English TV series discussion

Rome's second season gets interesting progressively. There is no hard core action like Spartacus, but the drama is top notch.

Polly Walker! :greedy:

I know. But for some reason I was not able to commit to it. May be it's the pacing, but since I have the next week entirely free, I'll probably watch it in a marathon session.
Watched a few episodes of Big Bang Theory at a friend's place, had to sit through those horrible jokes. It plainly sucks, no where near Community or Archer, and the fake laughter just ruins it. It's like the audience they claim to be really laughing are on drugs. PR bullshit, the fake laughter is overdone on the show, at least Seinfeld kept it decent. Someone says a reference to Linux, ahahahahahahaahsAHAHAHAhA, what the F-HAHAHA.
Watched a few episodes of Big Bang Theory at a friend's place, had to sit through those horrible jokes. It plainly sucks, no where near Community or Archer, and the fake laughter just ruins it. It's like the audience they claim to be really laughing are on drugs. PR bullshit, the fake laughter is overdone on the show, at least Seinfeld kept it decent. Someone says a reference to Linux, ahahahahahahaahsAHAHAHAhA, what the F-HAHAHA.

Wow, never seen someone so pissed at the show! :p
Watched a few episodes of Big Bang Theory at a friend's place, had to sit through those horrible jokes. It plainly sucks, no where near Community or Archer, and the fake laughter just ruins it. It's like the audience they claim to be really laughing are on drugs. PR bullshit, the fake laughter is overdone on the show, at least Seinfeld kept it decent. Someone says a reference to Linux, ahahahahahahaahsAHAHAHAhA, what the F-HAHAHA.
You haven't seen Penny yet right ?
You haven't seen Penny yet right ?


Cue background laughter: HAhahHAHAhAHHoHoHOAAHAHA

Penny is hot. But if I wanted to watch just dames on the show, I would rather pry on Annie and her "boobs" on Community, or just ogle Christina Hendricks on Mad Men.

The jokes as a whole are pathetic on the show, and the background laughter is aimed to hide that fact. There are some good jokes, I agree, but the ratio of them to the lame jokes is pretty low. They just mention something "geeky / nerdy", and we have background laughter. It's not even situational humour or a try at making a joke, but just mentioning something out of ordinary.

I don't like the show because it's entire premise is based on stereotyping smart people, a hot blonde girl (to please everyone else), and a guy with Asperger’s, who apparently doesn't act like one.
I have seen Community first 2 episodes the comic in that show was plain boring , typical British Comedy same with Modern Family one has to literally measure there laugh and laugh its that etiquette
I have seen Community first 2 episodes the comic in that show was plain boring , typical British Comedy same with Modern Family one has to literally measure there laugh and laugh its that etiquette

I think none of the show you are mentioning are British show or have any slight humour that's any near Britain...
Modern family is a very nice show and its totally american from character to all situation they have created and for community I don't need to tell you anything but it's best comedy right now...
Like some people thing arrasted development a boring show but you need to set your mind for that show,if you hate a any one a little bit it will become boring as each character has it's own weight,for example my friend can't stand son in law...
I have seen Community first 2 episodes the comic in that show was plain boring , typical British Comedy same with Modern Family one has to literally measure there laugh and laugh its that etiquette

Community a British comedy? Did you watch Community or some other show? And Community doesn't stick to one format of story-telling, they've done so many "themed-episodes" that I cannot even write down all of them here. One caveat is that you'd have to watch it from the beginning as the characters have growth and back-story to understand the jokes later on. It's not a run of the mill comedy where you can catch any episode in between, you have to watch at least the first season completely to get the mood set in.

Give Community a watch, I would say go on till the Paintball episode in Season 1 and then decide. Community is more nerdy, has more jokes (that are actually scripted), meta-humour, mock-humour, and adopts other shows/films/formats like no other.

