Done with Breaking Bad S3 - moving to S4.
I'm watching it slowly. Just 3/4 episodes weekly along with the regulars - BBT. TAHM, Castle, White Collar etc.
Eagerly waiting for the 'flying dragons'
Eagerly waiting for the 'Red Wedding'
Done with Breaking Bad S3 - moving to S4.
I'm watching it slowly. Just 3/4 episodes weekly along with the regulars - BBT. TAHM, Castle, White Collar etc.
Eagerly waiting for the 'flying dragons'
Person of Interest S02E15.
More blue screens. And some old villains are back.
And next episode is directed by Jonathan Nolan himself. :yahoo:
Thank you for mentioning the show here. It is awesome, I was looking for a new series and this is it. From the moment I looked at its intro on youtube, I was mindblown. And yeah Watch Dogs seems to be inspired from this show.![]()
@Ankush Avoid all comedy shows with background laughter in it. If they really believed their script had the balls to be humorous, the background laughter cue to remind you to laugh won't be there. It trains your mind to laugh at jokes which are not even there.
I agree with the hate against laughter tracks. I believe all shows should stop using it. I wish a great show like Seinfeld was available without the annoying laughter tracks.
Btw you do know that these live audiences have a big board saying "LAUGHTER" or something which lights up when the audience is suppose to laugh and that's how everyone laughs together.
The Big Bang Theory does not use laughter track. It is performed in front of live audience. Everything you see is a set.
Can't believe some people still don't know about it.
I don't think that is the case with TBBT, they had to change the lines for each take (first video, just after 7 minutes) to make audience laugh.
Thanks for sharing this information no idea about it as such .The Big Bang Theory does not use laughter track. It is performed in front of live audience. Everything you see is a set. Can't believe some people still don't know about it.
Fun fact: Larry David actually asked the audience to stopped "wooing" when the characters made their entrances into the scene as it was screwing with their timing. So one of the season (3 or 4) starts off with the typical sitcom "woo";s and then suddenly they stop.
If they really believed their script had the balls to be humorous, the background laughter cue to remind you to laugh won't be there. It trains your mind to laugh at jokes which are not even there.
Agreed totally. It's actually quite irritating when directors wants me to laugh whenever he wants.They used canned laughter apart from the live, just hear some of the background laughter when Sheldon is around. They use a mix of both.
It's a psychological trick TV has employed to slowly sensitize the audience to certain kind of jokes. It also makes it for easy viewing as you don't have to "get the joke" or think much about it, the laughter itself will cue you that something funny was said, but it's not the case with many of the scenes they do, they are so bland and void of any humour.
Community is far better than the TBBT, and they don't require any such tricks to make me laugh. All they need is good script and acting.
LOL @ the comic strip, but it's actually quite true. TBBT 1 was actually good & kinda felt different. But later it started sucking eventually. Just putting up geek word doesn't make any show geek-humor. Penny knows shit about acting. Later seasons started sucking so bad, sometimes I just used to fast forward. Now I have totally stopped watching it. And Community is miles ahead, one should't even compare it with TBBT. But TBBT is a lot famous in India compared to Community because everyone here wants to laugh on so called geek-humor :-/I cannot get on the TBBT bandwagon. Someone called it Nerd Blackface and I have to agree with them. It seems to be making fun of what people think nerds behave like. Most of the "jokes" just seem to be name dropping/references to something that sounds geeky.
Thanks for mentioning Life. Crime/Drama/Mystery, it's totally seems my type.PS: After that episode, if anyone is looking for another show that has Sarah Shahi in it, watch Life. Complete at two seasons and a pretty good show.