Dragon Age 2 - Discussion Thread

#Black_Hawk enjoy the game Sire, it truly is massive [like hugely MASSIVE], it has a fair share of problems but the Mod community is already cracking and there are a vibrant set of packs which can improve the graphics shaders, the texture packs, body animation etc. etc.

The Witcher 2 is a more closed door affair, but true to its RPG lineage you make a lot of tough choices, for upto 16 endings and the combat is much more frantically paced.

Though the facts that sold me into The Witcher 2 was the earlier game [The Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition] + the price at which the Premium Edition came into India ~ 1499/- [it is a must buy at that price].

Safe travels, and keep your eyes in the sky.
# All the Witcher 2 lovers - If only they married Witcher2s graphics with DA1s story and call it DA3!! I'd die and go to heaven

I hope bioware releases some epic DLCs for DA2, regain some cred... AND RELEASE DA3 PRONTO!!!