English TV series discussion

Season 3 episode 8. I can't seem to get an alert when you tag me for some reason. How's season 6 going?
I Season 6 started yesterday. Just getting warmed up. Too much surprises in the first episode though.
You are lagging. :)

Also I just love the way they introduce the Season Finale everytime with that song
Carry On Wayword Son - Kansas
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I Season 6 started yesterday. Just getting warmed up. Too much surprises in the first episode though.
You are lagging. :)

Also I just love the way they introduce the Season Finale everytime with that song
Carry On Wayword Son - Kansas

I'll probably binge it next month during my vacation. For now, the progress would be slow.
There was a lot of plot development though. In fact, I think it wasn't slow, but actually rushed a little bit to get to speed on the main action.
Totally agreed here !

Randomly watching SP episodes. This damn song makes me ROFL everytime :
How is Under the Dome?
Thinking of starting it, but needed some review about it.... Last ep. of 1st season is to be aired soon, will download it collectively then.
Finished Buffy's season 1. And I'm starting to realise why some people call it pioneer of many modern day TV series tropes.

Will visit Season 2 after some time though. Haven't been able to watch movies due to involvement in TV shows.