English TV series discussion

half the jokes only geek can make relate to - They are not jokes but just topics which a geek knows. A mention of any super-geek topic which is not understandable by general audience is a joke? And the general audience laughs at that because they don't know about it, i.e. they are laughing at the character for being eccentric rather than proper script writing.
Nah, I think you need to watch more of the series, it is perfectly scripted humor based on geeky concepts. How is enactment of Klingon mating ritual not funny? There are so many countless instances where Star trek universe is hilariously depicted as being entwined into the daily life, which is partly true for any sci-fi geek.

I really like Community series, but I never relate it to a geeky personae because it is largely not. Why are we even comparing the two series, both are brilliant, but I really cannot understand people who keep complaining of TBBT because "it makes fun of geeks". It is anything but that, infact the person to be ridiculed the most on the show is Penny who is non-geeky. It's a comedy show, and will have people being ridiculed at. For eg in community Abed might be considered geeky, and he is a butt of so many jokes in season 1, so does that make community anti geeks?
I feel POI has an uneven pace in the second season, and the writers have resorted to some old school tricks to keep the pace interesting. Nevertheless, it continues to be an interesting watch.

Just don't want to be left with an finale like that of the first season with a big what next
I feel POI has an uneven pace in the second season, and the writers have resorted to some old school tricks to keep the pace interesting. Nevertheless, it continues to be an interesting watch.

Just don't want to be left with an finale like that of the first season with a big what next

Well, the show has been renewed so expect a cliffhanger. And season 1 ended on almost perfect note.

What do you mean by uneven pace btw? There are arc episodes in the second season and I have a feeling that we might get more of that due to the colourful rogues gallery.
Although I have not completed the second season , but I dont think there is anyone who has absolutely "nothing to do with the realm's political leanings"

Yes, they don't. It has been repeated over and over in the first two seasons too. They don't care who holds the political office and which wars the "kings" fight within the realm. They only come to the realm to get recruits and supplies, and they're not ashamed to even beg for it, because they know that their real worth lies elsewhere.

They are like border patrol (and much more), but are run independently.
Well, the show has been renewed so expect a cliffhanger. And season 1 ended on almost perfect note.

What do you mean by uneven pace btw? There are arc episodes in the second season and I have a feeling that we might get more of that due to the colourful rogues gallery.
I mean, not all episodes are exciting, unlike the first season where there was a common thread running for the large part of the second half of the season, and where the momentum kept building from the 6th to the last episode. Here, the first 3 were good, followed by a series of slow paced episodes, and then it picks up again towards the 10th episode, to drop again by the 13th, and now it seems to be picking up as we approach the finale. Only question is which streak they use for the finale, as now there are multiple tracks that they can choose to close with.

I also feel that in this season Reese has been reduced to just a guy with combating skills with little to no use of the brain.
Finished with Jericho. The show was really good. Although it does end soon in season 2 as it was cancelled. The ending is not much of a cliffhanger but yes the viewer would want more. Just note that there are 2 alternate endings and one is more of a cliffhanger and other is less off.
I read about netflix trying to revive the show and all but that was one year back article. Seems it is not happening. Hope a movie or something comes out to end it in a very satisfactory way.
But yes all in all i loved the series.

Why do i get a feeling that crap shows (no names i have) continue while good ones are many a times cancelled soon.
Just don't want to be left with an finale like that of the first season with a big what next

You will be actually. There are so many holes that they have to close that it won't be possible to have a finale what you're wishing for. I would've felt the same if it was the last season of the show, but since there will be another and more I guess, what's wrong with having a cliffhanger as far as it's done good?

Every great epic series with multiple books/movies/seasons has at least some sort of cliffhanger hanging around, that's what makes them exciting.
There seems to be a little bit of discrepancy when it comes to the weapon combat in Person of Interest. I'm not sure if it's intentional or a flaw being over-looked. For instance, in the 5th episode of the first season (Judgement), there is a sequence when Reese is attempting to break and enter one of the Polish mobs hideout. However, Drost (the blonde Polish thug), enters the location, spots Reese and clumsily fires his weapon and misses Reese at a point blank range. Mind you, at this distance, even a kid with a BB gun wouldn't be able to miss the shot.

Then there's episode 3 "Mission Creep":

This is a shootout immediately after the final bank heist between Latimer and the gang. Reese draws his weapon, which appears to be an Uzi and starts spraying a barrage of bullets towards Latimer and not one shot connects. I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish. If he was trying to scare him away or just ridiculous aiming. I can't believe the latter to be true, as he's served in the army.
@Ethan_Hunt I agree with that, the fighting scenes in PoI are not realistic enough. The way I see it is that Reese is some kind of modern Superman, not in line with the rest of the show at all. I watch it just because the story is interesting and there are enough twists and turns to keep it engaging in the long run.
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@blkrb0t: Yes. The plot is interesting enough to keep you busy, while these smaller elements fall out of place. Also, I haven't really got the chance to know Caviezel as an actor, aside from his astounding performance in The Passion of the Christ, but is his voice always this coarse?
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@blkb0t, I was referring to the finale from a different perspective (the long wait for the next season), otherwise the season 1 finale was good.

The show does require a leap of faith with both Reese and Finch being super humans in their respective fields. Reese can't be killed and there isn't a system that Finch can't hack into, but what I do not get is why Reese is so stiff throughout. It isn't like he is so because of his personal loss, as he was stiff in the military too.

Right now I see three possible tracks one (or more) of which could be picked up for the finale:

  1. The Machine possibly getting impacted due to the virus uploaded by Stanton
  2. Root striking back
  3. Harold's name was given to Stanton before she was killed, so there might be something to do with that
Can anyone suggest some TV series which do not require the viewer to always stay attentive ? Like the mystery and all types of series require one to always stay glued at what's happening to avoid missing something important.
But need some casual type ones where even if you miss out on parts in between, it does not matter.
I am looking this for my wife.
@blkrb0t: Yes. The plot is interesting enough to keep you busy, while these smaller elements fall out of place. Also, I haven't really got the chance to know Caviezel as an actor, aside from his astounding performance in The Passion of the Christ, but is his voice always this coarse?

Early episodes of PoI were quite shoddy, no doubt. However overall quality has improved greatly.
As for Reese's voice, Jim has said that Reese is a secret agent who is working in busiest and crowded city in the world. I think it was during ComicCon panel.
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@blkb0t, I was referring to the finale from a different perspective (the long wait for the next season), otherwise the season 1 finale was good.

The show does require a leap of faith with both Reese and Finch being super humans in their respective fields. Reese can't be killed and there isn't a system that Finch can't hack into, but what I do not get is why Reese is so stiff throughout. It isn't like he is so because of his personal loss, as he was stiff in the military too.

Right now I see three possible tracks one (or more) of which could be picked up for the finale:

Its rather exciting to see what they choose as the finale. Though I have to agree the pace is rather uneven. They have pulled out so many threads out that they can very well have a long arc along with "PoI of the week". But still we get episodes like 2.17 where many of us wud have guessed long before the end.
@Ethan_Hunt - The mistakes you pointed are many and in every other episode. Normally lost between the story elements. I still remember Resse intro into the show.

Look at the video at 1:55 I know its just nitpicking but really struck me as odd. The guy on the right wearing beanie is shown to be just standing there.
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2.17 Proteus
I knew who the killer was. I just liked the way they revealed it.
Who am I kidding, I thought the FBI agent killed the people and then handled those cases himself. Didn't thought he tracked the FBI agent and killed him.