Dragon Age 2 - Discussion Thread

Re: Dragon Age II

Gannu said:
^Likewise some may find the last battle in Mass Effect 1 hard - the trick is to advance the levels by playing as many side missions as you can.

Hell no RPG can come close to Demon's Souls in terms of the sheer difficulty levels. :p

Ram have you played Dragon Age: Origins? Or did you directly jump to Dragon Age 2?
You said that right. DS is the hardest RPG ever developed.
@damn: thanks. Many share the same opinion on the game and being an AAA title as well. I think I'll give this a shot sometime later. As such I have a never ending list of backlogs. Will add the 2 titles to it as well. :p

The only downside being with RPG games like Ram pointed out is, we tend to spend a lot of time with them. Although I think both Mass Effect 1 & 2 took me not more than a fortnight to complete.
Try a backstabber build w/ weaps that boost backstab damage. Insane DPS with the right passively activated skills on. At higher difficulty, since mage AOEs hit allies, rogues dish out the highest damage.

As I mentioned earlier, I play all games on normal difficulty mostly. But yeah with friendly fire on, higher level assault mage would be useless. Hmm does it mean that if a mage heals all, it also include enemies in tough mode?
@ everyone playing DA:Origins : positioning is the most important thing in battle, period. Pause at the start of battle, take a good look around. Move your archer & mage away from the enemy DPS, make your warrior draw aggro/stun, keep healing with mage, and most importantly, save before every battle (I didn't do this the first few times I played, and I paid the price).

My preferred specializations :

Mage : Spirit Healer / Arcane Warrior

Warrior : All of them are good, depending on the role of your warrior.

Rogue : Bard / Assassin / Duelist (Again, depending on the role - Archer or Melee)

If this is your first playthrough, I'd recommend a 2H warrior, easiest class to play, good damage output and can tank too.

After I finish DA2 I'm gonna try Origins solo on Nightmare (People claim to have done it).
Finished second playthrough as well... damn i didnt know tht u get a new character if u pick mage instead of the rogue or warrior... third playthrough with mage :D... also y are all the guys n gals bi in dragon age 2 ??
Nextworld - I called them on Wednesday. Was informed that this was being made available only with Crysis 2 on 25th and I get a mail in the evening stating that it has been dispatched :D
Game looks great with dx11 !! But does stutter at times on my rig. Will update drivers to 11.4 (?) and check.

Gannu, send me your 6950 :D

EDIT: The 11.4 Preview drivers do make a difference !! That is the one to use for DA2. Will know how well it does in Crysis 2 on Monday :p
Some aspects improved some made worse. I'm still laughing at how mages dance when they use regular attack, they prolly work out more than the warrior class.

Just started the second playthrough, should be fun if I cheated to level 50 right away. Dagger damage seems to be working right this time around.
Freaky said:
Game looks great with dx11 !! But does stutter at times on my rig. Will update drivers to 11.4 (?) and check.

Gannu, send me your 6950 :D

EDIT: The 11.4 Preview drivers do make a difference !! That is the one to use for DA2. Will know how well it does in Crysis 2 on Monday :p
Where are the 11.4 drivers? AMD's website is showing 11.3 as the latest drivers
Freaky said:
What bugs did you come across ?
Mostly related to combat. First and worst of all - the slow motion bug. Hawke started to attack in slow mo while in combat. Happened with my Mage Hawke. Then, started another playthorugh with a Warrior and followed some workaround posted in Bioware forums. And it was gone. But, sometimes enemies started attacking in slow mo. Which was fine with me :bleh:

Second, this wierd bug where my Warrior Hawke will stop attacking in the middle of combat. Then, he will turn around, run for a short distance and let out a cry and then just stand there. He wont attack anymore unless I re-engage. Nobody else seems to face this issue. Raised a ticket and said they are looking into it.

The party sometimes wont attack once they killed one enemy. Even though, I have set the tactics, they are very disobedient and wont follow orders. :no:

Then, massive frame rate drops occasionally. Would drop to 10-15 and suddenly go to 40-45.
I wouldnt be able to click on a Character to start a mission. Example, Sebastien's mission. Reinstalled and went away.
Lots of crashes in DX11.

But, all these bugs aside, I love the game. Yes, they have made some changes which I dont really like - combat and dialogue. But, the game is fun.

Mephistopheles said:
Where are the 11.4 drivers? AMD's website is showing 11.3 as the latest drivers
11.4 Early Preview