eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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Its a cable that looks great from outside, but has terrible disturbance and some handshake issues with the TV. I got four cables from this dealer last month and every one of them turned out bad (different problems), he then sent replacements out of which one again was bad. I was thankful that three worked in the end.

I think he buys seconds lots from China and sells then at such cheap rates.

rocker123 said:
SOM1 said:
the coupons are account locked .. itzmydamnlyf how you could help karitoli ?? I am curious !!

he paid the money to my bank account and i bought it through my ebay account applying the coupon... simple dude..
Bought an unlocked Huawei E1732 7.2 MBPS USB Modem today using the 150 off coupon...

1225 + 110 shipping = 1335 - 150 coupon + 1185 Rs...
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