eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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Any opinion on this one:

New NoTouch 640GB Elite Mobile Hard Drive +Headphone

^ Their own website doesn't mention a 640GB model. That being said, this is a relatively new company with no track record.

NT2800 Elite

If you are looking for a 640 GB portable, why not opt for a Transcend one? I believe Anuj is selling one. Alternatively, you can opt for the 500 GB DOWs.
The phone only carries 3 months of dealer warranty, which is as good as none. You seem to be in the same city as the seller, why not meet up directly and see what he has to offer. You might also get it for lesser since there won't be eBay fees. He would be getting around 23,885 for the phone via eBay. May be slightly lesser too.
looks nice and has only 1 negative rating (which the seller reported to ebay :S)

Also seems to have lots of desires available. You may go for it.
all my 15 new fake accounts on ebay have been banned now , saying ur account uis suspended , dont know wat happened , had created only last week
connect said:
all my 15 new fake accounts on ebay have been banned now , saying ur account uis suspended , dont know wat happened , had created only last week
LOL! Was any information duplicated between the accounts? I mean did you have 15 cellphone numbers and 15 addresses? :O
Desecrator said:
LOL! Was any information duplicated between the accounts? I mean did you have 15 cellphone numbers and 15 addresses? :O

One cellphone number can be used for 10 ebay accounts IIRC. And all my accounts have same address. No account suspension yet. :)

EDIT: Ordered Seagate 7200.12 1TB from dvdstoreindia ebay store for 2915 shipped. Khojguru rulez :D
^Even I was wondering, if the members of the same family had different accounts, would that be justified? :ashamed:
Now eBay no longer accepts the same phone number for multiple accounts. It has to be a different number each time.

Desecrator said:
^Even I was wondering, if the members of the same family had different accounts, would that be justified? :ashamed:
Allowed, but on different numbers.
none of my information was right that i entered , just random addresses and random tel nos , dont know wat happened , all were made from diff ip addresses as well , :(

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

i thought that after i had ordered things on ebay from that idfs , i wud email or call the seller to give my correct address and tel no , to ship it to my place ,

didnt work

i am off ebay now , i m ot going to waste time making ebay ids , someone rightly said , time=money and i can earn money some other ways as well

good bye ebay :)
agantuk said:
Now eBay no longer accepts the same phone number for multiple accounts. It has to be a different number each time.
Allowed, but on different numbers.
You can always give Random Mobile numbers! :P Lol I usually change the last two digits of my number while registering multiple accounts! :P
varkey said:
You can always give Random Mobile numbers! :P Lol I usually change the last two digits of my number while registering multiple accounts! :P
;) That's what I do. I even check with COAI for genuity :P
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