eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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Guys, on one of my shipment from ebay seller, the blue dart tracking was showing "the item is in transit" till afternoon and now it says

"Contact Customer Service"

is there anything to worry?
^ Happenned to my packages many times, mostly when the packages are delayed beyond the expected delivery date. But it gets delivered in a day or two without any problems.

do u get the same msg in status?

plz do tell me weather i have to go to their depot to some sort of inspection after calling them or i just call them and they will deliver
^ I've got a variety of messages like yours and I usually don't do anything and it gets delivered in a day or two. Just call their customer care and they will tell you the exact issue.
Higher CLASS please... I am thinking CLASS 10...

I've heard that with class10, even though the transfer rates are high, access times are too slow. So while it may be good if you regularly transfer large files between pc and phone etc. a slower class with faster access time might actually be better for phone performance.
Class6 seems to achieve a decent balance. Sandisk's Mobile Ultra seems to be a fast class6 card. Not sure how Samsung's class6 compares to it.
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