeping the dog chained.

I regret my decision of not keeping him chained. Tommy(lab) loved to run on with street dogs...import fleas. Dogs in my gully were more or less mine as they got all the food...they just stayed out. Tommy had privilege of eating better stuff and freedom of the gully.....

Some ba$%#&s stole him :@

We still have his plate and his house....hoping someday he'll run off and come back :(
Arya said:
Dogs, Jungle and hunting was where am I getting confused? Wild dogs are not very distant cousin. just a different habitat and more of a 'pack' animal. Its not very different with street dogs.

I've seen them flank a bunch of monkeys. Though its a different thing that they were slapped many times in a matter of a minute. My dog was smart enough to retreat in time, get back home and continue barking.

I meant the thread title ! which clearly states that the topic is about the normal domestic dogs.

So why bring WILD DOGS into the picture at all ???

And please compare the features of a wild dog & a domestic/stray dog to see the differences..:huh:

Wild Dog:


Domestic Dogs:

Arya said:
thats too bad man...someone mentioned about not keeping the dog chained.

I regret my decision of not keeping him chained. Tommy(lab) loved to run on with street dogs...import fleas. Dogs in my gully were more or less mine as they got all the food...they just stayed out. Tommy had privilege of eating better stuff and freedom of the gully.....

Some ba$%#&s stole him :@

We still have his plate and his house....hoping someday he'll run off and come back :(

That suxx man :(.
I remember my neighbours daughter had this Doberman whom she used to treat like a brother (she was the lone child). The dog ran away once while chasing stray dogs and came back like 36 hrs later, the girl didnt have any food till the dog was found :no: . Thankfully the dog was found and she was holding the dog and crying and scolding the dog. That dog was clearly a part of the family to them.

Ave been trying to persuade my parents to keep a dog but they dont want to take any responsibility (My mom is like who will wash his litter, who will bathe him daily, who will get his food, the dog will make the house dirty) and stuff like that :(. If only I could keep a dog at my home :(.

Source ! Hindustan Times today !

Picture speaks larger than words ... Dogs are innately wild canines. Humans forced them into submission. Something similar to what US did to Iraq


Let the debate continue !
mallik_vas said:

Source ! Hindustan Times today !

Picture speaks larger than words ... Dogs are innately wild canines. Humans forced them into submission. Something similar to what US did to Iraq


Let the debate continue !

hey man what is there to see?

dogs( i don't mean those wild ones) are not at all wild animals.

eg-> u can capture those mischievous monkeys and then release them in wild.

they will survive there.

but cant capture and release dogs and release them in wild , they will not be able to survive.

that is just a mischievous dog troubling a monkey.

there are many mischievous people(i know some of them :rofl: ) in this world too.

start calling them wild people?

come on bro.

this topic was bout dogs, their humanity , loyalty.

why are u misleading and hijacking the thread into a useless discussion?
but cant capture and release dogs and release them in wild , they will not be able to survive.

As I mentioned earlier. Dogs are more of a pack animal. Leave the team in the jungle and they'll survive. Nankyoku Monogatari is an example. However hunting is an art what wild dogs have mastered over many generations. So change will not be immediate. Upgrade the team slowly from a less dangerous game to one with bigger predators and they will adapt. It will be very difficult for even lion or tiger if it is dumped into the wild after 5 years with humans.

On the other hand monkeys are natural at trees. Their habitat(tropical forest) has plenty of food and very few predators to worry about.

About dogs being forced into submission, Unlike any other animal dogs love being pampered and at center of affection. It was mutual need which first allowed humans and dogs to come together for hunting. Human, ofcourse being the smarter one figured how to control them.
i dunno hw many of u ave owned dogs , but since ive ha many over the years ive found sum facts that may astound u..

Dobermans who have ben painted as the ultimate badass thing on 4 legs to be near ur home are actually the ones that have the closest attachment to the family...and specially kids....they have this innate quality...they will bond with the smallest member of the family and will even try to keep a watchful eye on it...
This quality was seemingly missing in the smaller sized aka "more friendlier" dog breeds.

YES dogs are Wild.....but for domestic dogs ull see that wildness when the dog will be protecting u from other creatures that may pose a treat 2 u or ur family...Family/master First......this is the general rule unless u got a cat for a dog
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