Dragon Age 2 - Discussion Thread

Weird that I did not face any such except the occasional frame rate drop.

Already past the 40 hr mark and am only in the 2nd act !! Started Merill's quest just now - the only side quests left in this act. Completed all the others. No fun in pursuing the main quest alone. Got to say that dialogue between party members is downright funny at times - especially Varric and Isabella :lol:
It was Nice to see Bioware Trying to do different in the game with 10 years span and game revolving around hawke. However i feel they rushed the game.

I hated the Wave of enemies and repeated enviroments used.

Other wise the game was decent but could had been better
It is just a rushed product and simplified i would rather say .

The game is just easy as to compared to Origins.

Mass effect 2 removed the RPG elements while DA 2 simplified but in a bad way.
wow, started playing this on the PS3 and i am liking the experience.
Never thought RPG's would be this good on console. I had given this a go on the PC and didn't like but on the PS3, its good.
controller based assigning of commands is a breeze once you get the hang of the shortcuts and good load times of the game :D
puns said:
wow, started playing this on the PS3 and i am liking the experience.

Never thought RPG's would be this good on console. I had given this a go on the PC and didn't like but on the PS3, its good.

controller based assigning of commands is a breeze once you get the hang of the shortcuts and good load times of the game :D

I guess you need to play more jrpg then
Completed Dragon Age II and a couple of DLC's as well. :hap2:

My thoughts on DA II vs DA I:

1. I liked the story of DA I way better as it drew me more into it. I just felt more attached to the entire way the story spiraled it's way through the levels in DA I. This is not to say the DA II story isn't good, it very well is, but just that DA I's story was more riveting. Again, this is my personal opinion based on my feel of the game.

2. Combat in DA II IMO was much easier when compared to DA I. Hell... those huge overwhelming battles against the hordes of Darkspawn enemies in DA I are no more. It's much more manageable here. The attack-choice interface is well laid out. Choosing and changing attack modes while in combat and at the heat of a major boss fight is done in a cinch. This had to be good because otherwise it would nullify the very aspect of a deep rooted combat mechanism in such a stellar title like this.

3. The environments in this game are nice and sprawling with good variation of terrain. Travelling between different places on the map was seamless. No gripes here.

4. Customization of squad members in DA II vs DA I is a tad less (specially when trying to change armor packs of squad members which one cannot do here!). But I guess sometimes keeping things simpler is better.

5. The weapons and armor packs are great in this game as well.

6. Dialogue choosing in this game is easier as the game clearly tells you which choice is aggressive and which one is more subtle. Being subtle and reasonable is the way to success and choosing the aggressive dialogue options has it's own consequences often times leading to fights. Good thing the main character actually talks this time around!

7. The dialogues in-between squad members are something I must mention here. When your traveling around the map with your squad members the conversation they hold at times in-between them is hilarious at times. At times I would delay my load out into the next area's of a map till they finished their conversations as I was so engrossed in listening to them! The wittiest chat's are usually between Isabela, Aveline and Varric. Anders is a bit on the brooding side mainly but nevertheless his conversations are thought provoking at times.

So there you go, this was also an epic game and took me quite a while to finish along with the DLC's.
DLC's that I played are: 'Legacy' and 'Mark of the Assassin'. Both were pretty good actually but I enjoyed MoTA more.

Oh and damn... Isabela was so friggin' awesome!! ;)
Playing DA2 felt... sterile, as compared to DA1. While the first game had its share of flaws (AoE spell damage to ur own team at normal difficulty!) it also had a truly EPIC storyline that made u feel a part of something huge!!

DA2 has some remarkably good hack n slash gameplay, I think Bioware were foolish to leave out the "epicness". Had they just followed the ME2 route, DA2 would have been LEGENDARY (

oh well... guess they can just make up for all this in DA3 n us fanboys would go nuts nd forget all about all this ::heh::
Nice write up SIre, now I suggest you can play The Witcher 2 and experience another level of EPICNESSSSSSS!!

Seriously do check it out, might just draw you in and it looks much better too.

Thanks my friend.

I will surely play Witcher 2. I just started Skyrim a couple of days ago and Skyrim just feels so massive!!