eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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How many PMPs you're collecting? :S

I remember you had bought Samsung P3 also.

And damn!! I missed this deal, I wanted to buy this. :(

ajab.ghajab said:
I managed to get hold of this. Just in time :P Was in such a hurry that I later felt I should have bought the Micromax mobile instead of opting for the 500 off. But what the heck, needn't be too greedy, it was selling at 14250 yesterday this time.
^ I didn't ever buy Samsung P3. I probably might have been checking its features, but no I didn't end up buying it.

As for PMPs - the funny part now. I DON'T use PMPs at all. Nah, nothing :D All these iPod Touch[es] that I purchase are for my non-eBay friends who are either too lazy to come online or too worried to use their credit card :P I am a shopaholic and this gives me the satisfaction of making a purchase without actually spending any money, and best part, the points accumulated on my credit card convert to cash :D
ajab.ghajab said:
^ I didn't ever buy Samsung P3. I probably might have been checking its features, but no I didn't end up buying it.

As for PMPs - the funny part now. I DON'T use PMPs at all. Nah, nothing :D All these iPod Touch[es] that I purchase are for my non-eBay friends who are either too lazy to come online or too worried to use their credit card :P I am a shopaholic and this gives me the satisfaction of making a purchase without actually spending any money, and best part, the points accumulated on my credit card convert to cash :D
and how do you make your CC payments? through a cheque from your account?
MohitPreet said:
u shud better know it , u r the khojguru king :P
Lol thanks for the award. BUQXQ4BRCY no longer work now. Well just ordered 3 set of New DESIGNER SET Knife Set Give Look to UR Kitchen 270585249839
wishmaster.dj said:
and how do you make your CC payments? through a cheque from your account?
Are you trying to get into some tax issues? I ask the folks for whom I buy to pay it to my credit card online.
ajab.ghajab said:
Are you trying to get into some tax issues? I ask the folks for whom I buy to pay it to my credit card online.
then its cool! yeh, i was about to get into that.

one of my friends asked me to buy stuff for him (more than 17k), and was offering me cash. Thats where i learnt this lesson
^ Best thing is to look around your house for small things [as in cheap, a diamond ring is small but not cheap :P ] which need repair / replacement and search the same on eBay.
^ Khojguru has discount coupons for 150 off on purchases of 500 and above on NEW registrations on eBay. So if you create a new account and use the coupon given by Khojguru, you get the discount.
HailStonE said:
So new reg. coupon doesn't work after 24hrs. or maybe 48hrs since the a/c was created two days back...

Just a tip.. :)
Hey i created a New account and wasnt able to log in for a few days. Now i cant use this coupon code. Is there any other way i can some discount like any other coupon codes?
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