Dragon Age 2 - Discussion Thread

Re: Dragon Age II

- The dialogue system is basically saying yes in 3 ways.

1. nice and poline

2. sarcastic(merill chips in her part here)

3. rudenesssss

No depth in combat unless the difficulty is set to Nightmare (to turn friendly fire on).

combat is a joke compared to the 1st part

overall, game not worth wasn't worth the moolah. guess homefront would have been a better buy
Re: Dragon Age II

Hmm Spent my weekend playing the game. Since approx 16-17 hrs were spent in 2 days, I liked the game. People have been complaining much about the game, but it worked for me. The easier difficulty (I play on Normal difficulty only) was a bonus, I felt the original was too harsh on non-regular RPG players. The graphics are noticeably much better, especially spell graphics.

The original game had a better main story line, but this one had much better sub-plots. And yes I agree the environment gets boring after a while, I guess they are planning to milk the DLC's. I think the biggest improvement is friendly AI, I think this has improved leaps and bounds since the 1st part (The 1st part, had a very flawed tactics system where friendlies used to get stuck a lot in logical conditions, this version I have not come across those frustrations). I think Bioware should continue this strategy for Dragonage franchise, and let the depth of harcore RPG elements either to the Baldur gate franchisee (is easily the most insanely complex RPG I have played) or Neverwinter night franchisee..

Also to one of the posters, Crysis 1 was such a boring game, apart from graphics I hardly enjoyed the game.
Re: Dragon Age II

Going through the reviews it looks like a case of the developer / publisher milking the success of the previous game rather than working on a proper sequel :(
Re: Dragon Age II

You cant satisfy everyone. They made DAO pure rpg style and all the non-rpg guys were complaining about the diffuculty. Now, they have made DA2 more action styled and all the rpg guys are complaining. Cant blame Bioware for setting a very high standard in Origins.

I havent played the game and I cant wait to get my hands on it. Frankly, I dont care about all the negative reviews. I know I will spend atleast 40 hours in it.

BTW, has anyone who preordered it from intencity got the game yet?
Re: Dragon Age II

Okay, I'm stuck. Shit no no no, this is the reason I quit Dragon Age Origins halfway, there comes a battle, which even at lowest difficulty I cant beat.

I'm at the DEEP ROADS. There's this BIG STONE CREATURE with BONES and SHINY SKELETON. Can't beat it, can't. This is bad. No cheats to get past it. Anyone help?
Re: Dragon Age II

check youtube. there are videos of how to beat the boss. it was tough but happened after couple of tries.
Re: Dragon Age II

Dude that Rock Wraith has all of 3 attacks, one where it rolls, one where it sucks the characters in and one where it moves to the center of the level and shoots lightning. All of these attacks have a huuge buildup (you can see them coming like 5 seconds before they trigger), all of them can be dodged by moving your party behind a pillar. After the attack where it's at the center of the room, it falls down and summons more rock wraiths - It's most vulnerable at this time, get your DPS chars to do damage when it's in this state, but move away immediately after you kill all the other wraiths.
Re: Dragon Age II

Okay, I tried some cheat on my save, but I screwed up. Didnt take a backup, my some 9 hours gameplay is gone.

Anybody with a save from the DEPP ROADS? I'm desperate now.
Re: Dragon Age II

I jus started Dragon Age origins 2 days back :facepalm23: ..I m never a fan of RPG games but recently developed an interest in them...

I find dragon age incred****ibly hard! I jus get my ass pawned everytime n a big fight!

Any tactics advice on how to approach a battlefield for a newbie player!??

Btw I play as a human mage currently lvl 7.I m yet to unlock my special ability, so suggest me which is the best for a mage!

P.S. Morrigan is hAWTe!! I always twist up my conversation to please her :p
Re: Dragon Age II

^Likewise some may find the last battle in Mass Effect 1 hard - the trick is to advance the levels by playing as many side missions as you can.

Hell no RPG can come close to Demon's Souls in terms of the sheer difficulty levels. :p

Ram have you played Dragon Age: Origins? Or did you directly jump to Dragon Age 2?
@ Gannu

Oh sorry I ve actually jus started Dragon Age origins and not Dragon Age origins 2 (dumb me :p)..The story is really keeping me pinned to the game..But I have to hand my ass over to the AI in every big fight! :p

I m playing human mage..I ve jus unlocked my special ability..Which one should i choose Shapeshifter,blood mage,and 2 more??

So you are suggesting that I should try to finish as many side missions as possible to keep my lvl up??
^I haven't played it either so I can't answer the query. :ashamed:

Not been an RPG fan but I loved the Mass Effect series (and perhaps Borderlands and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series as well if those can be counted as semi-RPG titles). Probably realised it late than there is an awesome genre called RPG out there. :lol:

But yeah, playing side missions is considered very important in this genre. Will help you level up the character and gain other resources.

I realised it late just like you..I ve always been an FPS whore + some actin adventure titles..But then Mass effect opened me a new door into the world of RPG..Never really understood what the genre was before, and I used to bash all the RPG gamers out there..

And the titles like fallout3,Never winter nights,ES Obliv which used to belong to the lame lame-game list, have now started appealing to me so much! But i jus cant find enuf time to play RPG games(Damn they consume too much time!)

P.S Am jus too scared to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series but loved the eerie atmosphere and it made me wanna play the game, although it jus blows my fear meter into the water!
Gannu said:
^I haven't played it either so I can't answer the query. :ashamed:
You are missing out on a LOT. Dragon Age is quite possibly one of the greatest RPG ever, it EASILY beats Mass Effect 2.
ram_dante said:
I m playing human mage..I ve jus unlocked my special ability..Which one should i choose Shapeshifter,blood mage,and 2 more??

So you are suggesting that I should try to finish as many side missions as possible to keep my lvl up??
Pick any, the game is highly replayable. You wouldn't get bored nor would you exhaust the ending possibilities even after you played each of sub classes per playthrough. Also if this is your first time, play with the lowest difficulty settings and get used to the pause based combat.
I would reckon "The Witcher" as one of the best RPG's done in recent years. Well Dragon Age is quiet good, but in story wise its quite a downer to me. It was just a generic good v/s evil stuff.
Ram: As a newbie, take the warrior classes. the mage classes are very in-effective early on, and will frustrate you. Have 2 mages and 2 warrior classes in your party (Rouges I found to be useless). And gather experience by doing the side quest. Also try to use the tactics as much as possible to your style of play..
Aces170 said:
(Rouges I found to be useless).
Try a backstabber build w/ weaps that boost backstab damage. Insane DPS with the right passively activated skills on. At higher difficulty, since mage AOEs hit allies, rogues dish out the highest damage.