not sure if this has been posted already, but found deals on xtreamer:
eBay India: New Xtreamer HDD Media Player Full HD1080P WiFi MP3 MP4 (item 120528293473 end time 17-Feb-2010 08:00:00 IST)
it is available over here for 8290/- with the wireless receiver , and shipping is free. It's actual price is around 10k with the receiver on this forum, on ebay it was around 9.3k (shipped from singapore).
Seagate 500 gb external:
eBay India: Seagate Free Agent Go 500GB Portable USB Hard Disk (item 260550253149 end time 17-Feb-2010 08:30:00 IST)
4390 shipped. 5 yrs warranty. 52 pieces sold already
(in a span of one week!)
HP 4gb ultra slim pendrive:
eBay India: Ultra Slim HP 4GB Pendrive - 4gb pendrive / 2 Yrs Wrnty (item 260550253600 end time 17-Feb-2010 08:00:00 IST)
450 shipped, 88 sold already!
These were listed under deals of the week, but somehow, that part of does not show on the webpage, everytime you load
eBay India: New Xtreamer HDD Media Player Full HD1080P WiFi MP3 MP4 (item 120528293473 end time 17-Feb-2010 08:00:00 IST)
it is available over here for 8290/- with the wireless receiver , and shipping is free. It's actual price is around 10k with the receiver on this forum, on ebay it was around 9.3k (shipped from singapore).
Seagate 500 gb external:
eBay India: Seagate Free Agent Go 500GB Portable USB Hard Disk (item 260550253149 end time 17-Feb-2010 08:30:00 IST)
4390 shipped. 5 yrs warranty. 52 pieces sold already

HP 4gb ultra slim pendrive:
eBay India: Ultra Slim HP 4GB Pendrive - 4gb pendrive / 2 Yrs Wrnty (item 260550253600 end time 17-Feb-2010 08:00:00 IST)
450 shipped, 88 sold already!
These were listed under deals of the week, but somehow, that part of does not show on the webpage, everytime you load