The quality dipped a little in the current season (though the previous 2 episodes were decent), but it is still the best comedy on TV now.
Give Community a watch, I would say go on till the Paintball episode in Season 1 and then decide. Community is more nerdy, has more jokes (that are actually scripted), meta-humour, mock-humour, and adopts other shows/films/formats like no other.
Paintball episodes, stop motion Christmas, space simulator, video game episodes are few of the best episodes. Really Classy
Paintball episodes, stop motion Christmas, space simulator, video game episodes are few of the best episodes. Really Classy
Not to mention mockumentary themed episodes following some very famous documentary formats, the alternate timeline episode (with the best being the dark timeline), pillow fort vs. blanket fort, the chosen plumber storyline, and many more. And some of the best jokes/moments are trapped in the after(during) post-credits scenes.

The next episode is supposed to be a puppet based episode, lets wait and see how it goes.

The Big Bang Theory tries desperately to be about Geeks and makes fun at them, whereas Community is for Geeks and caters to them without mocking.
A person at another forum that I frequently visit once correctly posted -

"The Big Bang Theory is (falsely) about geeks while Community is for geeks.

Edit: Oops, I didn't read blkrb0t's last post before posting mine.
Oh and by the way guys, Penny isn't that hot. Alison Brie would eat her for breakfast. Watch Brie's Complex magazine's photo-shoot and don't forget to clean up afterwards!
Is Community on the lines of 'The IT Crowd' - the UK series? I had heard rave things about that show too but it didn't appeal to me at all.

You have to watch it from the beginning, it's one of those kind of shows, even though it's a sitcom. The characters are fleshed out slowly over various episodes, and they're mixed-and-matched with each other in each episode to develop the inter-relationships.

It's hard to compare it to any other show as it has made its own brand of humour (mostly meta). It uses so many varied formats and scripts that it's not easy to compare it down to just one show.
The problem I find with Community is the inconsistency with some of it's characters. Britta, for example, has been turned into a complete wacko compared to her role in the first season. I'm not sure why Shirley is even among them. The group vastly ignores Pierce (and his shenanigans), when he does a much better job than Shirley. Troy & Abed have a great bond and co-ordination, however, they have thrown that out of the window, in the current season, by pairing Britta with Troy. It's a ridiculous decision. Annie shows real promise in the episodes which requires her to be in a character role.

The only consistent characters I find on the show are Abed, Jeff and the Dean. They stick to their characters and portray them flawlessly. Danny Pudi, especially, is a genius. He always manages to deliver when it comes to solid comic performance, knowingly or unknowingly.

This is why I loved the first season. It was fresh, it had characters you would really connect with and the humour was spot on. But there is a vast difference between then and now. You would either love, or absolutely loathe some of the episodes. The last good and probably the best episode on the show was 'Digital Estate Planning' from season 3. I couldn't watch the last 2 episodes of season 3 and decided to move onto season 4. It was after watching the first 3 episodes did I decide to call it quits. I'm sorry, but the show's quality has taken a complete nose dive. For those who still continue to like it, good for you. But to me, this show is dead.
@Ethan_Hunt I think Britta's character has seen the best change since season 1. In the beginning she was acting just too smart for whatever she was worth, and she was in a Community college after all. She's come down to what she really is, I don't mind her wacky ways.

Pierce Hawthorne has been the most complained character on the show, and with valid reasons. He was vastly neglected in the third season and was just reduced to a racist-sexist-old-fart, but the previous episode in this season builds up his character and sets up to provide a decent farewell. The remaining part of the season is going to put Chevy's character in perspective, considering he has finished his duties and taken his leave.

Dany Pudi is a great actor, but I see that he's not trying that much hard recently. Abed's character has gone stale, they need to get new perspective. Cool, Cool Cool Cool won't just do.

The first season was the best one, the second and third tried some new things and some where great, some just average. The fourth season premiere was a dud, the next episodes less than average, but the previous three episodes were on par with some of season 1 and 2's episodes. There are still a few episodes left this season (only total of 13 this year), one of which is written by Jim Rash (plays the Dean). I find it to still be the best sitcom on air, apart from a few other animated ones.

It has lost its initial charm, but it ain't lost it all.
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