English TV series discussion

And a shitty finale it was .. even I stopped following the show after a few seasons but damn did they screw up the send off that each character deserved ..
Bates Motel is fantastic. The actors are all well cast and the Lead - Freddie highmore(Norman Bates) delivers a great performance as Dr jekyll and mr hyde. Sweet in tone and mannerisms, but when his troubled self unleashes hell, he is scary. I got goosebumps watching his performance last episode.
Finally watched House of Cards season 2, the pacing was better than last year and was satisfying to watch the plot unfold.
It's also a bit depressing to know that these are the kind of people that run most governments. Selfish, ego driven people with zero empathy who indulge in power struggles while the general population suffers.

Lots of potential for season 3, we've seen him play games at two levels now but it's going to be interesting to see what he does as the President.